Oil vs waterbase moisturizers???


Well-Known Member
So I know there is waterbase and oil moisturizers on the market. I can use either on my relaxed hair but not for my 2 DD who hair inhales moisture. Any suggestions? Right now all I use is a spray bottle of water and v05,then seal. However their hair ends up looking dull and heavy. When I use an oil their hair looks dry

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hi 4mia! i would do ONLY water & olive oil if it were my little cutey...(or raw ivory shea butter)

a tad bit of glycerin if necessary but I don't like v05 ingredients (listed on cosmeticdatabase) personally for myself...

but also, if I were to apply an actual hair product it probably would be qhemet's Amla & olive (or burdock creme for a lighter moisturizer)

(also... did u check the mommy/children's forum yet?)