Once you reach your goal length......


Well-Known Member
:grin: What is the first thing you will start or stop doing if you knew it wouldn't cause a setback. With me, before I started my journey, my hair never got shorter or broke off... it just stayed the same length or took forever to grow even an inch.

I would............
Stop tying my head everynight and just sleep on a satin pillowcase, I just really can't feel sexy with a headtie... or maybe I only won't tie it if i have company.
Do wash and goes all the damn time.
Get my hair trimmed with every relaxer instead of every other.... nothing like a relaxer and a trim to make you feel like a new person
Wear my hair loose more often.
Uhm... show off.:lachen:

I would probably still deep condition once or twice a week, rollerset, cowash, braidouts and moisturize because this has actually improved the way my hair looks and feels.
I'd do everything that I currently do to my hair.

Maybe skip a wash day or two here or there (I do that now anyways, lol) but this s a lifetime commitment for me.
Well I was at Full APL I thought? I had my hair cut 2"-4" yesterday all the way back to SL! The mid back of my hair was growing and catching up however, not fast enough! So, now that this has happend I will shoot for APL 12-31-08 and Full BSL 12-31-09! Still on track for my goal of Full MBL by 12-31-12 =)!

Sandy Rabbit your hair is so nice=)
ot: neith, I really think your texlaxed hair is beautiful. how long is your hair stretched?

Thank you :blush:

I wouldn't think you'd notice having that beautiful head of hair! :)

It's shoulder length in the front about an inch or two beyond in back.
Thank you highly favored. I also love your hair cut, even if you are upset with it. I think it looks blunt and lovely.
I will learn how to make those intricate buns that those ladies on the LHC do.
I want to learn how to do those too and a french roll, I can never get the hang of it.
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My goal is SL, but I think I will relax it and cut it into a bob!:lick: That is considered a setback by most, but I know I will be fly. It depends how I feel when I get there!
I will still wash and Deep Condition and sleep with a scarf or something satin, but I will Straighten more often, instead of once a month...
:grin: What is the first thing you will start or stop doing if you knew it wouldn't cause a setback. With me, before I started my journey, my hair never got shorter or broke off... it just stayed the same length or took forever to grow even an inch.

I would............
Stop tying my head everynight and just sleep on a satin pillowcase, I just really can't feel sexy with a headtie... or maybe I only won't tie it if i have company.
Do wash and goes all the damn time.
Get my hair trimmed with every relaxer instead of every other.... nothing like a relaxer and a trim to make you feel like a new person
Wear my hair loose more often.
Uhm... show off

I would probably still deep condition once or twice a week, rollerset, cowash, braidouts and moisturize because this has actually improved the way my hair looks and feels.

I concur!!!!!!:lachen::lachen::lachen::lachen:

I would do everything you listed!!!!!
My goal is SL, but I think I will relax it and cut it into a bob!:lick: That is considered a setback by most, but I know I will be fly. It depends how I feel when I get there!

So, true I went from APL to SL I telling you I kept on Harping on Rhiannia's hair all summer long! Now look at me I will not do that again:nono:,:nono:,! I glad that I went back to SL b/c now my hair can grow all even and nice!:yep:, I will only focus on BSL's!:yep:
So, true I went from APL to SL I telling you I kept on Harping on Rhiannia's hair all summer long! Now look at me I will not do that again:nono:,:nono:,! I glad that I went back to SL b/c now my hair can grow all even and nice!:yep:, I will only focus on BSL's!:yep:

Just to let you know, your hair looks so good like that!:yep: It is very even and pretty! I even wouldn't mind growing to your length, but not any longer:ohwell:. Very pretty!
I would let my hairdresser trim me. Right now, I haven't had a trim since mid-March. I dusted like a month ago and plan for my next 'trim' to be done in December or so, but I'll let my boyfriend do it so I can control how much is taken off.

Other than that, I'm not changing a damn thing, LOL. I don't protective style that much anyways and I have to sleep with a scarf no matter what (slept with a scarf since I was a kid...so it's a habit).
Wow, when I get to a healthy full MBL I will continue doing everything the same.. My regimen is pretty simple so I don't think I will be straying away from that..
I will learn how to make those intricate buns that those ladies on the LHC do.

That's the main thing that I will do - :look: - but I like protective styles, and if I'm not willing to risk this little bit of hair I have now with heat, there is no way I'd be whipping out the flat iron then........ I might wear it 'down' more often, since I suspect I'll like how it looks down better then. :yep: Otherwise, I'm gonna keep on keeping on!!!
My goal length is tailbone to classic length and i know that i will have to start wearing more protective hairstyles cause its takin me forever to get out of bsl....
I love wearing my hair down. So that is probably what I would do. My goal length is the length my hair is in my avitar. I am not trying to do too much if my hair gets longer ok. But I only want my hair back the length it was before I just wacked if off for no good reason.
I wouldn't stop doing anything...
in order for me to stick to some things I've done
it had to become a lifestyle change so...
low to no heat
no scissors
no stylists
daily co-washing
daily oiling
deep treatments twice a week
are all a part of my daily life
it would be hard for me to stop regardless of what goals I reached.
Once I reach my goal length of hipbone, I will continue with my current regimen except:
  • I will invest in more satin pillowcases so that I can sleep with my hair in just a loose bun sometimes, w/o the scarf and bonnet..gotta get my sexy back!
  • I will trim after every relaxer cuz I love thick ends.
I will no longer keep up with the DIY method. I plan to visit the salon regularly. I can't imagine putting in the time to take care of waist length hair.
I was thinking about this today. I would do those waves with the barrel iron like once a month. When I think about using it makes me cringe to think about all that heat but if I knew it would cause breakage, it would be once a month.

oh and trimming after each relaxer.
I would be more creative with styles
Wear my hair in BAA

Oh yes and show off just a tiny bit, not everyday you come across a natural 4a/b person with MB/borderline WL hair!
When I reach APL I would like to get a blow out every blue moon (2-3 months), and bun my hair. Also, I really like some of the braid outs I've seen. I also may have to sew a track in for thickness.