ok ladies i need a e- hug

Spongie Bloom

New Member
ok here is the thing...i just came back from a date if u can call it that today is a holiday in England known as Bonfire night so i went with this guy to the celebrations which included a fairground he was 30 minutes late which he apologised for and called me to tell he was going to be late so after going on a ride (my second one) he started feeling sick so even though i still wanted to stay on i thought i should leave with him so we passed through a place to get some food he didnt leave the door open for me y'all :ohwell: then he goes to sit down hands me some money and says get something for me and you... now i knw the guy is feeling ill but come on now :nono:

i throw the money on the table and told him im going home (home was just a block away) so he follows me asking me wats wrong :rolleyes: i asked him which part of this night made him think it was going well he starts saying sorry and stuff i tell him that its got nothing to do with that he is just incapable of giving me what i expect from a man and that i am not here to school him on how a man should act. So sistas PLEASE tell me i didnt overreact cause a mate of mine thinks i am. Hes been calling since i told him to stop following me or else ill scream lol, talking about he's sorry...
Here's a hug :bighug:
You know, I would give him one more chance LOL!
Men are really pitiful when they are sick :rolleyes:
One more chance - not more! :)
Here's a hug :bighug:
You know, I would give him one more chance LOL!
Men are really pitiful when they are sick :rolleyes:
Onemore chance - not more! :)

Oh! does one forget simple manners when sick... :perplexed Op do you want to give it another go. First date he should be trying to impress not the opposite...:nono:
I would give him a one-time special pass, on account of being sick. Just one. Not more. He should've just canceled. I say this because I am usually nice but I can be piece of work when I'm really sick.
Here's a hug :bighug:
You know, I would give him one more chance LOL!
Men are really pitiful when they are sick :rolleyes:
One more chance - not more! :)

it is ridiculous. You can throw a man into the midst of a fierce battle unarmed and he'll be fine. He gets a cold -- and :nono: you want to send him to his mama.
:bighug: awww... there u go.

my opinion on this is u should give him another chance. yes he was an idiot. but i'm proud of the way u acted. and i'm kind of glad things went down like that.

why? b/c NOW he knows what type of woman you are and he knows that you expected to be treated like a lady and no less. the fact that he keeps apologizing and calling you non stops SHOWS that he understands that and he's willing to meet your demands and treat you like you deserve to be treated.

he screwed up but guys are idiots. you put your foot down. i bet you a million bucks if u give him another chance you wont ever see the same guy again. he has no choice but to treat you right. if anything he probably has more respect for you now. anyhow, if u do give him another shot tell us how it goes!!
::Hugs:: Girly

If I thought he was really cute:look:, I would give him one more chance to prove himeself.:lachen:

Just 1 Though! Good Luck lady.
hmmmm...tough one for me. Regardless of him being sick, he should still have treated you better. I would give him another chance though. Just one. Now that he knows you don't stand for the foolishness, he should bring his "A" game next time out. If not, he just doesn't have a clue and you should probably just leave him alone.
:huggle: Sorry this happened. The only reason I have any sympathy for him is because I'm always running late and I also have motion sickness. Once I'm sick, I am really sick, I rarely go on rides though, I wonder why he would even go on rides if he knows he has motion sickness? Anyway, if you really liked him and since he is apologizing and begging for a second chance, what have you got to lose?

eta:No, I don't think you overreacted:nono:.
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^^^I agree with AC. I know the guy was feeling crappy but that was no reason to be mean. Guys can be such a WUSSY sometimes :rolleyes: I don't think you overreacted and I commend you for standing your ground :clapping:.

See what happens on the next date, if he shows his behind again keep on moving!! :)
Here's a hug :bighug:
You know, I would give him one more chance LOL!
Men are really pitiful when they are sick :rolleyes:
One more chance - not more! :)

thanx for the hug mama... this is what my friend was telling me last nite

Oh! does one forget simple manners when sick... :perplexed Op do you want to give it another go. First date he should be trying to impress not the opposite...:nono:

that was my thinking!! it was the first date and first impressions count the most

:bighug: awww... there u go.

my opinion on this is u should give him another chance. yes he was an idiot. but i'm proud of the way u acted. and i'm kind of glad things went down like that.

why? b/c NOW he knows what type of woman you are and he knows that you expected to be treated like a lady and no less. the fact that he keeps apologizing and calling you non stops SHOWS that he understands that and he's willing to meet your demands and treat you like you deserve to be treated.

he screwed up but guys are idiots. you put your foot down. i bet you a million bucks if u give him another chance you wont ever see the same guy again. he has no choice but to treat you right. if anything he probably has more respect for you now. anyhow, if u do give him another shot tell us how it goes!!

thanx girl while i was walking away i was so proud of myself of not tolerating his foolishness...if i do decide to go for another date with him i'll sure let u know

:huggle: Sorry this happened. The only reason I have any sympathy for him is because I'm always running late and I also have motion sickness. Once I'm sick, I am really sick, I rarely go on rides though, I wonder why he would even go on rides if he knows he has motion sickness? Anyway, if you really liked him and since he is apologizing and begging for a second chance, what have you got to lose?

eta:No, I don't think you overreacted:nono:.

ok i have to own up...i kinda bullied him into getting onto the ride :look: he didnt want to get onto any he was going to wait for me while i go on any rides i wanted but i thought that wud be boring so he ended up giving in

^^^I agree with AC. I know the guy was feeling crappy but that was no reason to be mean. Guys can be such a WUSSY sometimes :rolleyes: I don't think you overreacted and I commend you for standing your ground :clapping:.

See what happens on the next date, if he shows his behind again keep on moving!! :)

thanx girlie...im still thinking on the second chance thing
ok i have to own up...i kinda bullied him into getting onto the ride :look: he didnt want to get onto any he was going to wait for me while i go on any rides i wanted but i thought that wud be boring so he ended up giving in

Well in that case, you really should give him a 2nd chance. I have been in his position, trying to please someone. When I first got married, dh and I went to Disney World--he begged me to ride on Magic Mountain:blush:, like you he didn't want to go alone. I caved and I got so sick, I was ill for the next 24-48 hours. I told him that if he really loved me and wanted to be married to me to never put me in that position again--and he never did:). Anyway, motion sickness is no joke. Give him a 2nd chance and this time maybe go out to eat and see a movie--no amusement parks:nono2:.
personally how he was acting was probably more of the "real" him vs a facade he was trying to put up in order to impress you.....so if you really do like him, its good you let him know what you would desire for a man....but overreacting to "expect" him to have known all this from the jump....expectations of others is what messes alot of people up

plenty of women don't have a problem not having doors held open for them for whatever reasons
plenty of men weren't raised to do this for women nor is it uncommon that they have interacted with women who demanded it be done or they wouldn't deal with them even if they did feel like it wasn't respectful or mannerful

and being sick does suck...esp nauseousness...makes you not want to do n e thing but be as still as possible and pray for the feeling to go away without throwing up......so him handing you the money and wanting to sit down I wouldn't write off as him being an *******.....lol...he could of just sat down and been like go get us something to eat without giving you any money....

so if you are one of those women who prefer this to be done for you then you let him know.....and if he makes an effort to want to try and do those things thats more impressing than him pretending he does it when he doesn't....and if he's willing to try and do that for you, you also have to be aware that he may slip up from time to time and may have to be reminded of this....

lots of women find out it really sucks to have a man "pretending" and "impressing" from the start and come to find out thats not really his real personality and have fell for it...

as far as being late...I know for me and for alot of other "no concept of time" folks that people "expect" me to be late and last minute simply just knowing how I am....I have tried over and over and over some more to be time conscious and Im just simply not...and I know other people who are like that as well....sometimes its either an accept how they are or bounce out.....

of course not saying this dude is a "late" person based on being late on the first date...

but bottom line is....if you were that offended by his actions then leave him alone if you don't feel its worth getting to know him anymore or allowing him to get to know and learn you as a person as well as you getting to know who he is as a person
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^^^ Tiara i feel what you are saying, that i was projectin instead of just maybe seeing him as him i think sometimes i get caught up in what ought to be instead of what is actually going on so i dont really listen or pay attention unless if its exactly what i want it to be eg if its a question i asked i expect a guy to answer a certain way instead of listening to how HE feels about the situation... i still havent spoken to him yet and need a lil more time before i do just so i can get my thoughts together y'all have given me a lot of food for thought
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Well in that case, you really should give him a 2nd chance. I have been in his position, trying to please someone. When I first got married, dh and I went to Disney World--he begged me to ride on Magic Mountain:blush:, like you he didn't want to go alone. I caved and I got so sick, I was ill for the next 24-48 hours. I told him that if he really loved me and wanted to be married to me to never put me in that position again--and he never did:). Anyway, motion sickness is no joke. Give him a 2nd chance and this time maybe go out to eat and see a movie--no amusement parks:nono2:.

Yeah i probably shouldnt have pushed him...i just wanted to go into the ride on my own on the plus side at least he won me an Eyore doll on one of the those hit something and win stands ( i loke eyore) :yawn: