On wash day~ How long does it take you to wash your hair until final styling?

It take me

  • Less than 30 mins

    Votes: 10 5.5%
  • 30 mins

    Votes: 8 4.4%
  • 45mins

    Votes: 7 3.8%
  • 1 hour

    Votes: 13 7.1%
  • 1 hour & 15 mins

    Votes: 8 4.4%
  • 1 hour & 30 mins

    Votes: 16 8.8%
  • 2 hours

    Votes: 23 12.6%
  • 2 hours and 15 mins

    Votes: 4 2.2%
  • 2 hours and 30 mins

    Votes: 17 9.3%
  • 3 hours or 3+ hours

    Votes: 90 49.5%

  • Total voters


New Member
From washing your hair until the last thing you do to it until you wash again. How long does it take?

It takes me about 3 -3 1/2 hours:perplexed

I wash for 15 mins with my hair in two
I condition for an avergae of 30 mins
I apply leave ins and detangle for 20 mins
I roller set for 30 mins to an hour
I dry for 1 hour to 1 hour and 30 mins
I moisturize and style for 10 mins
WOW! thats like 3- 3 1/2 hours:thought:
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With deep conditioning and pre-poo about 3 hours.

Without pre-poo minus 1.5 hours.

No deep condition or pre-poo about 45 minutes give or take.
If I'm rollersetting, about 3 hours. A few minutes to shampoo, an hour to dc, about 45 minutes to rollerset and about an hour to dry.

If I'm wet bunnin it (like I do 99 percent of the time) about an hour and 15 minutes. An hour for dc'ing and about 15 for pooing :yep:
I'm low maintenance with my hair. About 30 minutes is spent washing, conditioning and detangling my hair. Usually I just wear my curls down with a headband, or if I wash at night I'll put it in a ponytail til morning.

If I prepoo then that's another 10-15 minutes.
I think mine takes a little over 2.5 hours.

Shampoo, rinse, deep condish (20-45mins under dryer), rinse, rollerset (this takes some time), under dryer for 45 mins to 1 hour, comb out rollerset and wrap.
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I don't know the exact amount of time. Since I've been transitioning, I know if probably takes more time when I do it, but my stylist can definitely do my hair quicker than me.
For roller sets about 4-5 hours including drying time.

If I'm doing a wash n' go, about an hour.

Braid-outs about 3 and a half hours including drying time.
it depends on what i'm doing. if i just wash, condition and bun then 30 or less. if i'm braiding, twisting, coiling, flatironing etc then it can be 2hrs to more than 3. the longest has been about 4-5 hours.
If i wash, dc, and wet bun -- 1 and a half hrs

If i wash, dc, blow dry on cool, and flat iron -- 5hrs

It takes me what seems like FOREVER to flat iron... 3+ hrs by itself.
Shampoo---5 mins
DC--- 30 mins (sometimes this takes longer when I get lazy and decide not to rinse it out)
Apply regular conditioner and detangle -- 5 mins

At most 1 hour
Pre-poo: 15 minutes
Shampoo: 5 minutes (I'm a water lover)
DC: 15 minutes
Detangle and style: 5 minutes
40-45 minutes
Nice thread. I thought I was one of the few who took hours to do her hair. The amount of time it takes has been discouraging me to do anything with it for the past two weeks. :blush: Especially since I'm 3 months post now. :drunk:
:( It takes me about 4 or 5 hours!!!! But I enjoy it!!! :)

Detangling prior to washing............................................................15 minutes
Washing - includes protein treatments and extras such as tea rinses.....30 minutes
Deep Conditioning with heat...........................................................30 minutes
Final rinse, detangle and rollerset....................................................45 minutes
Drying under bonnet dryer.............................................................90 minutes
Flat ironing roots (optional, depends on the amount of NG)..................30 minutes
Final application of leave-ins, oils and scarfing hair-line.......................30 minutes
Average amount of time it takes me to do my hair on wash days...........4.5 hours
It takes me about 2 hours on a normal wash day.

Detangling and braiding - 20 minutes
Shampooing - 10 minutes
Applying the conditioner - 15 mins
Deep conditioning - 1 hour
Rinsing - 5 mins
Detangling/moisturizing/oiling - 30 mins

On a henna day...

Detangling and braiding - 20 minutes
Shampooing - 10 minutes
Applying the henna - 15 mins
Allowing the henna to do its magic - At least 4 hours
Rinsing - 20 mins
Applying the conditioner - 15 mins
Deep conditioning - 1 hour
Rinsing - 20 mins
Detangling/moisturizing/oiling - 30 mins

7 hours and 10 mins. Whew. And I barely have any hair :lachen:

That's why I'm only going to do it once a month from now on :lol:

The reason I take so much time doing things because I am very gentle and I detangle my hair as much as possible throughout the whole process.
Am I counting air drying time?

I wash and detangle in the shower. That takes about 30 minutes, but that's including washing my body, face and sometimes shaving. So, I'll say the washing and detangling part is taking about 20 minutes if I haven't been lazy and not detangled in the past four days. :spinning: I usually air dry for about one and half hours or however long it takes for it to be just damp. Then I bun it. So hmmm...I guess about two hours total. I don't generally count the air drying time because I go about my business...run errands, whatever while it's drying.
When I'm rollersetting 3 hours (including DCing)
Flat ironing about the same actually
I rarely wet bun, but if I do, then it's about 2 hours.
Over 12 hours.
But, that's because after I wash, I airdry in braids, and they have to be TOTALLY dry before I start styling my hair - and that can take 8+ hours, easy.
It varies based on the style, whether shampoo day, whether dc day...

cowash/detangle/wet bun - 30 minutes

cowash/detangle/flattwist/hooded dryer/untwist - 1.5 hours (usually, I let dry overnight and most of the next day, if possible)

shampoo/dc/detangle/rolletset/hooded dryer - 2+ hours

There are actually at least 10 other combinations that can occur for me on wash day. As you can imagine, I usually go for the style that will take the shortest amount of time.
Depends on the style.

Wash n go: 10 minutes

Twists: 4 hours, but then I can leave my hair alone for 2 weeks so it balances :grin:

Straightened: 4.5 hours (I can get several styles out of this, so it balances :grin:)

Puff: 20 minutes
Oops, I voted 30 mins before I read the whole question. If I just wash, condition and pull my hair back, it's less than 30 minutes in the shower.
Shampoo, deep condition, rinse, blowdry and flat iron, only like an hour.
If I do a roller set, it's 3-4 hours.
To shampoo or co wash it takes about 5 minutes
To deep condition it could be 15 minutes or more( depends on if I use heat or sleep with over night)
And when I do detangle in sections (maybe once a week) That adds an extra 10-15 minutes which I hate doing and it does not take long.
And I always wear my hair curly, I never flat iron my hair, I am so lazy when it comes to my hair.
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