OMG! I BC'd!


New Member
Of course the battery in my camera was dead, so I had to use my phone. For some reason I am unable to attach pics, so I put them in Photobucket for now. Hopefully the links below work correctly.







straight-4.jpg 9-3-2010/ - Here's the link to the album, in case the others don't work.

I'm not quite 100% natural yet, but I'm about 95%, so I guess that qualifies. Getting all these relaxed ends off is hard work. I really can't believe I did it! I feel like I'm going to wake up tomorrow and it will be just a dream. :drunk:

I have no hair cutting skills, so I will be wearing curls (flatironed) until I get a real trim.

Thanks to all the ladies who have inspired me to go on this journey. There are so many of you I can't even begin to name you. Every time I see someone BC, it pushes me closer and closer to the edge...well, today I finally went over! I'm excited, nervous, scared...what the heck did I just do??? :lachen:

This should be interesting...
I think you look beautiful with your puff! Congrats! Are those last pics your hair curled? Looks really good! How long did you transition?
@ LaFemmeNaturelle - Thank you! I'm not completely comfy with it yet, but I will keep trying to perfect it so I can leave this flatiron alone.

@ lovely_locks - Labor Day would've been 60 weeks!
Maybe try doing a twist out and then put it in it's puff. Not like I know from experience but I'm sure the ladies in the newly natural thread will have some pointers
Thanks ladies! I am going to try a twisout and see if I can make something happen. My bad for not taking any before pics. I started cutting and got excited and completely forgot.
Your hair looks beautiful!
What did you use to flat iron your hair?

Thank you! I used Sabino lok & blok and my Sally's Generic Chi (which I love). I think I used too much Sabino though...still thinking I had all my length.