One Year-Progress Pics!!

Wow girl thanks for the detailed response!!! I am definitely gonna try this technique !!! Especially since I have an 8 month old, I can't do the whole process in one sitting :yep: Just curious why do you bun to 80% before you rollerset? Does it help get the roots straighter? or does it help avoid breakage?

After one day of airdrying (Friday) my hair is usually almost dry yet still damp which is ok since It dries completely on rollers Friday night.
It looks silky and hangs heavily down your back. Those are two marks of beautiful, healthy hair. You have given your hair great care. Congratulations on your wonderful progress!
I love pics with tats on the back. Makes it easier to actually SEE/measure the progress and boy do you have some!
Congrats!!! That is the same feat that I am currently undertaking...I feel that if I can reach APL, I can do anything!!! Thanks for the update!!!!