Ok, so my hair is long, but now what???


New Member
Anyone ever feel like this? My hair is growing nicely (currently passing BSL when straightened), but sometimes I ask “now what?” I say this because the longer it gets, the longer it takes to do anything more than a ponytail, bun or wash ‘n go. In addition to that, my hair is 3c and curls up at the drop of a hat. I also exercise at least four times a week, so any work I may do straightening and styling it on the weekend goes out the door with the first drop of sweat, and I’m not willing to give up fitness for a cute hairstyle.

I’m sure this is just another part of the growth journey and I’ll learn to come to terms with it, but I just wondered if I was the only one asking themselves this question from time to time.
Anyone ever feel like this? My hair is growing nicely (currently passing BSL when straightened), but sometimes I ask “now what?” I say this because the longer it gets, the longer it takes to do anything more than a ponytail, bun or wash ‘n go. In addition to that, my hair is 3c and curls up at the drop of a hat. I also exercise at least four times a week, so any work I may do straightening and styling it on the weekend goes out the door with the first drop of sweat, and I’m not willing to give up fitness for a cute hairstyle.

I’m sure this is just another part of the growth journey and I’ll learn to come to terms with it, but I just wondered if I was the only one asking themselves this question from time to time.


I've always stalked your fotki b/c I think you have GORGEOUS curly hair. Why are you even bothering with straightening it?

I've always stalked your fotki b/c I think you have GORGEOUS curly hair. Why are you even bothering with straightening it?

Good question! Every now and then I just want to change it up and usually I'm ready to return to my curly look after a few days anyway. I'm one of those people who get bored with a hairstyle, so I'm always looking for something new to do. I've been thinking I should try cute hair accessories instead of always looking to change my hair.

Thanks for the compliment. BTW: your question was very timely -- reminds me of why I went natural in the first place.
You bring up a very good question. I say, enjoy it! I'm working with like 6 inches of hair and can't wait to get to where you are. Growing it out is only a part of the journey I guess.
Good question! Every now and then I just want to change it up and usually I'm ready to return to my curly look after a few days anyway. I'm one of those people who get bored with a hairstyle, so I'm always looking for something new to do. I've been thinking I should try cute hair accessories instead of always looking to change my hair.

Thanks for the compliment. BTW: your question was very timely -- reminds me of why I went natural in the first place.

VERY True!! you have beautiful hair so why even attempt to straighten it in this weather and with your exercise routine. wear it in all it's glory and I think you should just start collecting hair accessories. I have a big bag of them , currently for the summer I have those thin ,stretchy headbands in all different colors and I will pull my hair back for instance if I have on a red dress I will put 2 or 3 of them on in red black maybe white and they look great. I have kinky textured natural hair so they also help to pull my hairline back . I have all kinds of barrettes for thick hair, combs , pins, I'm now trying to find or maybe even make myself some of those chinese hair sticks. You have beautiful hair enjoy it :rosebud: BTW, do you know how many 40 yr olds wish they had hair like yours? by the time we're 40 we've usually relaxed the life out of it and are trying out weave and wig options, there's nothing wrong with that but it's good not to HAVE to
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I’m sure this is just another part of the growth journey and I’ll learn to come to terms with it, but I just wondered if I was the only one asking themselves this question from time to time.
My hair isn't long enough yet...but sometimes I wonder what it's going to mean to me once I hit WSL...and if I'll be able to handle 100% natural waistlength 4a type hair.:perplexed
I don't want to have that "now what" felling. That's why I'm working on having everything from head to toe on point. While my hair is in braids for a year. I'll be working on everything else. Next summer it's going to be on. I can't Wait.

i know what you mean! after cutting my hair to ear length, all i wanted was to be at brastrap. now that i'm there, i mostly bun. i'm paranoid that if i wear my hair out, it'll break off!!:ohwell:
I am a newbie and I love this site:grin:. I am currently at two inches below bsl and don't know what to do with it now. I am wondering what will I do with my hair next summer when it is at waist length. I am totally with you shynessqueen, braids for a year will give me time to work on this body. :yep: Thanks ladies for all of the excellent info.
Start trying different ways you can wear it. take pictures and post them in the photo section on the forum to help others.
Try ponytails, Hi on head, medium, Low. Braided, Etc. If you don't like doing your own hair go to a beauty college and let them learn how to do different styles, just make it clear they can't cut or do chemical service.
Start trying different ways you can wear it. take pictures and post them in the photo section on the forum to help others.
Try ponytails, Hi on head, medium, Low. Braided, Etc. If you don't like doing your own hair go to a beauty college and let them learn how to do different styles, just make it clear they can't cut or do chemical service.

ITA!!! So in other words enjoy the fruits of your labor, cause that's what i plan to do.
not me. as soon as i heit one goal, i reach for another. right now i am mbl (i think) and i am shooting for waist lenght. then i will shoot for tailbone length.

i am taking out my braids as we speak, and will post pics soon. hopefully, i will be waist length or damn close.
I hear you - my hair is no way near your length but it is getting there and everyday its the same thing- a sloppy bun ponytail:sad:. I am getting tired of it.
I appreciate everyone's comments and suggestions. You've spurred me on to do several things:

1. Continue trying new styles, especially more buns and up-dos.
2. Buying more hair accessories to give my styles more "ummpphh."
3. Experimenting with different products and techniques.
4. Doing some tutorials to share with others.
5. Blogging.

So after all this, I'm getting pretty excited about my hair again -- not just for the sake of having long hair, but helping others achieve their goals, too.