One woman took off her makeup for a month...

Butterfly, yea get you a Clarisonic girl, you will not regret it!

Ultimately, I believe that if we are wearing makeup, we should be doing it strictly because we want to, and not because we think we have to do it out of obligation to other people. I started hearing a certain theme in a couple of the posters that seemed to say that women wore makeup to please other people--ladies, I personally have been delivered from folks! Praise God!:grin: There ain't nothing that I do or don't do to satisfy folks, 'cause folks are never satisfied regardless of what I do!:spinning:

Makeup is a funny thing in the Black community...I can remember growing up, I would experiment with it as a my girlfriends, and most girls in my 'hood (Queens, NY) weren't into much makeup, it was almost a taboo for some of them. But when I went to my 50% white H.S., well then it was different, girls there were rocking all kinds of crazy 80's makeup!:lachen: The point is, I was fascinated with it, but my peers at home weren't feelin me. I put it on 'cause I liked it.

Moral of the story, Do YOU! It's not about pleasing men, being accepted or not accepted. Folks are gonna talk, maybelline or no maybelline, so if maybellline is what you want to put on at 7 AM on your way to work, help yourself! But keep it all in balance. As it has been stated, the inside is where your beauty is really coming from. What you do to your hair and put on your face is simply the finishing touch.
Life is short, if you want to put a little makeup on, put it on. I don't wear a lot of makeup but I wear eyeliner and eyeshadow because it makes me feel more like a lady when I wear it. I don't think anyone should feel bad about it. Every woman knows what to do to make herself look great so if that means adding on a little makeup, don't deny yourself.

If you don't recognize yourself when you take it off though that may be a problem,lol.
Butterfly, yea get you a Clarisonic girl, you will not regret it!

Ultimately, I believe that if we are wearing makeup, we should be doing it strictly because we want to, and not because we think we have to do it out of obligation to other people. I started hearing a certain theme in a couple of the posters that seemed to say that women wore makeup to please other people--ladies, I personally have been delivered from folks! Praise God!:grin: There ain't nothing that I do or don't do to satisfy folks, 'cause folks are never satisfied regardless of what I do!:spinning:

Makeup is a funny thing in the Black community...I can remember growing up, I would experiment with it as a my girlfriends, and most girls in my 'hood (Queens, NY) weren't into much makeup, it was almost a taboo for some of them. But when I went to my 50% white H.S., well then it was different, girls there were rocking all kinds of crazy 80's makeup!:lachen:

The point is, I was fascinated with it, but my peers at home weren't feelin me. I put it on 'cause I liked it.

Moral of the story, Do YOU! It's not about pleasing men, being accepted or not accepted. Folks are gonna talk, maybelline or no maybelline, so if maybellline is what you want to put on at 7 AM on your way to work, help yourself! But keep it all in balance. As it has been stated, the inside is where your beauty is really coming from. What you do to your hair and put on your face is simply the finishing touch.

Excellent Post, Joy... :up:

@ the bolded. This is a very interesting statement. I remember as a teen, and even now, that most makeup was made for White women. It was a longggggggggggg time before "Black" was MAC instead of Wack.

It was always 'too light' or too red. Nothing to truly compliment our beautiful complexions. I always knew when it was time for Church because my grandmom's face was always light brown from the powder she had on her face. :lol:

I'm simply being real. It was her sincere effort to get dressed up, the same as 'we' do today. It's just that back then, my grandparents didn't have the MaC advantages that we have today.

I love my grandmom. :love2:

There were two pancakes in my grandmom's life. The ones she cooked for breakfast and the other was 'pancake' makeup that she applied to her beautiful skin, just to feel dressed up.

We've really come a long way with makeup that finally blends with our skin, but now only not to wear it. :lachen:

And I loveeeeeee my Clarisonic.... :love3:
LOL at "pancakes" Shimmie, and you are so right...we've come such a long way in terms of finding colors that compliment us...and then I still hear sisters say that they sometimes still struggle with foundations and powder color. Truly, MAC did change a lot for us, but isn't it kinda sad that Fashion Fair wasn't the one that broke us through? Fashion Fair is the one that was ALWAYS too orange or too red for me!!!! They of all companies should have gotten it right!

Excellent Post, Joy... :up:

@ the bolded. This is a very interesting statement. I remember as a teen, and even now, that most makeup was made for White women. It was a longggggggggggg time before "Black" was MAC instead of Wack.

It was always 'too light' or too red. Nothing to truly compliment our beautiful complexions. I always knew when it was time for Church because my grandmom's face was always light brown from the powder she had on her face. :lol:

I'm simply being real. It was her sincere effort to get dressed up, the same as 'we' do today. It's just that back then, my grandparents didn't have the MaC advantages that we have today.

I love my grandmom. :love2:

There were two pancakes in my grandmom's life. The ones she cooked for breakfast and the other was 'pancake' makeup that she applied to her beautiful skin, just to feel dressed up.

We've really come a long way with makeup that finally blends with our skin, but now only not to wear it. :lachen:

And I loveeeeeee my Clarisonic.... :love3:
LOL at "pancakes" Shimmie, and you are so right...we've come such a long way in terms of finding colors that compliment us...and then I still hear sisters say that they sometimes still struggle with foundations and powder color.

Truly, MAC did change a lot for us,

but isn't it kinda sad that Fashion Fair wasn't the one that broke us through?

Fashion Fair is the one that was ALWAYS too orange or too red for me!!!! They of all companies should have gotten it right!

You are so right about Fashion Fair makeup. I couldn't wear it either. Their chemical base was orange; especially in their lip colors.

Fashion Fair tried their best; it was all about capital. If they had the funds for labs and improvements and better marketing, they would have been what MAC is today. :yep:

I feel sad when I see Cover Girl making money off of Queen Latifa, and Nutrigena making fortunes off of Gabrille Union; Revlon making money off of Halle Berry and Beyonce'. The only persons getting the money are Queen, Halle, Beyonce' and Gabrielle, for they are getting a salary for doing the commercials.

However, these companies still aren't doing enough for 'AA's as they could / should be. Queen and Gabrielle and em' are just 'bait' to get us in there with our money.

These are just some of the things I think about. I mean what out of that money comes into the Black community as opposed to out of the community. Another reason for me not to wear or spend a fortune on makeup. :yep:

I love seeing these girls prosper (the actresses in the commercials), they're working hard, but there's no real reward in it for Blacks as a whole. Neither in the product nor the profit. :nono:

We need to have our 'own'.... there's no reason why we can't.

If Coco Diva, starts a makeup line, I'll start wearing it again. :yep:

I mean, why not? She has the wonderful skills. But I'm not touching my eyebrows. :lol:
Aight then, I guess we got a challenge for Coco for 2010! Miss Coco, I hope you see us talking 'bout you...

Community development (more like kingdom development) is one of my secret much greed and abuse of power in our society...Everyone has game; they want to take your dollar, but don't want to reinvest a dollar in the communities that are making them filthy rich...but alas, that is a topic for another day.
Aight then, I guess we got a challenge for Coco for 2010! Miss Coco, I hope you see us talking 'bout you...

Community development (more like kingdom development) is one of my secret much greed and abuse of power in our society...Everyone has game; they want to take your dollar, but don't want to reinvest a dollar in the communities that are making them filthy rich...but alas, that is a topic for another day.

Alas, my sister.. Alas! Another topic, another day.

Coco Diva's Makeup Line...

Coco Sheers for Coco Browns... :gorgeous:

Now for my Coco Beauty Sleep... :sleep2: :lachen:

Sweet Sleep Lady Angels.... Sweet sleep. Your makeup will keep. :Rose:
I rarely wear Makeup. I don't like that way it feels on my face. But thank G-d I was blessed with great skin so when I do I just put on a little lipstick. But I am all about the skin care. that is where I am the product junkie. I like makeup I love having it in my house but as far as wearing it everyday I don't. Also I am kind of lazy too. I find it a chore to get up and put on makeup everyday. I would win this challenge easy
Alas, my sister.. Alas! Another topic, another day.

Coco Diva's Makeup Line...

Coco Sheers for Coco Browns... :gorgeous:

Now for my Coco Beauty Sleep... :sleep2: :lachen:

Sweet Sleep Lady Angels.... Sweet sleep. Your makeup will keep. :Rose:

I see when I leave the CF board I get called out..A makeup line that would be something..and if it would make the beautiful divine Shimme wear makeup again well..idk..

I sleep sounds so good right now..if only I could has been a newborn nephew broke out of the for his debut..Im soo happy..
I like wearing's a girl thang:grin:

I don't wear foundation much...but, I do wear eyeshadow, eyeliner and mascara. I wear a nice lipliner and lipgloss.

Love it...and it doesn't take away from who I am and whose I am.

Do you, Boo! (ok, ok..Shimmie..I heard you:lachen:):rofl: :rofl:
well if u're not wearing it for other people, why do u take it off at night? why dont u do it on weekends or nights you stay cozy at home alone? or keep it when you go sleep?

then its not for u. It cant be for you anyway unless you spend your day looking at urself in the mirror lol

u have a mirror on ur desk to take in the "beauty" that is ur made up face? then its not for you lol
Mamita, I don't wear makeup to impress anyone. It is like clothing. Do you dress to impress other people? If so, then this argument may apply to you, but it doesn't to me. I dress in what flatters me. It doesn't matter if other people like or don't like what I am wearing...I try to always look the way I want to look. Same thing with makeup. It is applied as an adornment, NOT TO PLEASE ANYONE ELSE. It is about personal style, really and expressing one's own self.

BTW, I wash makeup off at night the same way I take off my work clothes when I get home...I am not going to wear a business suit and heels to sleep.:lachen:
that's the whole thing, if you're trying to wear something that flatters urself that's not humble
1st timothy 2 9: In like manner also, that women adorn themselves in modest apparel, with shamefacedness and sobriety; not with broided hair, or gold, or pearls, or costly array;
10: But (which becometh women professing godliness) with good works.

proverbs 31 30: Favour is deceitful, and beauty is vain: but a woman that feareth the LORD, she shall be praised.

as for adornments everywhere u see it in the bible it's relating to sin egypt or harlots, same thing with paint make up

Jeremiah 4:30: And when thou art spoiled, what wilt thou do? Though thou clothest thyself with crimson, though thou deckest thee with ornaments of gold, though thou rentest thy face with painting, in vain shalt thou make thyself fair; thy lovers will despise thee, they will seek thy life.

1st peter 3:3Your beauty should not come from outward adornment, such as braided hair and the wearing of gold jewelry and fine clothes. 4Instead, it should be that of your inner self, the unfading beauty of a gentle and quiet spirit, which is of great worth in God's sight. 5For this is the way the holy women of the past who put their hope in God used to make themselves beautiful.

no i dont dress to impress other people i dress in what covers me enough, dont wear pants or cleavage or tank tops. I only think of covering myself when i shop or dress
and why would you adorn something if you're content with it?

u must be content with it enough since when u get home u take it off, but not when u're in front of people... yet u say u dont adorn for anyone else

adorning is to enhence, why you enhencing with make up what u have? do u enhence all day even when "not anyone else" is around? if not its FOR everybody else

Its sad you dont think u can express urself with just your lifestyle, and bare face

as for style
1st John 2 :15: Love not the world, neither the things that are in the world. If any man love the world, the love of the Father is not in him.
16: For all that is in the world, the lust of the flesh, and the lust of the eyes, and the pride of life, is not of the Father, but is of the world.
Ok, this conversation has officially gone in a direction that it wasn't meant to go...When I say that I dress in a "flattering" manner, all I mean by that is that I dress in clothing that suits me. Nothing more, nothing less. The implication that that statment would mean that I am dressing in an "enticing" or "lustful" manner is unfortunately an incorrect assumption. If you knew me, you would know that I skew very conservative and modest in my apparel. (And much to my own "detriment" because most of my friends think I dress "old!")

In an earlier post I did say that I felt like I look better with makeup on than without, I readily admit that. What I am hearing you say in your replies is that you feel that if a woman wears makeup she must be discontent with her appearance and wanting to please other people, for, to be content with one's self, you would not need makeup in the first place...that could be true of many women...but tell me this, if wearing makeup = discontentment, then why are so many women wearing makeup and discontent and not wearing makeup and discontent? Makeup isn't the issue in your argument love. And sadly, I think you have a slightly distorted view of makeup and adornment in general. There is nothing wrong with women expressing their femininity in wearing makeup and wearing pretty clothes. Now if you want to twist what I am saying and go off into extremes, I can't stop you. But I think I have been clear in stating that we exercise balance in all of this.

Your opinion is noted.
all im saying is makeup is not of God

if you want to be a christian woman that represents God everyday all day and doesnt represent the world there are things you dont do, dont wear, etc...
all im saying is makeup is not of God

if you want to be a christian woman that represents God everyday all day and doesnt represent the world there are things you dont do, dont wear, etc...
This is such a funny saying:lachen:...oh, my goodness.
I rarely wear Makeup. I don't like that way it feels on my face. But thank G-d I was blessed with great skin so when I do I just put on a little lipstick. But I am all about the skin care. that is where I am the product junkie. I like makeup I love having it in my house but as far as wearing it everyday I don't. Also I am kind of lazy too. I find it a chore to get up and put on makeup everyday. I would win this challenge easy

You called me out... I'm 'lazy' too. :giggle:

But I have to say that not wearing makeup has made me more aware about my skin care.
I see when I leave the CF board I get called out..A makeup line that would be something..and if it would make the beautiful divine Shimme wear makeup again well..idk..

I sleep sounds so good right now..if only I could has been a newborn nephew broke out of the for his debut..Im soo happy..
Congratulations on your new Baby Nephew! :happydance: :love3: :yay:

And yes, Girl, I'd wear your 'Sweet Coco' Line of makeup. :yep:

Now don't get me started on new shoes.... got me about over 100 pair. :hide:
I like wearing's a girl thang:grin:

I don't wear foundation much...but, I do wear eyeshadow, eyeliner and mascara. I wear a nice lipliner and lipgloss.

Love it...and it doesn't take away from who I am and whose I am.

Do you, Boo! (ok, ok..Shimmie..I heard you:lachen:):rofl: :rofl:
I didn't say Nuthin' :giggle:

I'm innocent, I tell ya! I'm innocent.... :rofl:

But your eye makeup is beautiful. You helped me grow my lashes with the SAA (Saved Anointed and Appointed) :lol: and the Castor oil treatments. I have tons of clear mascara in my makeup case for new batches of the SAA.
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"Makeup is not of God..."

Jesus said something profound in the 15th Chapter of the book of Matthew. The Pharisees wanted to debate with Him because they saw the disciples eating food when they had not washed their hands. You see it was against the Law to eat before washing your hands, it was taught that by doing so, you made your food unclean.

Jesus answered the Pharisees and said, Vs. 11: "It is not what goes into the mouth of the man that defiles him; it is what comes out of the mouth that defiles..." Therefore, what comes out of the mouth is indicative of the heart of the man, and what he truly believes...

Sometimes we get caught up in faulty thinking in what really defiles and is "unGodly." Makeup is not what God is looking at when He looks at us. Now if you feel that it is not for you, so be it. Please don't be so quick to condemn other people, that's dangerous.
Mamita, I don't wear makeup to impress anyone. It is like clothing. Do you dress to impress other people? If so, then this argument may apply to you, but it doesn't to me. I dress in what flatters me. It doesn't matter if other people like or don't like what I am wearing...I try to always look the way I want to look. Same thing with makeup. It is applied as an adornment, NOT TO PLEASE ANYONE ELSE. It is about personal style, really and expressing one's own self.

BTW, I wash makeup off at night the same way I take off my work clothes when I get home...

I am not going to wear a business suit and heels to sleep.:lachen:

:lachen::lachen::lachen: Good answer :up:

But Ummmm, I have a 'slight' confession about this.... :sekret:

"Makeup is not of God..."

Jesus said something profound in the 15th Chapter of the book of Matthew. The Pharisees wanted to debate with Him because they saw the disciples eating food when they had not washed their hands. You see it was against the Law to eat before washing your hands, it was taught that by doing so, you made your food unclean.

Jesus answered the Pharisees and said, Vs. 11: "It is not what goes into the mouth of the man that defiles him; it is what comes out of the mouth that defiles..." Therefore, what comes out of the mouth is indicative of the heart of the man, and what he truly believes...

Sometimes we get caught up in faulty thinking in what really defiles and is "unGodly." Makeup is not what God is looking at when He looks at us. Now if you feel that it is not for you, so be it. Please don't be so quick to condemn other people, that's dangerous. said it! I'm sorry ya'll...but, I'm still laughing:lachen:..excuse me.