One Year After The Big Chop!


Well-Known Member


Thank you for LHCF for helping my hair grow. Keeping it simple has definitely helped my natural hair thrive!!!

My pictures suck because I don't know how to take pictures of myself with a camera. But you guys get the points!

More (bad) pics!


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Gorgeous hair! I was about to get jealous then I realized you had a lot more hair than I did when I cut mine.
Gorgeous hair! I was about to get jealous then I realized you had a lot more hair than I did when I cut mine.

Thank you! Yeah, I transitioned for 11 months. I tried to hold out another month but i couldn't. But i still had a decent amount of hair to work with
AWESOME!!! What is your regime and what type of products are u using?

Thanks! I just cowash when I feel like it which isn't often now that it
s cold. I try every 3 days. I just cowash with V05 or Trader Joes Nourish Spa and then slab some hemp seed butter on my hair. I sometimes use the Sunsilk Anti-Frizz on my hair before the hemp seed butter if I feel like taming my hair a bit. I only comb under the showerhead before i wash with condition. No heat. I think that's it. Boring but affective.
Congrats, your hair has grown loads and looks really pretty :)

ETA: (just checked out your album) Hang on, are you my hair twin?!
hey congrats! your hair looks great! how i read your routine... what do you do on days you don't cowash... i'd like to cut down cuz i cowash everyday... how do you get 2nd & 3rd day hair?
Your hair is beautiful. I needed some more inspiration to keep transitioning.

(take a look at your fotki again-I'm just saying I hate when people notice something and don't tell me):blush:
Your hair is beautiful. I needed some more inspiration to keep transitioning.

(take a look at your fotki again-I'm just saying I hate when people notice something and don't tell me):blush:

omg thank you! i thought i got rid of all of those! the way i'm going I'll never be president :spinning:
hey congrats! your hair looks great! how i read your routine... what do you do on days you don't cowash... i'd like to cut down cuz i cowash everyday... how do you get 2nd & 3rd day hair?

Wow is that your hair in your siggy?? gorgeous!!!

I usually just wear my hair in a ponytail every day :( I haven't masted 2nd day hair if i want to wear it out. So usually ill just spritz the front with water and spritz the ends of my hair and use hemp butter lightly to make the pony tail look fresh
Congrats, your hair has grown loads and looks really pretty :)

ETA: (just checked out your album) Hang on, are you my hair twin?!

Rainbow! I used to stalk your hair journal! I definitely think our hair is similar, your pictures helped me so much during my transition! I wish i could get a handle on my camera to take pics of my curl definition.
Rainbow! I used to stalk your hair journal! I definitely think our hair is similar, your pictures helped me so much during my transition! I wish i could get a handle on my camera to take pics of my curl definition.

Aww, I'm glad I could help :)

Does your camera have a macro mode? Usually a flower symbol. This is for closeups. I have the best luck when taking pics in daylight, with macro mode, and holding the camera very very still. That, or get a tripod ;)