Hair Too Long?

That's wayyyyyyyyy too long. I will cut my hair if it ever get that long. It just wouldn't look right, plus I might have to work four jobs to afford hair care products:look:
The girl in the jeans ...I think it is way too long.. how can you do stuff?? like walking through the door and not slamming your hair shut! Can you imagine air-drying that length:D

I have a friend who doesn't believe in cutting hair and her hair is down passed her butt, I personally don't want my hair that long... if I can get mine to APL I will be grateful for that and if it gets longer than that...well that remains to be seen:cool:
Their ends look amazing to be that length. And the color is really nice too. I don't want hair that long, but it looks pretty:)
Yes way too long. It's not attractive at the length, seems like it would be such a liability. Imagine getting it stuck in the escalater or a revolving door. I had my wig caught in the car door after it was shut. I was sitting in the drivers seat in the grocery parking lot with my hair off of my head. All I could was laugh at myself.:lachen:
Okay. Before I actually opened the links, I was thinking, "Hair too long? No comprende! That's like saying, 'Diamond too big?' Huh?

But when I saw the videos, I thought that tripping over my own hair may be a bit much. But, to each her own. I'd hate to try rolling all that hair!
Yeah I think this will def. curb my hair anorexia, I'm growing to a certain length then it's trimm city. There hair is healthy though for that kind of length.
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I could make an amazing braided bun with ankle length hair.:look:

I can't imagine they wear their hair down everyday. As long as it's healthy I think it looks gorgeous.
Well, the first was too long, just because it was longer than her body and the second maybe could use a trim for neatness sake.
I don't think there is such a thing as too long IMO, as long as it looks healthy and well cared for.
Lucia said:
What do you think, this is some seriously long hair.

If you're a member of LHC- Wonderlywroughte is a curlyhead who grew her hair out from WSL curly to almost knee length curly.

I think it's gorgeous (esp. the blonde's). The only thing I would be afraid of is the ends dragging the ground and getting dirty and nasty all the time or people stepping on my hair, so if my hair was that long, I'd definitely keep it up in a bun 24/7 except when washing/detangling or making a video like that :lachen:.
Waist length or just hovering above butt length is fine for me. It starts to look stupid at that length and far from pretty.
Well, I love Wonderlywroughte's hair, but I wouldn't want hair longer than classic length.

Now that I am at waist length I want it to grow just to the middle of the bum-bum, that's all :D (Can anyone say hair anorexia)

It's because natural hair shrinks so darn much, I need it to grow a little more for my braid to be waist length.
I cant' see the videos because I'm at work and the netnanny hates YouTube- but I LOVE Wonderlywroughte's hair - I saw her last hair pic where it was curly and down to her knees, and I was just in AWE - can you imagine the kind of updos and buns you could do with all that?
To me, personally, hair is too long at around ankle length - and even then, I've seen some women on THLC that have ankle length, GORGEOUS hair... and there's the chinese lady whose hair is longer than she is tall, and she has some GORGEOUS hair too.....

I guess it's really all about who you are growing your hair for - I'm growing my hair for me, so even if it gets so long that I can only wear it down when I'm washing it or taking pictures of it - it's still MINE. And it's on MY head, and I worked hard to grow every inch of it, and if I can't display it convientently - well, tough for everyone else, because I still enjoy it.
But then, I suppose thats a result of the fact that I hide my hair NOW, almost all the time - the only time my hair is 'loose' is usually when I'm washing it, and it's no where near anything that could be called 'long'.

So - yeah, it's gotta be downright UNHEALTHY for me to say - it's too long, you need to trim some of that off.
nappywomyn said:
I guess it's really all about who you are growing your hair for - I'm growing my hair for me, so even if it gets so long that I can only wear it down when I'm washing it or taking pictures of it - it's still MINE. And it's on MY head, and I worked hard to grow every inch of it, and if I can't display it convientently - well, tough for everyone else, because I still enjoy it.

That's how I feel. It was a little overwhelming seeing all that hair, in the first clip I was literally shocked. The blonde's hair is gorgeous though, it's so shiny and looks healthy.

If my hair could grow that long, I wouldn't let it, but they obviously love their tresses at that length. :)

It just hit me again that if the blonde for example is about 5'5", that's 65 inches of hair from root to tip! :eek: :drool:
CoCoGirl821 said:
Me personally I wouldnt want anything longer that BSL or mid-back. But if you like it...I love it.
Me, too. Their hair looks gross to me...sorry:perplexed