Ok HONESTLY......what would YOU have done??

The manager probably didn't feel like finding the right code--not your fault. I would have kept it moving too, and did a little Walmart jump with the heel click on my way out the door.
A person was recently charged with theft for trying to buy a product for lower than the marked price at Walmart. If I remembered before I hit home I'd likely go back.

I know exactly how much my total is supposed to be when I get to checkout-- thereabouts, anyway. So, if those did not ring up correctly, I'd be compelled to tell her I thought they were $13.66 and not $3.66. If she lets it go, then so be it. My conscience is clear.

If you can sleep at night, good on ya. I would not be able to. The fact that WalMart makes plenty of money so it's ok to bilk them makes as much sense as a begger stealing money from me cause I make 40K+ a year. Just cause I make good money does not mean I don't MISS money I am supposed to have.

If you disagree with walmart's practices, don't shop there. But if you choose to shop there, obey the law and do what's right.

/honest opinion.
Cutiepie7691 said:
I have to agree. I probably would have kept it moving too. At least you paid. It's really not your fault that they put the wrong price on the item. Now, not paying AT ALL is a different story.

To me, this is the equivalent of the product having the wrong UPC code. It's not as if the OP switched tags, which many theives do.

At any store that honors their scan price, I am sure that 99% of honest people would gladly demand to be charged the scanned price if it's lower than the posted price. I have been to the drug store many times when they forgot to take down the sign for last week's sale, and demanded the sale price. The OP did her due diligence in alerting the management the first time.
Girl keep your rollers and enjoy them. Since the manager or store employee wrote down the UPC code and you gave it to the cashier, whatever happened next is on them. When merchandise rings up at an incorrect(lower) price they are obligated to give you that price anyway so nothing to feel guilty about.
Personally, I would have brought it to their attention. I've actually done that before, went home and noticed that I wasn't charged for something and took it back the next day. Deep down I felt like that was the right thing to do, so I did it.
jadestar said:
To me, this is the equivalent of the product having the wrong UPC code. It's not as if the OP switched tags, which many theives do.

At any store that honors their scan price, I am sure that 99% of honest people would gladly demand to be charged the scanned price if it's lower than the posted price. I have been to the drug store many times when they forgot to take down the sign for last week's sale, and demanded the sale price. The OP did her due diligence in alerting the management the first time.

Exactly. No difference.
Hi Ladies

Thanks for all of your responses and I see all of your points. I thought I was doing my due diligence by getting the UPC before I went to check out and the manager pointed out that the price was $13.66 which I didnt mind paying and seeing that I didnt mind paying maybe I should have went to customer service after I was rung up :ohwell:

I honestly, at first, saw it as a blessing considering that I tried to purchase just a couple days before and mysteriously it disappeared from my cart and this kit had the UPC tag. Then I thought maybe I should have went back to customer service after because its "the right thing to do" and if I didnt I would pay in another way whether it was financially or otherwise.

In any case, my conscience is now clear and I want to thank all the ladies that responded :D
SkinnyMocah said:
The fact that WalMart makes plenty of money so it's ok to bilk them makes as much sense as a begger stealing money from me cause I make 40K+ a year. Just cause I make good money does not mean I don't MISS money I am supposed to have.
If you disagree with walmart's practices, don't shop there. But if you choose to shop there, obey the law and do what's right.

/honest opinion.

ITA. :ohwell: It was $20 from you today, but just imagine all the other people who pranced out of the store with unpaid (or half paid merchandise) across the U.S. and Canada that day? and tomorrow. And next week. And this year? It adds up to much more than your $20 and best believe Wal-Mart is passing off those costs right on back to the consumers in the form of higher prices. :ohwell:

I would have corrected the error right there. I've had times where I'd get to self checkout and someone leaves $30 bucks in the money dispenser. If I still see them, I catch them and give them their money. If I don't see them, I give it to a manager. It's not mine.

Now if I find it on a deserted sidewalk, I'm saying "My, God does bless don't he?" :lol: That's a blessing. But, I'm not going to knowingly steal or go along with something dishonest and then credit God with a break or a blessing. :confused:
Wal Mart has a policy that if something is priced wrong they take $10 of the price. So, you would have only paid the 3 something anyways.
I still would have went back though. Those kinds of things tend to come back around. :ohwell:
Haha gotta love Capitalism!!!! We've gotten so brainwashed to think that we have to pay rediculously high prices for everything, and now we're conditoned to actually feel bad for catching a break!! Maybe the guy did write the number down wrong. He's the employee, you're the customer. If that's the case then HE lost Wal-Mart $20, not you!!!:)
Sistaslick said:
ITA. :ohwell: It was $20 from you today, but just imagine all the other people who pranced out of the store with unpaid (or half paid merchandise) across the U.S. and Canada that day? and tomorrow. And next week. And this year? It adds up to much more than your $20 and best believe Wal-Mart is passing off those costs right on back to the consumers in the form of higher prices. :ohwell:

I would have corrected the error right there. I've had times where I'd get to self checkout and someone leaves $30 bucks in the money dispenser. If I still see them, I catch them and give them their money. If I don't see them, I give it to a manager. It's not mine.

Now if I find it on a deserted sidewalk, I'm saying "My, God does bless don't he?" :lol: That's a blessing. But, I'm not going to knowingly steal or go along with something dishonest and then credit God with a break or a blessing. :confused:

I see what you mean about catching up with the person if you knew who it was, but it's really not the manager's money either(I don't think they'll even put it in the register and give it back to the store), and if you don't take it then the next person will. Either way, it not going back to the rightful owner.
Do we really know how much it cost to make those roller or that set. Most likely 50 cents or less. Now Yes we have to think about our conscience. But honestly do you expect her to go back and be over charged for something the MANAGER priced down and told her to go to the resgister for. Im gonna give her credit for trying to get price and if she saves a little that day then let it be. We say God is watching or God sees. Maybe it was God giving her a little break for that day. So Girl in this case I would look up at the sky do a lil walmart skip and thank God for the little break and keep it moving. Cause maybe on your way home you could have run out of gas and that 10 bucks you saved at walmart would have gotten you home. Good day.
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Tenejita10473 said:
The things I have heard about Wal-mart.....it;s ok.
This is true. Honestly I would've kept going and not thought anything about it. Actually I would've been quite happy about it.
pistachio said:
I see what you mean about catching up with the person if you knew who it was, but it's really not the manager's money either(I don't think they'll even put it in the register and give it back to the store), and if you don't take it then the next person will. Either way, it not going back to the rightful owner.

True, I just wouldn't want that on my heart though. I'm a worry wart, and I need to feel like I at least tried to do the right thing. Doing the right thing is important to me and for me, that would have been returning the money to the store. That transaction was between Wal-Mart and the customer. If I can't give it back to the customer, then it goes back to Wal-Mart. Now, if I hand it to a manager and they pocket it--- that's on them and their God to deal with. I feel like I did my part. Who knows, that customer might run back in looking for their money. :lol: It happened to me before, and my money (bout $10) was waiting right at the self checkout help kiosk when I came back to check. I showed my reciept for the change and they gave it back!

I know most folks don't think like that and that's alright. But I certainly appreciate it when they do--and I try to do the same whenever I'm in that position. I guess I'm just weird like that. I don't expect the OP to go back, most people in this thread have said they wouldn't-- but I can only speak for myself and what I would do. Different strokes!:)
Closer1 said:
Do we really know how much it cost to make those roller or that set. Most likely 50 cents or less. Now Yes we have to think about our conscience. But honestly do you expect her to go back and be over charged for something the MANAGER priced down and told her to go to the resgister for. Im gonna give her credit for trying to get price and if she saves a little that day then let it be. We say God is watching or God sees. Maybe it was God giving her a little break for that day. So Girl in this case I would look up at the sky do a lil walmart skip and thank God for the little break and keep it moving. Cause maybe on your way home you could have run out of gas and that 10 bucks you saved at walmart would have gotten you home. Good day.

Good point!!! I've had similar situations actually happen like that!!!
You shouldn' t feel guilty, the manager gave you the UPC. You know how walmart is always doing markdowns, it's possible that they had been markdown. That could have been why the price was not up and the new UPC stickers were not on the rollers. Just enjoy the rollers you got at a great price. (I'm going today to see if I can be that lucky:grin: )
hmm that's a tough one. if i noticed the mistake while i was at the register i would've pointed it out to her but if i was already home then forget it.
I always check my receipt at the cashier just in case so I don't have to go back and deal with some type of dispute. I would have taken them back to verify the price...I just believe in honesty number one and the notion that you get what you give (aka karma's a you-know-what!).

Once I noticed that my total at a department store was waaay too low. Turns out she forgot to charge me for a shirt. When I corrected her, she was so grateful that she gave me a discount on it anyways. It'll always work out as it should.
Sistaslick said:
ITA. :ohwell: It was $20 from you today, but just imagine all the other people who pranced out of the store with unpaid (or half paid merchandise) across the U.S. and Canada that day? and tomorrow. And next week. And this year? It adds up to much more than your $20 and best believe Wal-Mart is passing off those costs right on back to the consumers in the form of higher prices. :ohwell:

I would have corrected the error right there. I've had times where I'd get to self checkout and someone leaves $30 bucks in the money dispenser. If I still see them, I catch them and give them their money. If I don't see them, I give it to a manager. It's not mine.

Now if I find it on a deserted sidewalk, I'm saying "My, God does bless don't he?" :lol: That's a blessing. But, I'm not going to knowingly steal or go along with something dishonest and then credit God with a break or a blessing. :confused:

The bolded I totally agree with you on but I think thats a bit different from my situation :)
Wooooow I am much too naive! I can't believe there are so many people who feel that she shouldn't worry about it! Is everyone serious or are you all kidding? Wow, I am amazed!:shocked: Maybe that is why people are so shocked when I tell them of errors on my receipt, I thought everyone did this.

i am not passing judgement-I must have been waaaaay too sheltered growing up!:)
Same thing I would have done, maybe the first price was wrong or they were on clearance, but I know for sure I would have bought a few more if not all.
RainbowCurls said:
I would have gone back and bought some more for $3.16
I'm not sure I understand the bolded, but it's a difference in being given too much money back/change and you purchasing something for a price that is quoted or rung up.
There have been plenty of times something didn't have a price and the manager will say just give it to her for $1 or $2 whatever they feel like quoting at the time, and I sure am not about to stand there and argue with the manager about the price he/she quoted or if I think it's worth it or not. :ohwell:
LovetheLord said:
Wooooow I am much too naive! I can't believe there are so many people who feel that she shouldn't worry about it! Is everyone serious or are you all kidding? Wow, I am amazed!:shocked: Maybe that is why people are so shocked when I tell them of errors on my receipt, I thought everyone did this.

i am not passing judgement-I must have been waaaaay too sheltered growing up!:)
I'm not sure I understand the bolded, but it's a difference in being given too much money back/change and you purchasing something for a price that is quoted or rung up.
There have been plenty of times something didn't have a price and the manager will say just give it to her for $1 or $2 whatever they feel like quoting at the time, and I sure am not about to stand there and argue with the manager about the price he/she quoted or if I think it's worth it or not

Beautifuleyes - I was under the impression that she did not get the PRICE from a manager, I thought the price just rung up at $3 at the register and that she (the OP) was unsure about the price, if the manager gave her the PRICE then of course its OK, because the manager is acting on behalf of the store.
jovan787 said:
I was in Wal-Mart a few days ago and I noticed they sold a magnetic roller kit that included 54 rollers, pins and a comb for rollersets. I put one kit in my basket and when I got to the checkout counter I dont know what happened but after I checked out and was driving home I thought how small my total was because the rollers cost $13.66. I checked my bags when I got home and they were no where to be found and I DO NOT remember taking them from the basket and placing them down like I wasnt going to buy them. I was very puzzled.

So I went back a couple of days later and purchsed two kits but none of the kits had the UPC code on them and they were on the bottom rack instead of being hung from their normal peg. So being a good customer I told an associate and asked for her help in finding me the UPC so when I check out I dont cause a delay in the line for a price check. So she takes the product and comes back with her manager who points to the peg where they should be hanging, tells me the price and takes a piece of paper writes the UPC code on it and tells me to give it to the cashier. SO I took 2 kits.

I check out and notice that my total is very small, the cost of everything is the cost of the two kits alone. Im leaving out and looking at my receipt and I was charged $3.16 per kit instead of $13.66 per kit!! I didnt say anything and smiled and walked out. Either she typed in something wrong or guy wrote the UPC number down wrong.

Was this wrong of me? Should I have gone to customer service and told them that I was undercharged for the products? I mean Wal-Mart is the #2 most profitable company, why would they care about a lousy $20? What would you have done?

OK Beautifuleyes,

This is why I was confused (see above bolded), I thought the price was $13.66, I thought this was the price the manager gave her, if the manager had given her the price of $3.16, then of course she should have kept it moving, but like I said I thought the manager gave her the original price mentioned $13.66, only becasue she was surprised at her total being so low she was also surprised when she saw the kits on her receipt for $3.16 as if the manager had given her a different price.

Just to clarify