OMG thats Nasty!!!


Well-Known Member
:naughty:Dont you hate it when friends of yours or family members want to use your comb or brush..... lol... i think it might be me. Like if i see any sight of damaged, dry, thining hair, or scalp problem.. I'm like " nah girl I aint wash my brushes in a minute:nono2:"(meanwhile im askin' the lord 2 forgive me for lying) Im just really picky about that!!!!! I know im not the only one out here.:nono:
You are not the only one. Everyone in my family has their own comb and brush set just like their own tooth brushes. Grooming items should not be shared.
Sharing brushes is yucky and a nono for me. But I'll be honest...a friend of mine and I spend the night at each other's houses once a week or every two weeks and we use each other's wide tooth combs in the shower if one of us forgets. *shrug* They're so wide-toothed that we get every last hair out of it when we're done. I always clean it out anyway. But we don't make a habit of it.
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Im the only one in my circle that is really O.D. on haircare. They just dont understand. And ontop of that my BF room mate's GF is tryna step her hair care game up.. But im like NOOOOOO!!!!!!. not with my products HONEY:hand:. If she wasn't such a b!tc#, then maybe I'd put her on. Plus I think she has some scalp fungus!!!!
I'm with you. I don't like people to use my combs and brushes period and I'm not using anybody else's either.
Combs can easily be cleaned with hot water and soap so I really don't mind family using my combs. I have enough brushes that I just made one the community brush and I keep it in the guest bathroom.

Friends are a :nono:
I would NEVER use anyone else's brush. My brother did one time and he got a bacterial infection on his scalp. He had to go to the dermatologist. It was horrible! He took meds and this went on for a long time, He ended up getting a small bald spot in one area. He was only 19.
I don't use a brush but when it comes to my comb:nono: I either will find you one that I don't use or I will soak (bleach, water and detergent) the hell out of the one I do use after you (family member) finish using it:look:.
Girl yeah that's NASTY! When I lived with my ex-boyfriend and his two daughters we fell out about this ALL the time!! I made a point to buy each of them their own comb and brush so they had no need to use mine!! The oldest daughter (14 yrs old) insisted on caking that nasty brown hair gel in her hair EVERYDAY and then ask if she could use my brush!:barf:
HELL NAW!!! I don't think it's hygenic to use other people's hair tools. That's a huge pet peeve of mine!
I hate That! My sis uses that brown gel, plus she's natural. So when she uses my comb, her natural hair mixes with my permed hair and it's not a good look. Now I keep my combs and things in my room.
Don't really care... there's only 2 friends who would ask, but almost never have....and they keep their hair clean... and their scalp. And my sister, mother and hubby? Don't care either.
I hide mine and if I think someone has been using my comb or brush I wash them with soap and hot water. You may as well use my tooth brush which I would throw out the window if someone else used it.
OMG! I live with my SO in a lower level apt and his sis lives upstairs wid their Dad. can I tell ya'll how this girl would sneak down and go through ALL my hair stuff and use up my Olive Oil gel, my oils/serums, my CHI..and my blower dry and even my Pibbs. I would find my processing caps missing, my pins and clips. I mean she was ridiculous. And then I found their Dad using my $200 turbo blow dryer one morning to warm up the pipes :blush:. I was ready to open a fresh can of WHOOPA$$ on both of them. Now I start hiding all ma stuff!! I even rigged my blower to make it look like its broken:lachen:.

ps--Homegurl is a Licsenced beautician and her hair texture is the complete opposite of mine :nono:. She crazy! Told her she's gonna pull back a nub if i catch her in my stuff again.. :grin:
OMG! I live with my SO in a lower level apt and his sis lives upstairs wid their Dad. can I tell ya'll how this girl would sneak down and go through ALL my hair stuff and use up my Olive Oil gel, my oils/serums, my CHI..and my blower dry and even my Pibbs. I would find my processing caps missing, my pins and clips. I mean she was ridiculous. And then I found their Dad using my $200 turbo blow dryer one morning to warm up the pipes :blush:. I was ready to open a fresh can of WHOOPA$$ on both of them. Now I start hiding all ma stuff!! I even rigged my blower to make it look like its broken:lachen:.

ps-- Homegirl is a Licsenced beautician and her hair texture is the complete opposite of mine :nono:. She crazy! Told her she's gonna pull back a nub if i catch her in my stuff again.. :grin:
:naughty:Dont you hate it when friends of yours or family members want to use your comb or brush..... lol... i think it might be me. Like if i see any sight of damaged, dry, thining hair, or scalp problem.. I'm like " nah girl I aint wash my brushes in a minute:nono2:"(meanwhile im askin' the lord 2 forgive me for lying) Im just really picky about that!!!!! I know im not the only one out here.:nono:

Is not only you. I am afraid of dandruff...I buy my husband his own.
Just like I don't share drinks (I barely share drinks with my own children) I am not sharing combs especially someone not in the bloodline.
That is a major pet peeve for me. If I find my any of my brushes or combs anywhere other than where I left it I will just HAVE to disinfect everything. Just cuz I have several DOES NOT mean it's okay for you to borrow one. ickk
I don't like sharing combs and brushes. It grosses me out. There are only a select few that I'd share brushes with, my son... my mom (maybe)... and my DH, but I don't even like sharing with DH but he just grabs and uses my brush. I keep my favorite one in my purse and I don't share that one with anyone :nono:
Nope. Doesn't bother me at all. All my friends are psycho neat freaks, especially about their hair. Of course I wouldn't let some RANDOM person be using my stuff anyway, but I more of a "jerk" when it comes to my hair PRODUCTS. I've got a friend visiting right now and she wanted to wash her hair, I was like......... :look:.....I SPECIFICALLY pointed her to the "section" ( yes I said section:lachen:) of products she could use. Then I locked myself in the bathroom and marked all my favorite products with a sharpie marker to see if it had been used when I got home from work.............. sigh :lachen:

However Ive actually never heard about the not sharing combs thing b4 Somebody help a sister out and inform me please!!
OMG! I live with my SO in a lower level apt and his sis lives upstairs wid their Dad. can I tell ya'll how this girl would sneak down and go through ALL my hair stuff and use up my Olive Oil gel, my oils/serums, my CHI..and my blower dry and even my Pibbs. I would find my processing caps missing, my pins and clips. I mean she was ridiculous. And then I found their Dad using my $200 turbo blow dryer one morning to warm up the pipes :blush:. I was ready to open a fresh can of WHOOPA$$ on both of them. Now I start hiding all ma stuff!! I even rigged my blower to make it look like its broken:lachen:.

ps-- Homegirl is a Licsenced beautician and her hair texture is the complete opposite of mine :nono:. She crazy! Told her she's gonna pull back a nub if i catch her in my stuff again.. :grin:
Wow, that's a shame. Is there any way you can get a thingy to lock your items in?
Nope. Doesn't bother me at all. All my friends are psycho neat freaks, especially about their hair. Of course I wouldn't let some RANDOM person be using my stuff anyway, but I more of a "jerk" when it comes to my hair PRODUCTS. I've got a friend visiting right now and she wanted to wash her hair, I was like......... :look:.....I SPECIFICALLY pointed her to the "section" ( yes I said section:lachen:) of products she could use. Then I locked myself in the bathroom and marked all my favorite products with a sharpie marker to see if it had been used when I got home from work.............. sigh :lachen:

However Ive actually never heard about the not sharing combs thing b4 Somebody help a sister out and inform me please!!

OMG:lachen::lachen::lachen::lachen:Too much!
I felt bad last week.....HR took photos of my group at work, so naturally the ladies were touching up our hair and makeup. One of my co-workers (with seriously questionable hygiene and a bad weave) asked to use my comb. Ya'll why did I lie and say I didn't have one. :yep: She said I just saw you use it.....Sticking to my story, I said "honey I raked my fingers through my hair!" I should be ashamed but somehow I AM NOT!!! :lachen: She may as well have asked to use my toothbrush and borrow a pair of panties!!! I don't play that!!!! Somehow the thought of it is unsanitary to me!!!
I dont have a prob with my mom or SO using my combs. They get washed on the regular anyway. Now friends and others that i ain't so cool wit??:nono: go get cha own...i dont kno where yo hair been!
I guess I am the odd one out.

My mom can use my comb. I don't mind at all. her hair is not dirty and neither is mine.

A guy that I am seeing leaves his comb in the bathroom and it is nothing for me to use it if I need to.

My cousin has never asked to use my comb, but if she ever needed to, I would let her.

My son uses my comb and my brush if he is in my bathroom.

It is not that big of a deal for me. I clean my combs and brushes regularly. My people are clean and we have no contagious scalp or skin conditions.