OMG...I NEED To Get Rid Of This Guy!


Well-Known Member
So I'm on And this guy sends me messages for a few days. Nothing too deep, just that he'd like to get to know me. He sent his number yesterday so I texted him. And since then I want to get rid of him already! He's been texting me saying all this you're beautiful, stuff about being his girlfriend now, and how he wants me close to his heart:ohwell:.:perplexed He called last night and was already talking about he's gonna buy me a plane ticket so I can come see him in 3 weeks. WTH!:blush:He stays a few hours away. All this and I can't even say I know the guy's real name! He keeps texting me asking for pics and he said he showed some guy at his job my picture and his sister and they're all in a agreement that I'm hot and he should keep me. (how do you keep something that you never had):look:.He just called saying if I need anything like money, just tell him and he'll money gram it or whatever. :blush: He's moving waaaaaaay too fast for me and I already see that I can't deal with him. He's said he's gonna call and text me as much as possible so that he won't lose me:wallbash::wallbash:And he's one of those who will send multiple texts if you don't respond within 2 secs.
I can't deal with a stalker man!!! Right now he keeps texting me to send him pics of me in my bra or no bra! :nono::nono::nono: Even after I keep repeatedly telling him I'm not going to send him any pics of that nature. Arggghh....why do I get myself into mess like this. And no I don't think I'm leading him on. I barely answer his texts and I'm very short when I do. I think the only solution is to stop answering completely. Ugh...just needed to let that out./end rant
Those kind of guys can really be the worse...He definitley comes off as a straight CRAZY...Follow your gut girl and igg him like you've never igged anyone before...Girl, you brought back some memories that have been buried with this here thread...
Those kind of guys can really be the worse...He definitley comes off as a straight CRAZY...Follow your gut girl and igg him like you've never igged anyone before...Girl, you brought back some memories that have been buried with this here thread...
He's very crazy. He was born and raised in France so he has this nice accent and the attraction pretty much ends there. He's talking about too much, waaay too fast. I mean it literally hasn't been 24 hours yet. If I was a sheisty chick, I bet I could have him sending me all kinds of money but I honestly just want to be rid of him. With no strings attached.
You certainly have quite a predicament there...Hopefully he will get the message that you are throwing him back into the plentyoffish pool...When guys like that come on so strong it makes you wonder...Dude, it really not that serious--get a grip...
Huge red flag. Run for the hills and don't look back!!:nono: If I were you I would change my number and be done with it. Definately not worth the drama. The longer you entertain his calls and texts, the more attached and psycho he'll become.:spinning:
Alright, this is definitely a "disappear" situation. I agree with Mz tracy--change your number. Do not respond to texts, emails or anything. There is no way out other than a clean break and he doesn't get to know that it's going to happen. In his mind, he has you. It doesn't matter whether it's true or not. If he gets an inkling that you are trying to get away he will hold on with everything that he has got. Girl, the sob stories and pity pleas will be endless. Cut him off and pretty please make these men work hard to get your phone number. That phone is a constant connection to you and it's as good as letting someone put a location device on you. When you get a stalker on a cell phone, they follow you to work, home and everywhere in between (in your own pocket). Think about it, if you take that phone into your safest place, anyone who has the number has access to you. Be careful.

ETA: I don't mean to lecture, but people try to use satellites to track cell phones through some of these detective websites and I've seen it work.
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change your number and give your new number to everyone except him? Or is there a way to block all his calls and messages?
Change your number, asap! Next time sign up with Google Voice and give that number to those who you do not know well.
I have google voice too! I don't know why I didn't give him that number. SMH

I'd hate to have to change my number for someone I have never even met and only communicated with for a day. I've had this number for years. Ugh
I have google voice too! I don't know why I didn't give him that number. SMH

I'd hate to have to change my number for someone I have never even met and only communicated with for a day. I've had this number for years. Ugh

tell him to go kick rocks

really tho if you igg him he will go away, maybe slowly LOL, BUT he will go away