Ok HONESTLY......what would YOU have done??

jovan787 said:
Should I have gone to customer service and told them that I was undercharged for the products? I mean Wal-Mart is the #2 most profitable company, why would they care about a lousy $20? What would you have done?

Sweetie, Wal-Mart discriminates against women and minorities. The conditions for workers are abysmal. They don't even pay a minimum, living wage.

I think their $20 won't even be missed. Go 'head and enjoy your products. :kiss:
Honestly, I would have kept it moving.

There have been times where the cashier forgot to ring up something, and I would catch him/her and let them know that they forgot something. The other day when I was buying some breakfast at this shop up the street, the guy rang up my drinks, but not the sandwich (the other person hadn't finished preparing it). I kindly told the cashier that he forgot to add the sandwich to the total. Yeah, it was 3 more dollars added, but I was honest.

As far as your situation goes, take it as a break. You didn't catch it till afterwards, so just keep going. Last year I used my credit card at Taco Bell, and my total was like $7.27. When I checked my bank statement online, I was only charged $0.72 cents......go figure. Do you think I called Taco Bell and told them what happened? Nope. Count your lucky stars and keep it moving.
Sistaslick said:
True, I just wouldn't want that on my heart though. I'm a worry wart, and I need to feel like I at least tried to do the right thing. Doing the right thing is important to me and for me, that would have been returning the money to the store. That transaction was between Wal-Mart and the customer. If I can't give it back to the customer, then it goes back to Wal-Mart. Now, if I hand it to a manager and they pocket it--- that's on them and their God to deal with. I feel like I did my part. Who knows, that customer might run back in looking for their money. :lol: It happened to me before, and my money (bout $10) was waiting right at the self checkout help kiosk when I came back to check. I showed my reciept for the change and they gave it back!

I know most folks don't think like that and that's alright. But I certainly appreciate it when they do--and I try to do the same whenever I'm in that position. I guess I'm just weird like that. I don't expect the OP to go back, most people in this thread have said they wouldn't-- but I can only speak for myself and what I would do. Different strokes!:)

It's funny that you should say that. I would feel like this is some sort of 'break' from GOD. I always feel like when stuff like this happens, it's just good ole fashion luck.:lol: Man you are so dead on, different strokes.
LovetheLord said:
OK Beautifuleyes,

This is why I was confused (see above bolded), I thought the price was $13.66, I thought this was the price the manager gave her, if the manager had given her the price of $3.16, then of course she should have kept it moving, but like I said I thought the manager gave her the original price mentioned $13.66, only becasue she was surprised at her total being so low she was also surprised when she saw the kits on her receipt for $3.16 as if the manager had given her a different price.

Just to clarify

CLARIFICATION: The manager told me that $13.66 was the price (looking at me like "Do you still want it?") and he proceeded to copy the UPC number from the peg where the rollers should have been. He then gave me the paper he wrote the UPC number on and told me to give it to the cashier which I did and she typed in the number and all i know is that I paid $3.16 for each kit. Did she type in a wrong number(s)? Did the manager write down the wrong number(s)? Were the kits actually $3.16 marked down from $13.66? I cant answer any of these questions but i didnt ask and thats when I started to question what happened and if I should have said something
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jovan787 said:
CLARIFICATION: The manager told me that $13.66 was the price (looking at me like "Do you still want it?") and he proceeded to copy the UPC number from the peg where the rollers should have been. He then gave me the paper he wrote the UPC number on and told me to give it to the cashier which I did and she typed in the number and all i know is that I paid $3.16 for each kit. Did she type in a wrong number(s)? Did the manager write down the wrong number(s)? Were the kits actually $3.16 marked down from $13.66? I cant answer any of these questions but i didnt ask and thats when I started to question what happened and if I should have said something
ohhhhhhhhh. Well, sometimes these things are blessings and sometimes they're tests. I think you'll know depending on your intuition. If you feel badly about it, take it back.
Sistaslick said:
True, I just wouldn't want that on my heart though. I'm a worry wart, and I need to feel like I at least tried to do the right thing. Doing the right thing is important to me and for me, that would have been returning the money to the store. That transaction was between Wal-Mart and the customer. If I can't give it back to the customer, then it goes back to Wal-Mart. ...

I know most folks don't think like that and that's alright. But I certainly appreciate it when they do--and I try to do the same whenever I'm in that position. I guess I'm just weird like that. I don't expect the OP to go back, most people in this thread have said they wouldn't-- but I can only speak for myself and what I would do. Different strokes!:)
;) That's me to a T. I never figure God's blessings come to me from cheating someone else.

These rollers had to be the lower price though... $13 buck for rollers at Wal-Mart? :eek:
jovan787 said:
CLARIFICATION: The manager told me that $13.66 was the price (looking at me like "Do you still want it?") and he proceeded to copy the UPC number from the peg where the rollers should have been. He then gave me the paper he wrote the UPC number on and told me to give it to the cashier which I did and she typed in the number and all i know is that I paid $3.16 for each kit. Did she type in a wrong number(s)? Did the manager write down the wrong number(s)? Were the kits actually $3.16 marked down from $13.66? I cant answer any of these questions but i didnt ask and thats when I started to question what happened and if I should have said something

I think its awesome that you questioned this, most people as you have read would probably have kept it moving and not given it a second thought. If you feel your conscious bothering you next time you should listen to it, we all have an inner voice telling us the right thing to do. Next time it might not speak as loudly. Just my two cents:D