OMG this lil girl is too cute and her mom has great hair too!


New Member

The little girl is too cute , I automatically started speaking baby talk to my CP screen. Her wittle cheeks are sooo cute !

Mama's got a lot of shrinkage considering her hair texture appears to be a pretty loose curl.
Ugh she is so cute!!! I could eat her up with a spoon. those jabba jaws and big beautiful eyes just did me in.
doll-baby , me too! And I NEVER speak baby talk to real babies lol

Nikki-Q , I felt the same way, sooo adorable!

In fact they are a gorgeous pair :yep:

(I hope I did the mentioning correctly :look: )
hey qualitee....totally off the subject, but i thought i was the only one that called my hair 'cotton candy hair'... tell me about the book in ur siggy....
Hands down, she is one of cutest babies I've ever seen! And I don't get all googly over kids, but she is just too adorable!
This cutie patootie is enjoying the attention!

OMG...THAT LITTLE GIRL IS ADORABLE! And I love the mom's hair. When I see natural hair like tha, it makes me wish my mom never permed my hair
OMG...THAT LITTLE GIRL IS ADORABLE! And I love the mom's hair. When I see natural hair like tha, it makes me wish my mom never permed my hair

@ Keisha8185 OMG....I haven't seen you post in ages. Aren't you the one with the gorgeous hair that was half up/ half down in your siggy
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LOL! Aww, thank you. Yes, my hair was half-up, half-down in my old siggy. I'm going to update my fotki soon, I promise!!