Ok...so I did it...and I love it


Well-Known Member
After approx 13 wks of stretching my relaxer, I fell victim to the creamy crack. I used Hawaiian Silk Mild Lye Relaxer and I must say that I love the results. While I dont have any pics up in my fotki in reference to the relaxer, take my word for it, I love the way my hair is when it's relaxed. Here's what I did after the relaxer:

1. used motions conditioner directly after rinsing out the relaxer (left in for approx 10 mins)
2. applied Elucence Moisture Benefits Shampoo (I absolutely love this stuff :D)
3. applied Adore Clear Rinse (under the dryer for 30 mins)
4. shampooed again with Elucence
5. deep conditioned with Elucence Moisture Balance Conditioner (under the dryer for 30 mins)
6. roller set (didnt even need a detangler, or leave-in because my hair was so silky, soft, and manageable)
7.dried roller set under hooded dryer for approx 1 hr 45 mins
8.took out rollers and wrapped my hair

I took apart the wrap this morning and my hair was so nice, soft, and appeared thicker. I must say that I've dropped all other shampoos and conditioners for Elucence. I couldn't stop going to the restroom at work to look at my hair. As soon as I take pics, I will update my Fotki. (hopefully I can find my digital camera)

By the way, has anyone used the Elucence elixir or treatment conditioner, if so, what were your results?
I fell prey to the creamy cracky myself. I stretched for 12 weeks. I was trying to hold out till April, but the creamy crack kept calling my name. :lol:
I was hoping to stretch until about July, but that didnt happen. I noticed my hair was shedding and breaking quite alot. Getting a relaxer really helped. When I combed my hair today, I think on 2 hairs came out.

I also started using a new brush and comb. I purchased both these items from The Body Shop and I must say that I love the way the brush and comb glide through my hair. The comb made detangling a breeze and the brush stimulates my scalp. These 2 items are a must have.
