One of the coolest channels on YT!!

I discovered her a few day ago, I Favorited her African threading video. Very well made and good quality videos.

Whoooo Hoooo she's British. :grin:

Lmao I loved her sketch.

BLIMEYYYY that's mental :lol:

YouTube - Washing Children's Natural Hair and Exfoliating the Scalp

WOW - Her daughters hair is beautiful! ... More mothers should watch this and take note!

Hehe yeh that one was pretty funny. I also love the ones she does of her mother. I'm not Ghanian, but I can so related! lol.

I discovered her a few day ago, I Favorited her African threading video. Very well made and good quality videos.

Yes, it looks like she puts a lot of effort into her videos!
I subscribed! I learned something just by watching that video CLove posted :yep:

This might be common sense :look: but it never dawned on me to start my braids (for when I'm washing in sections) an inch from the root!
this really is a great channel.i love her skits i hope she does more of them. as an african, i love it when 'african threading' is publicized :-)
Love it! I'm not natural but I do wash my hair in braided sections. Will start my braids about 1 inch from scalp next time. :-)
*subbs to thread*
Darn YT blocks on the offic pc won't let me watch the videos...I will check it out once I get home. :yep:
Oh she's from Ghana? LOL the accent she does for her mom reminds me sooo much of how my mom is but we're Nigerian :)

I love her skits.
I loved the skit, and her daughter's hair came out beautifully. I subscribed. Thanks for mentioning it.
lovely channel1 i remember getting my hair threaded as a child but there were no gaps, the entire length of my hair was covered with thread