OMG!!! I BC'd!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! (Pics Inside!)


Well-Known Member
Hello ladies!!! :wave:

Well, after much consideration, worrying and nervousness, I FINALLY BC'd this past Friday night on Oct. 15, 2010!! :yay: :woot: :yay: :woot:

I had my regular old stylist cut me. I was kind of nervous beforehand, but excited! When she made the first cut, I was a little shocked, but as she kept on cutting, I was TOO HAPPY! I was laughing during the whole process! She was so amused that I was so happy to be cutting off the 7/8 month-post relaxed hair that I still had on my hair. After everything was cut, I couldn't believe what I saw in the mirror! My hair has never been that short before. I think maybe when I was 2 or 3 years old my hair was this short lol. But my hair has some serious shrinkage action. I can tell already! It may LOOK short, but when I pull it, I see just how MUCH my hair has grown in just 7 or 8 short months! :shocked:

Anyway, after she washed, deep conditioned, and put some product in my hair, I was good to go! SHe said that it looked so GOOD on me! She was actually surprised! LOL!! :lol: She was so pleased that I was so happy that she didn't even charge me! Awww :hug2:

I must admit you guys, I feel like a brand NEW person. I look "edgier". I'm so tickled to death with my new FRESH, healthy, non-chemicalized (is that even a word?) hair! :yay: I feel like my hair is like a brand new baby that just needs some tender care, loving, and NO chemicals! :yep: I have found some residue of straight relaxed ends on some of my curls, so it looks like I'm going to have to buy some hair shears and do a little search and destroy session of some of the straight ends that were left....but the majority of my hair is fully natural, and I'm loving it!

I can't stop putting my hands in my HAIR! I seriously have developed a case of hand-in-hair disease! My hair feels so soft, and I just did a co-wash on my hair yesterday for the first time as a natural, and it's so EASY to take care of as opposed to dealing with the two textures! Who knew "our hair" could be so beautiful and "easy" to manage?? OMG! I'm just so happy! :lol: I feel like my TRUE self. You fellow bc'ers know what I'm talking about! I can't wait to experiment w/new products and new styles!

OKay, let me stop raving like a lunatic lol and just show you guys the pictures. :giggle:

congrats! especially on making it to 8 or 9 months. i am transitioning as well and am about 9 weeks post. I am so ready to cut my hair already. Once i find a good wig, I'm cutting all this junk off LOL
Thanks so much ladies!!

I'm having a blast! I just went out in public for the first time with my natural short do yesterday, and guess what?? Not a problem at all! I thought I was going to feel self-conscious about my hair, but I didn't! I kind of forgot that my hair was even cut lol. I was looking cute too. :giggle: Cute outfit, cute shoes, some nice dangly earrings, and my make up was on point! :up:

I'm so loving it so far. :D

Thank you ladies for cheering me on, and all the information you all have provided over the years. :)
I've been natural for most of my adult life but your post is so darned happy you make me want to BC and go natural again!! Congrats on your BC and being happy!
CONGRATS! Your post made me happy, can't wait until I can chop... I am trying to go at least a year before I BC, but I can't wait.
CONGRATS! Your post made me happy, can't wait until I can chop... I am trying to go at least a year before I BC, but I can't wait.

Thanks! :woot:

Oh trust me, when you BC you will LOVE it! I feel so FREEEE!

I've been natural for most of my adult life but your post is so darned happy you make me want to BC and go natural again!! Congrats on your BC and being happy!

Lol! Thank you. :)

Yes, I'm so happy. There's something so freeing about not having to alter my natural curl pattern every 3 months. :yep: It's such a different feeling. I really am having FUN with my hair now. It's so funny because I never really could say that when I had relaxed hair. It's so weird. I'm actually having FUN with my hair now. :yep:

Here are more pics!

My first twists! :grin:

They aren't as "polished" as I would like them, but I'm actually surprised at how well I did them for the first time! :)
Congrats :clap:!!! Your texture is beautiful btw! Enjoy your new hair and hopefully your HIH disease isn't too overwhelming, lol