A year of progress...Pictures are the truth!

Wow you are almost at Brastrap! Congratulations girlie!!!

I'm trying. Hoping to be bottom of bra strap by end of the summer and mbl by xmas. This site has been great in showing me women of all textures who over time have grown healthy long hair. I wish more women would be receptive to this sort of forum.
I rarely ever post, but I have subscribed to this site for several years now. In 2007 I cut my hair really short and started a photo journal spring 2008. I wanted to show progress pics because I know threads are worthless without pics. I hope to be mbl by the end of this year.

The first picture my hair was at the bottom of my neck in a layered bob.

Thank you to all the ladies who have been a part of this site for over the last five years.

I'm a 4a/b. relax once every 12-14 weeks.

Weekly Regimen

1x wash and deep condition (either air dry or sit under the dryer and let hair dry hanging straight)
1x co wash and deep condition (either air dry or sit under the dryer and let hair dry hanging straight)
Product Junkie
MT user at least 7 days week out of a month (hard for me to remember to use)

I believe that I was able to retain length becauseI finally understood what my hair needed - moisture.

Great growth! What do you use as a moisturizer?
That is some serious.....and I do mean SERIOUS growth!!!!

Very inspirational. It really does help to have pics like these to look back on and see just how far you've come. You've definitely inspired people simply by posting these pics today. Thanks for sharing, and keep up the GREAT work!