OKRA FOR YOUR HAIR - That's right...the vegetable!

Rastas or dred heads used to use okra to grow and seal their locs, they squeeze the slime out and put it on their hair, let's do an okra challenge, i will have one serving per day until june 22 when I go on vacation and we'll c how it works.
Any other updates ladies? I have everything but the pine tar. They didn't have it at WalMart so I'm gonna try Academy Sports and Outdoors.

Please give me some results. I'm dying here, help a sista out!!!!

This okra thing is what brought me out of lurking and got me posting :lol: .

P.S. Mahalialee4 where on earth did you find pine tar? I've been to Wally World and Academy and people are looking at me like they've never heard of such. HELP!!!
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Okay, all this talk about okra had me craving it. I hated it as a child and swore I would never eat anymore when I became grown. But, I don't want to deprive my dd'sof it if they like it.

So I bought a bag of frozen to cook this weekend. I thawed it out to cook on Sunday.

DH, told me it was my day, so he cooked for me. I asked if he knew how to cook okra. He said, "How hard can it be?"

Well, when dinner was served, my plate was brought to me with whole fride okra, not sliced and breaded, not with the tops cut off, but the whole okra breaded and fried.

I tried to look grateful, but it was so funny. My oldest daughter, however loved it.

He did the whole bag full. I was only gonna cook enough for a couple of servings, but he cooked the whole bag.


It was tolerable for me with a lot of hot sauce, so I guess I'll be eating okra all week long. Hope the hot sauce holds out.
rosie said:
Okay, all this talk about okra had me craving it. I hated it as a child and swore I would never eat anymore when I became grown. But, I don't want to deprive my dd'sof it if they like it.

So I bought a bag of frozen to cook this weekend. I thawed it out to cook on Sunday.

DH, told me it was my day, so he cooked for me. I asked if he knew how to cook okra. He said, "How hard can it be?"

Well, when dinner was served, my plate was brought to me with whole fride okra, not sliced and breaded, not with the tops cut off, but the whole okra breaded and fried.

I tried to look grateful, but it was so funny. My oldest daughter, however loved it.

He did the whole bag full. I was only gonna cook enough for a couple of servings, but he cooked the whole bag.


It was tolerable for me with a lot of hot sauce, so I guess I'll be eating okra all week long. Hope the hot sauce holds out.
Oh my goodness, thanks for the laugh!! this is too cute! at least he tried!!
Yeah, he did try.

He is a sweet, loving man. But dang. Now obliged to eat all of this mess.

I called my mom and told her about it and we laughed.

He's still tops though.
Yea definetely when I go home for break I need to ask my mom how to make to sauce that she makes for rice...MMMmmm love it!:yep:

Then once my hair gets healthy I'll be using this stuff for growth.

I'm wondering if the slime would make a halfway decent 'slippery' detangler/conditioner??

I'd like to know if anyone is still using their okra/castor oil for growth anymore?

Is anyone doing okra mucilage rinses or adding it to deep conditioning treatments?
Thanks Scarcity21

I love Shulta's recipes....I have not been to her blog & website for a while...it's good to see so many wonderful new recipes

I will definitely be incorporating more herbs w/ mucilage in my hair care regimen!

Thanks Scarcity21

I love Shulta's recipes....I have not been to her blog & website for a while...it's good to see so many wonderful new recipes

I will definitely be incorporating more herbs w/ mucilage in my hair care regimen!

Ur welcome NappyRina...lemme know how it goes! i ordered some products containing mucilage from Anita....i believe itll take a couple weeks to get here....cant wait!
Info on Okra...yes, i'm persistent!

The worldwide used versatile vegetable called okra is characterized by green color, elongated and tapering ridged pods infused with double row of seeds and slimy texture when cut open. This integral member of the cotton family is indigenous to regions around the Nile in North Africa and the Middle East for it was discovered dating as far as 3500 years ago in Ethiopia. Early Egyptians are known to love its taste. Okra later transcended to North America enroute slave trade and then to Europe, Asia and South and Central America.
Besides being low in calories it is aplenty with vitamins of the category A, Thiamin, B6, C, folic acid, riboflavin, calcium, zinc and dietary fiber. Eating okra is much recommended for pregnant woman besides other for it is rich in folic acid which is essential in the neural tube formation of the fetus during 4-12 weeks of gestation period in the mother's womb.
Research revelations by the eminent nutritionists' state
• The mucilage and fiber found in okra helps adjust blood sugar by regulating its absorption in the small intestine.
• The fiber of okra has many superior qualities in maintaining the health of the gastro-intestinal tract.
• It helps reabsorb water and traps excess cholesterol, metabolic toxins and surplus bile in its mucilage and slips it out through the stool. Due to greater percentage of water in the bulk it thereby prevents constipation, gas and bloating in the abdomen.
• It is an ideal vegetable for weight loss and is storehouse of health benefits provided it is cooked over low flame to retain its properties. This also to ensure that the invaluable mucilage contained in it is not lost to high heat.
• Okra facilitates the propagation of good bacteria referred to as probiotics. These are similar to the ones proliferate by the yoghurt in the small intestine and helps biosynthesis of Vitamin B complex.
• For adding bounce your hair. Boil horizontally sliced okra till the brew become maximally slimy. Cool it and add a few droops of lemon and use this as the last rinse and see your hair spring back to youthfulness and jump.
• Okra is an excellent laxative treats irritable bowels, heals ulcers and sooths the gastrointestinal track.
• Protein and oil contained in the seeds of okra serves as the source of first-rate vegetable protein. It is enriched with amino acids on the likes of tryptophan, cystine and other sulfur amino acids.

Rosy Vohra works for Online books India
Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Rosy_Vohra

come on ladies, help a sista out!:spinning::drunk:
Wow! What a Great thread.

I think mystyle wil be to use my food processor to blend up some okra.....

I will keep you updated!
Re: OKRA FOR YOUR HAIR - That\'s right...the vegetable!

Interesting. Here's all I could find:


Okra, the vegetable, is that pointy green one with ridges on the outside and soft white seeds like little peas in the middle, also known as ladies' fingers. It always tastes delicious in Indian restaurants but it's very difficult to cook because if you boil it for too long it turns to a soft mucilage. Fortunately this makes it wonderful for softening your hair, even when you've treated it so badly you think you're going to have to cut it all off because you'll never get it back into shape! We add nettles, grapes, vinegar and rosemary oil, everything you need for getting your hair shiny again. Its scent is a lovely, strong, fresh, herbal, minty mixture. This is our very strong conditioner; use it with care to restore cruelly mistreated hair.

[/ QUOTE ]
Source: http://www.lush.co.uk/system/index.htmlhttp://www.lush.co.uk/system/index.html[/i]

Oh duh...I just realized we were on the same website.

I was trying to use the links but both arent working anyone have newlinks the the okra and coconut conditioners?
It probably has some good nutrients.
However, the smell of gumbo all day long would get on my nerves.
Maybe if you add some essential oil to this? LOL
Re: OKRA FOR YOUR HAIR - That\'s right...the vegeta

This is crazy.......
I'm sending a sample to pepperanne- She'll be the guinea pig for this...and let us know how it works....

But ladies if this stuff works, husbands will leave coz the smell is strong.

Suppose I have a use for this after all.:lachen::lachen: I'm playin but he always teases me about my concotions. He says my ACV smells like the urine of a sea monkey....stupid stuff like that he makes up. lol!
Re: OKRA FOR YOUR HAIR - That\'s right...the vegetable!

I am wondering if a mixture of okra and irish moss will be the ultimate moisture treatment. I will get my irish moss delivered next week and I have okra in the freezer, so I will let you know next week!