OMG!! My braids gave me a setback and a HORRIBLE salon experience :( :( :(


New Member

I dont know if you guys remember me, but I posted this thread

about my hair journey and this month i would be removing my braids to check for my new length...well after 2 days of trying to remove the knots and tangles that the braids left me with, my hair was all diff lengths. longer in the front (almost apl) and the back was basically ripped to neck length....eventually i knew it would need to be evened out, so after contemplating where I would go to get this done, I found a "multicultural" salon in my neighborhood..I had always noticed the shop but never cared to go in, well I finally went in to find that the salon's owner was Cambodian and she was working on a white customer and there was another stylist who was black, was working on her black i asked about setting up an appointment and the black stylist said that she was filled w/appts and the owner decided to take me....i was a tiny bit hesitant to get my hair done by someone who was not black, but i let that slide because race doesn't matter when it comes to hair, its all about all honesty I gave this woman the benefit of the doubt because as the owner of a multiculatural salon, she should know how to do black hair right???

Well Fast Forward to the morning of the appointment...Ok yall, she had me waiting for her for over an hour, so the stylist that was there the day that i scheduled an appt called her to let her know that I had been waiting..Finally, she shows up and apologizes profusely and says that this had never happened before and that it would never happen again(ok..whatever) So she washes my hair and asks me if I am growing out my relaxer and told me that I should because I had "good" hair aint that good but, so i get a deep conditioner and then its time to dry.. She drys my hair..I then tell her that i usually wear my hair straight/bouncy w/a side she says "with a bump on the end" so i'm like "umm yea, i guess." So she begins to flat iron me, but at the same time it feels like she is adding alot of product to my hair...the end result was a HAM..sticky and stiff hair w/absolutely no movement..It reminded me of the press and curls i used to get back in the day when my mom would use grease, but nowadays all that product isn't necessary to acheive hair with that "swang" and she didn't even trim my hair evenly all the way around..

When she was done, I paid her(which i HATE that I did) $40 bucks which was reduced since she had been late..I had been in there for 4 hours just for a crappy "press and curl" and an even crappier trim job..As I was leaving, some white lady in the waiting room says "your hair looks nice" OMG why did she have to lie to me like that and I wish that the other sylists (who were both black) would have given me a heads up on this lady..the heads that they were doing looked absolutely great, while im sitting in there looking like a science project...As soon as I left the shop I broke down into tears, my new shorter length just made me break down even more and made me think about how long it would take for me to grow it all back..When i got home, my mom and bf tried to make me feel better, my mom asked me if i wanted her to call the shop to curse somebody out(aww how sweet?). I told her that it was okay, but I really wished that I had done that myself, minus the cursing part, but the shock of my hair was just too much to take in...

Sorry for the long post, but I just needed to let it all out..

Oh and i was way too traumatized to take any pics for you guys..but for an idea...


the red line is pretty much where my hair is now :(
I'm sorry to hear about your experience. Whereas a lot of people here on the board have no problems with braids, they break off my hair. Actually, anytime I tie up my hair with anything, it breaks it off. I think it's because I have fine hair.

Your hair will recover.
I'm sorry to hear about your experience. Whereas a lot of people here on the board have no problems with braids, they break off my hair. Actually, anytime I tie up my hair with anything, it breaks it off. I think it's because I have fine hair.

Your hair will recover.

Thanks..just looking forward to the future of my hair
I'm sorry you had a horrible salon experience. Hopefully in time, you'll be a DIYer and do your own presses so you don't have to depend on someone who doesn't care about your hair as you do.

When you were in braids, did you follow any particular regimen? For new-to-braids folks, I always recommend following the Crown & Glory regimen to a T and then when you get more comfortable and can do your own braids, you can then change a few rules to suit you.

I'm sorry you had a set back. We've all been there but since it didn't kill you; it'll make you stronger. If it's any consolation, my last setback was at a salon where this hair

was cut to this length

under the guise of giving me a trim. :rolleyes: I was silly enough to trust the stylist so much that I didn't even sit by a mirror because I'd heard how much she loves to see long hair and help people grow long hair and so didn't think she'd be scissor happy. And I'm sure your hair do wasn't as ugly as what I got in addition to the BC I didn't ask for :lol:
oh heeeeeellllllll naw!

OP, Im sorry that happened to you. Please become a DIYer and please post the name and address of this place in the salon review thread so that other ladies know which places to avoid.
Sorry this happened to you! Try to look at it as a new beginning.

How did the braids mess up your hair? Were they braided all the way down, past your actual hair?
okay I just got individual braids on Saturday on my relaxed hair. Now I'm not sure if I should be worried about breakage - any tips for how to avoid? I've never had individuals before only cornrows (with no problems)
okay I just got individual braids on Saturday on my relaxed hair. Now I'm not sure if I should be worried about breakage - any tips for how to avoid? I've never had individuals before only cornrows (with no problems)

you must keep them moisturized!! treat them just as you would your real hair. long time ago i had them and i used african braid spray. or you can use s curl spray. if you dont use these your hair will get dry inside the breads and brake off!! you must clean your braid also. wash them lightly, if you dont, dust will build up and when you go to take braids out you will get tangles becuase the dust clumps hair strands together. keeep clean and keep moisturized. simple
I remember your original post, sorry to hear badnews so soon

I have only seen a setback in braids when I didnt moisturize/spritz regularly or if some part of the length was exposeded.....or if I detangled improperly.......I am trying to figure out what part of your regimen caused the tangles and knots you speak of :/ It is important to examine what went wrong because if we do not find the root of a problem it is bound to happen again.

I hope you can progress 4rm this point 4ward and only see good posts 4rm here on out.

In the mean time I wanna send you a big ((((E-hug!!)))).....this too shall pass
I am so sorry this happened to you :( It will grow back soon with some TLC.

I just went to a non-black salon for the first time on Christmas Eve and it went pretty well. I flatironed my own hair and went to Fantastic Sams for a trim. A Hispanic guy did the trim for me and he hooked me up. No waiting. Quick and easy. He cut off exactly what I told him to. 2 inches. No more no less.
okay I just got individual braids on Saturday on my relaxed hair. Now I'm not sure if I should be worried about breakage - any tips for how to avoid? I've never had individuals before only cornrows (with no problems)

It is essential to moisturize your braids! You can search this site and you will firn 50-11 products to use.....What is most important is that you take the moistuizer of your choice and DILUTE with water!

it is important to dilute because frequent application can lead to product build up and build up leads to matting. Using diluted product and washing regularly (also with a diluted shampoo) whether it be weekly or biweekly can cut down on build up as well.

for a quick reference go the and follow the braid regimen there and you should be fine
I'm sorry to hear that. I just took my braids out and it took almost a full 24 hours. I used African vraid spray daily and went down the length of the braids to ensure the length of my natural hair was being moisturized as well. I also condition washed my hair weekly. I need to post pics of my braids in my fokti. I'm too tired though. Do you think you'll do braids again? Oh, did you tie your hair up at night and/or continue to sleep on satin or silk pillow cases?
I'm sorry you had a horrible salon experience. Hopefully in time, you'll be a DIYer and do your own presses so you don't have to depend on someone who doesn't care about your hair as you do.

When you were in braids, did you follow any particular regimen? For new-to-braids folks, I always recommend following the Crown & Glory regimen to a T and then when you get more comfortable and can do your own braids, you can then change a few rules to suit you.

I'm sorry you had a set back. We've all been there but since it didn't kill you; it'll make you stronger. If it's any consolation, my last setback was at a salon where this hair

was cut to this length

under the guise of giving me a trim. :rolleyes: I was silly enough to trust the stylist so much that I didn't even sit by a mirror because I'd heard how much she loves to see long hair and help people grow long hair and so didn't think she'd be scissor happy. And I'm sure your hair do wasn't as ugly as what I got in addition to the BC I didn't ask for :lol:

Wow they rly chopped off alot of hair :( and the name of the salon was called Perfect Front on Rising Sun..even though, I hate to put them out there like that but OH WELL...
Sorry this happened to you! Try to look at it as a new beginning.

How did the braids mess up your hair? Were they braided all the way down, past your actual hair?

I can honestly say that I was the cause of my braids ripping out my hair..I tried to follow the crown and glory method, using diluted conditioner or shampoo but became lazy and would just slather on the poo or cond. This caused the build-up in my hair, which resulted in my tangles and knots :( Thanks for all the words of encouragement though ladies! I can feel the
Also, when taking down your braids, use your moisturizing spray or some good oils. This will ensure that there is lots of 'slip'. And if all else fails, have a girls night in and invite over a couple of girl friends to help you pull them out. You'd be surprised how quickly you'll be done by watching a good movie and offering them some food, popcorn and drinks.