One Year Anniversary! (Progress Pic in siggy)

How am I doing ladies? I joined LHCF one year ago this month, however I began my healthy hair care journey in Oct. 2006. The pic in my avatar is the beginning of my journey, chewed up ends and all! The pic in my siggy was taken this evening, 1 yr. and 4 mo. later. I have not had any cuts or trims and my uneven ends have almost caught up with one another! It's like they were in a race for the finish line...BSL! :lachen:

So tell me, how'd I do as a "newbie?"
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Hey welcome I know its late, The is beautiful, Your hair has really grown You have done great and on your way congrads thanks for sharing
Fabulous progress looks like u already BSL, your hair looks GREAT!:grin:...I'm right behind u,my anniv. is next...hoping I retained all 6inches as well:yep:
impressive, so give us the details, what did you learn?

Well, I think the most important thing for me is taking total control of my own hair care. By this, I mean steering clear of any salons. Don't get me wrong, all salons aren't bad. I just think that if anything goes wrong, I have no one to blame but me and I'll know exactly what was done to it!

I wash and DC weekly, moisturize regularly (although I admit I don't do it daily), hooded dryer or air dry, flat iron only on wash day, use satin doo rag and bonnet nightly, self-relax (just recently went from no lye to lye relaxer). That's about it. Keeping it simple is the key...along with having patience.
I need to dig to find old pics for sure. I only found one wet/beach hair.

But girl, now you are right up there with another favorite BabygurlNC!

I hope I'm as successful as you, I started my journey around the same time as you.
