Okay so I'm going to do it..

Sui Topi

New Member
I think I'm annoying my husband enough with my everyday debates between going natural, texlaxing, or just self relaxing....mind you I'm only a month post :perplexed. Anyway, after conditioner-washing this evening, I was feeling my 1 in of new growth (thank you MN!!) I think I'm just going to go natural. It feels so sooooft compared to the rest of my relaxed tresses..you know that wet relaxed hair, hard yet insanely delicate feeling. The only problem now is time moves too slow :drunk:. If I can keep up this 1 inch a month thing, which most likely isn't set in stone, I STILL have to wait until next year August or so until I'll have the same length I have now but natural (SL)...maybe even longer since my current growth rate seems too good to last. I guess it'll be alright because Ill just keep trimming once I hit APL or so anyway, but I'm sure when half my hair is natural I'm going to be tempted to BC..

So ladies can you share some stories about your transition...what helped you to stop fidgeting in your hair, with maintenence, and the enjoyment of that final trim :grin:
congratulations on deciding to go natural. I'm still transitioning and loving every single moment of it. My natural hair is soooooooo much softer and shinnier than my relaxed ends. Right now I'm wearing braids for two reasons. 1 because it's getting cold and I hate when my hair rubs against the collar of my coat. 2. I'm loving the thickness so much that's I've been overmanipulating my hair. Overall...it's going very well and I haven't had to urge to relax once...:grin:
I have learned patience over the years but that first year of transition I could hardly handle two textures so I kept it in weaves. Then when I was bold enough I went to twists. Yes, I was not good at experimenting with natural hair.

Try that for now to take your mind off of your hair. Or even a cute wig.

I would say that even you do the weave or braids or twists to be sure you take care of your edges you don't want to inherit another issue.

Best to you on this wonderful incredible journey.
I think I'm annoying my husband enough with my everyday debates between going natural, texlaxing, or just self relaxing....mind you I'm only a month post :perplexed. Anyway, after conditioner-washing this evening, I was feeling my 1 in of new growth (thank you MN!!) I think I'm just going to go natural. It feels so sooooft compared to the rest of my relaxed tresses..you know that wet relaxed hair, hard yet insanely delicate feeling. The only problem now is time moves too slow :drunk:. If I can keep up this 1 inch a month thing, which most likely isn't set in stone, I STILL have to wait until next year August or so until I'll have the same length I have now but natural (SL)...maybe even longer since my current growth rate seems too good to last. I guess it'll be alright because Ill just keep trimming once I hit APL or so anyway, but I'm sure when half my hair is natural I'm going to be tempted to BC..

I'm transitioning also and I find co-washing and braid outs work for me but it's only been a few months.

I know this is off the subject but what's your routine with the MN! 1inch a month....wow that's great.
I mixed it with peppermint, olive, sweet almond and a little alma oil, and mixed it into melted hollywood beauty castor oil grease stuff and mango butter, and every so often I would divide my hair into two and then work in maybe 1 inch sections from the back to front applying with my fingertips onto my scalp. I will say I have gotten a few mild headaches though, so be warned.
Congrats for making your decision!!!

my decision, once made, was a firm one. I mentally challenged myself that i had no other option but to go natural and that no matter what the ups, downs, good/bad hair days :ohwell::perplexed. i was going to see it through.

after that, i just accepted my hair throughout my transition and learned to "make things work"; styles, techniques, whatever. i actually enjoyed my transition!! if i ever felt a bit frustrated (and this does happen), i went ahead and flatironed my hair every now and again, that way i could just stick it in a bun or wear some nice curls or something as a change of pace.

be patient, learn to enjoy your transition, protect your new growth (cause what's near your scalp now will be on your shoulders in a year or so) and, do not allow yourself to get too frustrated.

Good luck to you and HHG!