Okay, I'm Kinda Stuck [Advice Please!]


Well-Known Member
Hey LHCF ladies! Hope you're enjoying the start of 2011 so far.

Well today, I was moisturizing my twists (with extensions) as usual and I started messing with my hair and everything. I ended up undoing one twist and measuring it (from where my curls stopped along the length of the hair, since I had heat damage four months ago). It measured to be two inches, which is was shocking to me because I (being the pessimist that I am) always thought that I was getting 1/4 of an inch per month, hence why I couldn't see much difference since my BC eight months ago. Upon finding that now, I was ecstatic!

Now that I know precisely how much my hair grows per month, I'm really determined to retain every inch this year.

Only problem is: I'm having a hard time figuring out what to do with my hair so that I retain much length.

Before the twists that I have right now, I would usually wear my hair like this:

Which I like (when done correctly, and not in a haphazard rush
), but it offered no protection and I had to keep maintaining it every other day, which resulted in way too much manipulation for my taste.

So I want to retain with a protective style but:

  • I don't want to wear wigs: I did that for half of last year and I hated it
  • I don't want to wear sew-ins: I'm a college student so finding someone in Miami who can do a decent job without burning a hole in my pocket is...yeah
  • I can't wear twists with extensions, box braids with extensions, etc.: Same reason mentioned above
  • I can't do my own hair for nada (only think I can do are really bad twists)
  • And probably the biggest thing holding me back is (and I hate showing this picture, but showing is better than telling):

I have huge spot on the right side of my hair from a cornrow disaster three years ago, and this was taken not long after my BC. I guess some hair has grown in just a smidge, but my guts are telling me that this is permanent and that I'm going to need a dermatologist's help after this. There aren't many hairstyles that I know of that I can pull off with my barely SL hair without revealing this gaping hole on the side of my head.

So, I'm kinda stuck with finding the right protective style that'll look nice while not destroying my bank in the process. Any suggestions would mean the world to me right now.
what about half wigs?
or those ponytails?
Maybe you should practice to put in your own weaves?

Also, have you tried essential oils on your bald spot?
I used rosemary oil as a massage nightly on my edges and it did help.
What about half wigs? They're inexpensive and don't look as "wiggy". You can wear the front under a headband for less manipulation or leave a bit out to blend. Try them.....you might be surprised! :yep:
Hey Amy. I am sorry for the tough time you are having with your hair. It definitely looks like you have alopecia and if I were you, I would definitely see a dermatologist and see if there is anything that they can do to help fill in your bald spot.

The best way to retain length as you seem to know is to leave your hair alone. The less you mess with it the better. For most of us with type 4 hair, if we want to grow out our hair long, we probably have to do some form of protective styling in order to retain length.

You might have to do just what you did so well in the first picture: do a protective style, and help hide your spot with a scarf or headband. But really, I truly believe you should see a dermatologist.

Good luck :)
Check out youtube for half wig tutorials

This was the first one I used


Then I tried acacia- which is in my album

Just find one that blends with your real hair. It is possible
lol @ the OP saying she doesn't wanna wear wigs......and ppl recommending wigs

AmyRose maybe you could find a way to make your signature style last longer? because it looks cute and low manipulation. Do you sleep with a satin scarf?
what about half wigs?
or those ponytails?
Maybe you should practice to put in your own weaves?

Also, have you tried essential oils on your bald spot?
I used rosemary oil as a massage nightly on my edges and it did help.

I've tried Boundless Tresses, but I haven't been consistent thus far. It has improved, but I think I'm still going to the dermatologist for consultation.
But I think I want to try rosemary oil really soon, to see if it'll help. Thank you :yawn:
lol @ the OP saying she doesn't wanna wear wigs......and ppl recommending wigs

AmyRose maybe you could find a way to make your signature style last longer? because it looks cute and low manipulation. Do you sleep with a satin scarf?

lol Thanks :) Usually I do. I just find my hair really dry after the second day, which leaves me no choice but to remove the clip and moisturize...maybe I should just smooth the product over without too much manipulation.

What about half wigs? They're inexpensive and don't look as "wiggy". You can wear the front under a headband for less manipulation or leave a bit out to blend. Try them.....you might be surprised! :yep:

Thanks for the suggestion. I might like into them.

Hey Amy. I am sorry for the tough time you are having with your hair. It definitely looks like you have alopecia and if I were you, I would definitely see a dermatologist and see if there is anything that they can do to help fill in your bald spot.

The best way to retain length as you seem to know is to leave your hair alone. The less you mess with it the better. For most of us with type 4 hair, if we want to grow out our hair long, we probably have to do some form of protective styling in order to retain length.

You might have to do just what you did so well in the first picture: do a protective style, and help hide your spot with a scarf or headband. But really, I truly believe you should see a dermatologist.

Good luck :)

Thanks. I've wanted to see a dermatologist for the longest but I think I'll go after I take down these twists I have right now.

Check out youtube for half wig tutorials

This was the first one I used


Then I tried acacia- which is in my album

Just find one that blends with your real hair. It is possible

Okay, I just might. Thanks :)
I, too, have (or had) a huge bald spot which is slowly but surely growing back in. I realize you are a college student so we have to consider cost effective measures here. While I don't want to recommend a bunch of products, I could make few cost effective suggestions:

1) As silly as this might sound, consider taking advantage of a FREE consultation at a local Hair Club. Now, before you laugh hard, consider this: you typically get a FREE consultation with an experienced person who deals with all forms of alopecia, male baldness as well as female baldness. While it might not be a dermatologist, they will take pictures of your scalp and provide some basic suggestions, along with the semi-hard sell to buy their service. But you will walk out with a decent assessment of your situation and whether or not hair growth in the section is possible (they use a wand thing to look very closely at the follicle on the scalp, take pictures and give them to you). Did I mention that its FREE? - It won't get you a script for drugs but it can be used as a tool to assess the severity of your situation.

2) Research some of the cost effective suggestions that some of the ladies with similar situations on the board offer. Personally I have had really good success with JBCO, a homemade sulfur mix and a Megatek mix. But, be careful to select carefully so as not to overspend on products AND all suggestions work based on CONSISTENT habits. so, if you realize that you won't be consistent with the use of any product - don't waste money on it.

3) With all habits, what you put on it topically works best with internal work. So work on eating good nutritious meals and getting consistent exercise. Both will help with blood circulation to your scalp which in turns helps stimulate hair growth.

4) Some doctors offer free consultations, you have to ask. Also consider checking with programs at teaching hospitals. If you are persistent, you can get the dermatologist consult through teaching clinics, hospitals, etc.

Now as far as finding hair styling help, its all gravy. I too am style challenged, but I learned how to do a few basic hairdos and so can you. There are YT videos, blogs and plenty of suggestions here at LHCF. Personally, I take advantage of my natural curl or wear my hair out in two-strand twists (I don't know how to plait/braid). I find the more moisturized my hair is, the curlier it gets. I use just a little curl enhancing lotion and let it air dry. Its thriving.

Best of luck to you on your HHJ.
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