old school users...do you feel this way??

I'm probably considered a newbie, but when I first started lurking in January, I tried to read every single thread (LOL. Obsessive, I know, but I was excited.) I got to page 1,000 before I realized I had 4000+ more pages to go...so, I definitely kinda feel a little burnt out on the recycled topics.

I'm an obsessive researcher and from what I've learned on this forum and the natural haven blogspot, I feel so greatful for the wealth of information I've accumulated that I still try to answer questions, even though I hate the new layout of the forum and it makes me wanna quit this website. hehe:blush:
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I've been here awhile and love all parts of the board. I've reached my goal so I guess that's it for me. I have nothing really to add because it's been said over and over again but I do check back for the hit/miss thread because I'm always looking for the newest bestest condish, tips, techniques, etc. :lol:
I also lurk more than I post in the hair forum. My hair is truly on auto pilot and now I'm just waiting on more inches. But I've just discovered how great the other forums are. Like Lucie my nails are looking better than ever, my make up game has stepped up, and I always get a laugh when I visit the entertainment threads. LHCF is so much more than the hair forum.
There will always be new members on every site you go to! Thats the beauty of the internet and internet businesses. This is how they florish so quickly. I love to see new members get this information on haircare because I was that new member just a while back. I like to encourage new members and get to know them. Say hi and intorduce yourself if you feel that you don't know anyone here. I like the way the old forum was, but I am getting used to the new forum too. I think you should try looking at this feeling in a positive way and become a mentor for a newbie. They could appreciate a veteran such as yourself!
I'm a newbie and I haven't researched every single topic and yes, I've asked questions that might could have been answered through searching the board. I found that I was quite resourceful before the board upgrade. Now, I can't seem to find much of anything so I'm asking more questions now than before. I can understand why those who have been around get bored or frustrated with us newbies but you guys were newbies once too (don't stone me, just saying) and I'm sure someone has helped you along the way. Thank goodness for my faithful few LHCF friends (you know who you are) that are there for me to answer questions and are not bored or frustrated by my newbie type questions. Even if they are bored or frustrated, I'm thankful they've never let me see or feel that.

I agree those threads about how long does it take you to grow is a bit pointless because everyone's growth rate is different but I just look at it as, it's obvious a question that many are interested in because there are a lot of participators in those threads.

see this is another reason. people gettin in their feelings for NO REASON. this thread is in general and im tired of the cat fights too. im not in high school anymore. not saying what you said offended me but if i was in a bad mood i would have took it you being slick on the low and then id put you in your place but even thats getting old.

ill maybe stay around for the other threads like health and fitness and fashion and ill come back when i have kids one day but for right now i need to focus on more important things. wooooow never thought id say that lol
I've been here for a very long time and have felt that way for quite a while. I continue coming here because the wealth of information for the price just can't be beat.

I rarely even come over to the hair side anymore because you can only read "What conditioner gives you the best slip?" and "How long did it take you to grow to WSL?" so many times before you want to scream.

I mostly stick to the other areas of the board.

I've been here awhile, and I have noticed that the dynamic of the board has changed. Some of it is due to older members (who had a strong board presence) kinda fading out, and others taking their place (not necessarily bad).

And some of the changes were subtle shifts as we adapted to board updates. When I joined there weren't nearly as many alternate forums on here. So naturally if you were on here then you were more likely to be spending your time in the hair forum. So "old" heads tended to hang around the hair forum more and were able to drop knowledge for newbies (like me).

And some of the change has to do with simple things like a "thanks" button being added. Before, you had to enter the thread and make a post to thank someone. And along with thanking them, people would often drop little nuggets of knowledge themselves about the topic. Now people can hit the thanks button or the "like" button and keep it moving.

Anybody remember how many "shout out" threads to members we used to have? Some still pop up every now and again, but not nearly at the frequency they used to be. Those threads also served as a way to congratulate members on a job well done (I recognize that we still have the feature of the month).

Yes I do feel that way most of the time but I look in here once in a while to see if there is anything new going on like products. That's what I'm doing today. I mainly look and post on other threads now.

I don't hang out in the hair forum much anymore, but it is beneficial to drop by every now and again. That's how I found out that one of my die hard staples (from before I even started my healthy hair journey) was very recently reformulated (Roux Porosity Control).

I understand what you mean about the changes and the atmosphere here not feeling the same. But I agree with those who mentioned that LHCF is not just about hair. There's a lot of good discussions happening in the other forums.

For example:

- There's some great info in the career section. I've learnt a lot from there. Also, over the past few months, lots of ladies have helped each other source writing side gigs and are making extra money to meet real life goals.

- While its not of interest to everyone, there was a cool relationship thread where ladies who knew eligible bachelors were connecting them with single sisters on here. From what I read, there were some cool connections made.

- No too long ago, there was a thread going from women who suffered from depression. The thread allowed them to connect with other women of colour who were going through similar issues.

While hair is what brought people here, I really think it's a place where you can connect with other black women about (almost) anything.

As I've been on here longer, I've really started to appreciate the other forums. And they help keep things fresh. When I get tired of one I can sample another for awhile. But I think I do spend much less time on here (in any of the forums) than I did for the first few years.

I've been on here two years. Didn't consider myself "old school" until I saw when the OP joined. So, I guess I can comment. I went hard when I first joined. I was on here sometimes 12-16 hours a day--researching, reading, learning. Of course I don't need to go that hard anymore, but there is still valuable information on here that I am still discovering. Look not so much at the new, but go back to the old, very old, threads from before you joined. Unless you've perfected the treatment of your hair, and its exactly the way you want it, then there is more to learn. And even if you have, like the other poster said, stay and help the newbies. If all the old heads leave then it becomes the blind leading the blind. I know I didn't join so I could hear from someone else who just joined. I wanted to hear from someone who already made the journey to BSL and had wisdom to share.

I don't consider myself a hair guru by any means. I'm only an expert on my hair. But it did hit me the other week, that after all this time, I've become one of the board's "old heads." I definitely don't think I have a following of newbies waiting for me to post and drop some nuggets of gold or anything. :lachen: But I sometimes do try to visit the hair forum more often and pay particular attention to some of the threads from newer members. Especially the ones with words like "please help me!" in the title. :lol: I try to post if I think I can add to the discussion, or maybe just to re-iterate a great idea already posted by someone else.

One will never know everything about hair care or anything else.

I still enjoy the hair part of this board ever now and then after all these years... I too was at other hair growing sites before this one, so it's been 10+ years.

I do spend considerably more time on the other parts of this board though.


I am primarily lurking now a days as well.

I used to mostly lurk when I first joined and then hit a patch where I was on here posting much more frequently. But now I've sorta fallen back into posting less. I know people who have been on here less than 6 months that have more posts than I do. :lol:

I've been here awhile and love all parts of the board. I've reached my goal so I guess that's it for me. I have nothing really to add because it's been said over and over again but I do check back for the hit/miss thread because I'm always looking for the newest bestest condish, tips, techniques, etc. :lol:

I've surpassed my original hair goals (though I am trying to make it back to my longest length after a hair cut). But for the most part I'm very satisfied with where my hair is now. But I've not reached the pinnacle of perfection (and never will) so I can definitely still benefit from the vast knowledge of other posters on here. :yep:
OP, I wondered if anyone else felt that way. It just seems that something is missing. I lurk most of the time.
I've been here 8 years and I do tend to spend more time on the other forums now, but there always seems to be something new to learn about, or at least read about, on the hair forum. I do kind of have my regimen down and favorite products established, but I am still a PJ at heart. Therefore, I always read about something new that I want to try when I come over to the hair forum.

I also like to post to help others when I'm over here.
I don't post much. Many of the questions - after about 2 to 3 years..... are the same. But - Hey - I pop in every now and then. I am grateful for all that I have learned. =)

I have been on hair boards - going on 5 years.... So - yea - alot gets repeated.... But I have learned tons in 4.5 years.
I do like the support threads. The Transitioning thread has stopped me from BC'ing a few times. I air my thoughts and frustrations to people who are going through similar 'hair trauma'.

When i first joined i dived straight in and BC after 3 months and also jumped on many unsuitable bandwagons! I'm now almost 14 months post relaxer.

I also enjoy the other forum's.

I just don't visit every day and spend hours on here like i used to when i first joined.
I can understand where you're coming from OP. I just recently started coming back into the Hair threads since I became a natural close to 3 months ago. I still like to give newbies any info I have to help them on their journey, so that's what I do from time to time.
I understand what you mean OP but I like the 'sisterhood' of this forum. I'm a challenger on the APL by December 2010 thread and it's great talking with people who are in the exact position as I am (more or less) length wise. Once that goal has been achieved, most of us would hopefully move on to the next milestone together. So as a group the camaraderie, support and continuity of chatting with regular members is excellent and valuable!
While hair is what brought people here, I really think it's a place where you can connect with other black women about (almost) anything.

...this is why I stay! While there are the moments when things get a little thick in here, for the most part I like that the forum has fostered a sense of community for women who are growing longer hair, losing weight, learning to drive, becoming vegetarians, etc. Great quote, Urban! :) I hope you'll stick around, OP! :)
I've been on the board and maybe its just the way I am or my passion for all things hair, but I haven't noticed a change on the boards and I still post away every day. I don't know everything, heck I'm still learning to this day. I enjoy helping others. When I first joined 2 years ago people here really weren't that friendly towards newbies.

Maybe there's just a change in the air. I really like the fact that most people don't mind creating a new thread without worrying about being ignored. I visit OT, the Entertainment forum and the Pregnancy Forum but I am always faithfully here reading about conditioners and what not LOL
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Thank you! I'm so glad to see some growth (shrinkage definitely hides it!).

Thank you! I'm so glad to see some growth (shrinkage definitely hides it!).

oh wow! didn't even recognize you initially. i'm a photographer and immediately loved your look from your last siggy. became familliar w/ it through my lurking ;o).

but seriously, your hair has grown so much! congrats on the growth :o)

OP on the original topic of the thread, it's really not so dramatic here (at least not like the other board which shall remain nameless).

it sounds like you've really had it tho and need to take a break. which is fine. so take a break and come back when you feel like giving something back. i'm enormously thankful tho for the people who learn all they can then teach all they can. it completes the circle. the board wouldn't be any use at all if everyone came, absorbed, then left when they felt there was nothing new for them. not everyone is a 'teacher' tho (i know from real experience that i lack the patience for it) so do whatever works for you. no consensus required ;o)
I know you said old schoolers, I lurked for 2 mths prior to joining...I did a lot of searching for answers prior to posting (redundancy annoys me so I try not to be) so I know what you mean. Sometimes I come across a thread that may be introducing a prod I've never heard of and it could be beneficial to me in some way. I also like to see other's progress its very encouraging for those trying to reach a goal.
I know with me...I need to take a break every so often from any forum or networking site. When I come back I feel like a newbie all over again. LOL!
I've been here for a while, but to be honest when I first joined I took my info and left. I haven't been actively participating since a couple of months before the time that I BCed. Most of the threads are stuff I already know, but now that I'm fully natural I'm sort of relearning. There's something for everyone here :yep:
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So basically, it goes like this. If you have your own customized hair reggie/ know what growth products to use on ur hair (if you use any) and already have an opinion on anyone that anyone else is willing to argue about (hair type, genetics...etc) then you're pretty much good. most people, it takes 3 years (me) to finally get it after lurking/posting/flushing money down the toilet. but some people can get it in a year and be good. And even if some new cutting edge technology comes out, you know the basic science behind it so it's not something you get super excited about anyways.
with that being said, I feel like there is always something new to be learned and im not the end all be all to hair care, and if you're bored, just join a challenge. even tho they do the same ones every year.
So basically, it goes like this. If you have your own customized hair reggie/ know what growth products to use on ur hair (if you use any) and already have an opinion on anyone that anyone else is willing to argue about (hair type, genetics...etc) then you're pretty much good. most people, it takes 3 years (me) to finally get it after lurking/posting/flushing money down the toilet. but some people can get it in a year and be good. And even if some new cutting edge technology comes out, you know the basic science behind it so it's not something you get super excited about anyways.

Pretty much except that "cutting edge" means new science/new theory and that would be/is always interesting if you like hair. But regurgitation of the same old ideas - that gets boring fast.
I've been here since June but already I feel as if the threads are being recycled. I am over my hair obsession and have stopped buying so many products. I lurk here sometimes but rarely ever post. The strange thing is that since this new layout I have disconnected myself somewhat. Now that I am not focusing on my hair so much I have time to actually get my work done. Since I've been back at school I don't have time to obsess over my hair...maybe thats it. IDK. Although I'm a newbie I think I got the gist of things and dont feel the need to run to the board everytime my hair has an issue.
I don't consider myself an old head (but I lurked for like 2 years before paying a membership fee) and I can understand the OP's sentiments. Everything isn't for everybody and some people need breaks. There are more newer members and its not as exciting for me because I lurked back in the days of Chicoro and other super long haired ladies (plus then I had neck length so I was amazed). Like many other posters have said though I go to other forums. Plus I rarely give advice because even after almost 3 years into my hair journey I still have some kinks to work out...pun intended.
Pretty much except that "cutting edge" means new science/new theory and that would be/is always interesting if you like hair. But regurgitation of the same old ideas - that gets boring fast.

Within that I mean, yea, cutting edge, but you know the BASIC science behind it so it isn't a super big AHAH moment. it's more like an "Oh that's cool" moment. Understand?
For example, BKT's.
I think everyone needs to just take a big long break. Exhale, and jump back in. Plus many ladies have already reached their long hair goals. So that's also another reason why. Plus the new layout, people hate it. They should of updated the features and left the old update the way it was. That would of been a smart business move. when BHM updated their layout, they did it right by upping the feeling people have going to that site, and putting up familiar faces, keeping the same basic space requirements (outside of the avitars). That was a smart move. Plus I love pink, but that pink color was hideous. So yay for BHM and too bad for LHC
I started my journey in 2003... sometimes you get burned out... I still tippy toe in and out because this is like my old "home." There are loads of new folks... I miss the old ones too!
I'm probably considered a newbie, but when I first started lurking in January, I tried to read every single thread (LOL. Obsessive, I know, but I was excited.) I got to page 1,000 before I realized I had 4000+ more pages to go...so, I definitely kinda feel a little burnt out on the recycled topics.

I'm an obsessive researcher and from what I've learned on this forum and the natural haven blogspot, I feel so greatful for the wealth of information I've accumulated that I still try to answer questions, even though I hate the new layout of the forum and it makes me wanna quit this website. hehe:blush:

Boy oh boy, I thought I was the only one here that hated the new layout. It's not as user friendly as the old one. It's like you have to search more just to search for what yr looking for! I could'nt agree with you more!!!!
see this is another reason. people gettin in their feelings for NO REASON. this thread is in general and im tired of the cat fights too. im not in high school anymore. not saying what you said offended me but if i was in a bad mood i would have took it you being slick on the low and then id put you in your place but even thats getting old.

ill maybe stay around for the other threads like health and fitness and fashion and ill come back when i have kids one day but for right now i need to focus on more important things. wooooow never thought id say that lol

Not trying to start any negative feelings here, but I did'nt take any offense to what she said. Although I am not a newbie, she does bring in some good points. And yes yr right as well, this forum specifically is not for cat fights or teeny boopers wanting to get their fights on verbally, but a forum about hair care in general and should be kept in that tone without getting upset bc someone voices their opinions no matter who agrees or doesn't agree.