Once you reach your goal length......

When I reach APL I would like to get a blow out every blue moon (2-3 months), and bun my hair. Also, I really like some of the braid outs I've seen. I also may have to sew a track in for thickness.

That reminds me, i'd sew tracks in when i want to straighten my hair and add some colour. Temporary highlights in whatever colours i choose :yep:.
I am pretty much at my goal length now.

i am not changing anything. i still do what i do...

i am gonna straighten my hair most of the fall winter though....
im going to get a hair cut @ bsl, im not going to take off much length but i want my hair to have a shape. my hair is so so so so blah right now
The only thing i would do different would be wear my hair out more often. Everything else would be the same.
I would keep doing the same regimen because I believe the way to having healthy, long hair is to keep doing what got you there. :yep:

I already alternate from the silk pillowcase and scarf, so I won't change that. I would be more creative with styles. I currently wear my hair in twists and would love to have thick, long twists to the tailbone. :lick: I would wear it down more and in straight smooth styles. :lick:

Damn! I wish I were there already. Threads like these are driving me nuts! :spinning:
I would wear my hair more often....

And so no one thinks its a weave...I'd be sure to run my hair through the entire length of my hair...toss it here toss it there. Pull it up...(even if I just got it straightened) as they stare in envy...or think it looks so good it has to be a weave. LOL!
I would wear my hair more often....

And so no one thinks its a weave...I'd be sure to run my hair through the entire length of my hair...toss it here toss it there. Pull it up...(even if I just got it straightened) as they stare in envy...or think it looks so good it has to be a weave. LOL!

I would do the running my fingers through my hair too. lol. People might still think its a weave though with all the good weaves they have out there.:rolleyes:
Once I reach my length goal, I will straighten my hair.

Maybe try a dom. blowout.

Also, I can't wait until I can do a 'white girl' hair toss or bun 'shake out' in front all of the doubters!
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I am so sick of my Fu&%ing bun right about now.
I have been wearing it since October 07.
I'm 3 weeks shy of my first transition anniversary.
My relaxed ends are so straight I can't to squat with them
and I REFUSE to to do a BC.
When I reach MBL/WL natural, when not if, I will do Dominican Blowouts.
And I will do twist, braid-outs and corn rows.

I just can't wait.
I think my Transition-itis is kicking in:nono:
Wear a fro pony EVERYDAY (can't do that now, gotta protect those ends)

Flat iron probably once a month at least to really see the length

Wear a high set pony tail (AND SWANG IT)

My regimen is pretty simply already (PrePoo with Ghee, CW with HE, Moisturize and Seal w/ HE LTR Leave In and Castor Oil.. Twist. And DC monthly with Henna) So I probably won't change it.
When I finally get to WL, I'll trim it more often to even it up; have a less severe V shape.

I'll probably start wearing buns then. I like thick, full buns and I don't think mine are thick enough yet.
Good thread. (:
I would probably take less vitamins, wear my hair out more, and try new styles that require heat.
I don't think I'd stop doing anything else that I'm already doing now though
I'll trade in my sew-ins for buns, roller-sets and WNG. I don't think I'll be able to retain the length I get without protective styles , no heat and low manipulation.
I want APL so keep the no- low heat regimen.
I think I will continue to do the things it took to get to APL
:grin: What is the first thing you will start or stop doing if you knew it wouldn't cause a setback. With me, before I started my journey, my hair never got shorter or broke off... it just stayed the same length or took forever to grow even an inch.

I would............
Stop tying my head everynight and just sleep on a satin pillowcase, I just really can't feel sexy with a headtie... or maybe I only won't tie it if i have company.
Do wash and goes all the damn time.
Get my hair trimmed with every relaxer instead of every other.... nothing like a relaxer and a trim to make you feel like a new person
Wear my hair loose more often.
Uhm... show off.:lachen:

I would probably still deep condition once or twice a week, rollerset, cowash, braidouts and moisturize because this has actually improved the way my hair looks and feels.
I think this is only thing I'd do differently. When I finally reach WL, I'd keep it trimmed regularly. I just don't want longer hair than that.
I'll be the one running down stairs for no reason with my hair bouncing like a Pantene commercial.

I will also cw less, maybe every 3-4 days instead of every/every other day.

Make many vintage hairstyles(40s-60s)
I would use my hair to cover my breasts lol.

:lachen::lachen::lachen::lachen: That is too funny. I was thinking this too. I hope by my goal date (July) I will be a lot smaller in size. I plan to take a picture of me and my hair in the buff. At my size now, I would need a whole lot of hair:rolleyes::lachen::lachen::lachen::lachen:. BTW- I love your ends.
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I have 4-5 more inches till goal length so I will keep doing what I am doing and wear it down more. Oh yeah, more trim:yep:.
i really want to dye my hair a light brownish red color
but i just know its going to be bad for my hair :(
i'd only keep it for like half a year
I'd definitely wear my hair out more, right now I have hair paranoia that anything my hair touches will cause it to break off.

Wear different hairstyles as opposed to a bun or braidout.
:lachen::lachen::lachen::lachen: That is too funny. I was thinking this too. I hope by my goal date (July) I will be a lot smaller in size. I plan to take a picture of me and my hair in the buff. At my size now, I would need a whole lot of hair:rolleyes::lachen::lachen::lachen::lachen:. BTW- I love your ends.

Oh my gosh me too. :lachen:I 'm almost ashamed. I'm also trying to lose weight. Hopefully I'll hit my goal weight and goal hair around the same time. Can't nobody tell me a thing. Thanks for mentioning my ends. I was wondering if I might need to trim.
I would continue to do all that I'm doing now. My hair is thriving on my regimen and has become so healthy. I would be afraid to miss a beat.

I will learn how to make those intricate buns that those ladies on the LHC do.

I also would love to learn how to make fab buns and up-dos