omg! I'm finally a member!


Well-Known Member
Hi ladies!

ok, i can't believe that my cheap self FINALLY decided to pay the membership fee and become a member of this great forum already. i've been a lurker for a bit under a year now and i've learned soo much from all of you. thank you!

yaay, now i'm officially a cousin!:yay::yay:

and i hope my fellow lurkers out there decide to take the plunge too. :look:
Well let me be the first to give you congrats! You'll learn a lot and be highly entertained now that you'll have access to all of the forums lol
Hey cousin!! Welcome to the family!! :) :)

Glad you joined us. The money is definitely worth it.
yayy! thanks for the welcome everyone! my hair is already the longest it's been ever in life! i've always been a little less than shoulder length, now i'm hoping to make APL by dec 08
Welcome. I don't see how lurkers lurk for so long, ESP on LHCF. After a couple of days, I had to pay that 6.50 which really isn't much (to me). But I couldn't lurk for long, I was too addicted. LOL. We are happy u decided to be a cousin. :yep:
Welcome. I don't see how lurkers lurk for so long, ESP on LHCF. After a couple of days, I had to pay that 6.50 which really isn't much (to me). But I couldn't lurk for long, I was too addicted. LOL. We are happy u decided to be a cousin. :yep:

I don't understand it either. It only took me a couple days to pay my 6.50. I don't know how people lurk for years :spinning:.

LOL! I took the plunge too! I've been lurking on and off for a few months! It's so worth that $6.50, I see. :)