Ok i am really starting to get annoyed!!!!


Beauty and Fashion Junkie
Ok my hair is bipolar! I can make a clear cut line across my head that separates the hair that grows fast and the hair that grows slow. The fast part grows about 1 inch per month-- I am soo happy about that. I can seriously igonore that part of my haed and it will still grow and it will not break (knock on wood). The other half grows about 1/3 inch per month and no matter how much i tend it it will grow slow and it will break and thin. The difference between the 2 sections is approaching 4 inches. At this rate I will reach my goal in fast section in about 4 to five months and the other section will take over 2 years! I cannot wait that long!!!

So my question is I know that I am supposed to wait but is there anyway to even it out-- other than cutting my hair? What could be causing this-- my hair has never been like this!
hi, luvhair.
i know how your feel because one side of my hair grows much faster than the other and of course the slower side breaks faster too. i'm not sure if it's because our bodies are just asymetrical (you know one bigger foot, one bigger breast) or if that side just endures more stress. anyway, honestly, i don't know if there is a way that you can accomplish this without cutting your hair, but maybe you should try taking extra care of that side of your hair to speed up growth and maintain the length (extra long massages, etc). sorry to say, but eventually, you may have to gradually trim the fast side to even it out, but at least the slow side will be growing faster.

i'd say just wear your hair up in protective styles so no one can see the difference and see if the some extra care helps. good luck and puleeeze let me know if you find the cure.
thanks miss brown

I totally agree with you about the asymmetry thing but mine is back and front not left and right so i don't think that its that in this case. Initially I was gonna wait until I reach my goal and slowly trim the long part until it catches up but that would take over 2 years so I guess i am just being impatient. I am going to take care of the slow part and but i already have my hair in a protective style and it still hasn't helped. Maybe I need a new one. If i discover anything i'll let you know!
Can't you find a style to wear while it's growing out? If the front is longer why not wear a bob? If the back is longer you can always sport a flip. Other than that, you probably wear your hair in protective styles, right? You know you could try braids too.
Can't you find a style to wear while it's growing out? If the front is longer why not wear a bob? If the back is longer you can always sport a flip. Other than that, you probably wear your hair in protective styles, right? You know you could try braids too.

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The back of my hair always seemed to grow so much faster than the sides until I started wearing more protective styles(and rinsed more often). Now my sides are keeping up with the back...finally!
I know exactly how annoying this is because I have the same problem!! Always did but now it seems more pronounced since my hair is growing a little faster... at least on one side.
The other side is much shorter and waaay weaker.
I was wondering if I should trim to even it out also. My hair stylist says that it's because that's the main side that I sleep on and gravitational pull. Whateverrrrr....
I was trying to make an effort to sleep on the other side to even it out.

If you find a solution, please let us know.