omg! I'm finally a member!



I understand about waiting to join----I lurked for nearly a year also! I was an addict (and still is) but I learned so much just from lurking on this hair board.
The main reason I joined was to have access to profiles/passwords so I could see the fotkis/regimens of some of the beautiful heads of hair.

But boy---when I decided to fork over that 5 dollars, I could have kicked myself for not joining sooner!!!!
It wasn't about the 5 bucks~~.. I didn't have a paypal account, and was still leery about shopping or doing anything dealing with money online.

Anyway.....Needless to say, I had been missing out on soooooooooo much more than this hair forum!!!! Best Five Dollars(it's six fiddy now) I have EVER spent!! :drunk::spinning:

okay...I'm a bit long winded..:look:....but, again...

yaay, now i'm officially a cousin!:yay::yay:

and i hope my fellow lurkers out there decide to take the plunge too. :look:

Yep, after lurking for about a month or so, I decided to subscribe last week. And I'm already so glad that I did. So far, I've learned that I should use Cowboy Magic for detangling, OCT/MEgatek for protein/growth treatments and that there's a variety of oils available for moisture. Not mention the numberous styles, curling implements, flat irons, etc. out there for purchase.

I see that I'll be a product junkie soon enough. :drunk:
Hi ladies!

ok, i can't believe that my cheap self FINALLY decided to pay the membership fee and become a member of this great forum already. i've been a lurker for a bit under a year now and i've learned soo much from all of you. thank you!

yaay, now i'm officially a cousin!:yay::yay:

and i hope my fellow lurkers out there decide to take the plunge too. :look:

Welcome! Wow. you must have been a long time lurker. It took me at least 3 or 4 months of membership for me to know what being "a cousin" meant :lachen:. I'm just playing with you :drunk:.