OMG- A Steam Cap that makes ANY rollers work like Carusos!

Serenity Breeze and the other ladies on this thread,

Have any of you tried this cap? If so, please post your results. I'm interested in trying it out.

Okay ladies... I just took the plunge and ordered this.

Called the company and they were very nice. Maybe that's because they want you to order the product.

They said I could return it if I wasn't happy and that no one had returned it yet.

I'm optimistic and will post my results.
Can't wait to hear what the other ladies have to say about it.
bumping...really want to know whapt ppl think about this. I hate sitting under my hooded drying to dc, so if this does as good a job without the hassel, let us know for those of you who took the plunge :confused::confused::confused:
I've been waiting for ladies to post about their results with this steam cap. No one has said anything so far.

I just ordered yesterday and will be sure to post my results ASAP.

Let's keep this post alive until we get some feedback. This product could be a winner.
I posted the link to that cap in a thread that was discussing deep conditioning w/ a steamer vs a heating cap. What made me leery about using it for conditioning was the fact that if it curls yoru hair in only 3 minutes, I feel the steam can't last too long to do the length of conditioning that I would want to do.
There seems to be no love for this thread. Ladies, where are ya? Some of us are waiting to hear feedback from you.

I ordered the cap but it hasn't arrived yet. I will definitely know more a week from today.
I have not forgot about you ladies. I have not received mine as yet. I ordered it online on Jan 7th, in the evening and have not received it yet. I will give them a call.
I just called them and they said that they had a back log from christmas. Normally they ship within 7 day. They told me that my shipment was being sent today.. so thats 16 days after placing my order. I promise to give updates ladies AS SOON AS I GET IT!
SerenityBreeze said:
I just called them and they said that they had a back log from christmas. Normally they ship within 7 day. They told me that my shipment was being sent today.. so thats 16 days after placing my order. I promise to give updates ladies AS SOON AS I GET IT!

:lol: Ok. Thanks!!!
I have mine, and overall it was OK :(...I was in a rush so I didn't place the rollers too neatly and my hair is fine so it became frizzy within a matter of minutes after taking out the rollers.

My hair isn't very long, but it barely fit underneath the cap, I don't see how they can use large rollers with this thing, but I guess practice makes perfect.

The package says not to use the cap on wet hair, so that takes conditioning out of the picture, unless you wear a plastic cap over your wet or oily hair. The entire cap is made of a thick canvas type cloth and it seems to be filled with rice. I may use it when my hair gets a little longer, or I can actually perfect roller placement. I may also try this using the ponytail method.

I hope this helps.
Nella said:
I sure would like to know how it works as this would be really good for me. Sometimes I just dont like drying overnight and I haven't found a hooded dryer nor one of the old fashioned 1960 GE Dryers.

I bought an old GE dryer on ebay last year.
trimbride said:
I have mine, and overall it was OK :(...I was in a rush so I didn't place the rollers too neatly and my hair is fine so it became frizzy within a matter of minutes after taking out the rollers.

My hair isn't very long, but it barely fit underneath the cap, I don't see how they can use large rollers with this thing, but I guess practice makes perfect.

The package says not to use the cap on wet hair, so that takes conditioning out of the picture, unless you wear a plastic cap over your wet or oily hair. The entire cap is made of a thick canvas type cloth and it seems to be filled with rice. I may use it when my hair gets a little longer, or I can actually perfect roller placement. I may also try this using the ponytail method.

I hope this helps.

This has killed it for me:nono: won't be buying it. Thank you for sharing your experience with this product.
LOL, it's funny how everyone was bumping this thread and then it was dropped like the plague after Trimbride's post :lol:

Let me run this by y'all: do you think you would/could burn your scalp if you took a regular shower/conditioning cap, cut a hole in it, but a steam hose from a steamer in the hole and secured with tape and put that on your head--a sort of poor man's version of a steam cap, and then you wouldn't have to worry about having to have a shower cap on under your steam cap while steaming, like TB said she had to do? You could get even real fancy if you wanted to and get some plastic, roll it into a tube shape and attach that to the hole in the shower cap and the steam hose to the other end--sort of like a crude soft bonnet.
What do you all think? Could it work?
I like it, used it 3x. How about I left mine in the microwave too long the 2x and had to throw it away and buy another one :( I got mine within 3days in Dec. My hair is past shoulder length and it worked for me. Next time I use it, I'll take pics and post.
anatomicallycorrect said:
LOL, it's funny how everyone was bumping this thread and then it was dropped like the plague after Trimbride's post :lol:

Let me run this by y'all: do you think you would/could burn your scalp if you took a regular shower/conditioning cap, cut a hole in it, but a steam hose from a steamer in the hole and secured with tape and put that on your head--a sort of poor man's version of a steam cap, and then you wouldn't have to worry about having to have a shower cap on under your steam cap while steaming, like TB said she had to do? You could get even real fancy if you wanted to and get some plastic, roll it into a tube shape and attach that to the hole in the shower cap and the steam hose to the other end--sort of like a crude soft bonnet.
What do you all think? Could it work?

I see what you are sayin'- jimmy-riggin it.
But it would seem that the direct contact point (where the steam would first enter the cap) would possibly be too hot.

But I do see what you are trying to do, You could even go to Lowes & get a pvc pipe (they come in all sizes) and use it for your 'rolled plastic into a tude shape'.

But maybe if you used a tabletop facial steamer


it would be possible.

This is what I thought about getting & jimmy-rigging as a hair steamer.

I am {{{{HERE}}}} with you!
SerenityBreeze said:
I just called them and they said that they had a back log from christmas. Normally they ship within 7 day. They told me that my shipment was being sent today.. so thats 16 days after placing my order. I promise to give updates ladies AS SOON AS I GET IT!

I'm itchin' to hear how you like it!:bouncegre
I use the steam room at my gym to get really good steam treatments. I wasn't trying to bad talk the steam cap, I am sure it was mostly user error:lol:

Plus I am texlaxed so my hair frizzes up if you look at it wrong:)