Oil to use when massaging your hair


The Credit Countess
Ladies for those of you who massages your hair on a regular basic what oil do you use.

I have:

Alma Oil

Mustard Oil

Castor Oil

Olive Oil

Would any of those work?

I also have coconut oil but I don't think that my hair likes it too well. I was thinking about Almond OIl but I don't know too much about it.

Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated.
Thanks. I don't have an essential oils so I wonder what I could use until then. I think that I am going to mix olive oil with coconut oil for right now.
Are you talking about oils for scalp massages or hot oil treatments?

I do overnight hot oil treatments weekly. I always wet my hair first. It allow me to use less oil, and my hair seems to absorb the oil better when it's wet.

I use a mixture of Parachute Coconut Oil (for shine), Dabur Olive Oil (conditioning/moisture), Dabur Amla Oil (maintains dark color in my hair), and Shikakai Oil (strength).

I ran out of castor oil, I gotta hit up Sam247.com real quick to re-up. But that definitely helps with thickening.

I LOVE wild growth hair oil. Although it smells the worst, it softens the best, and I use a strong, good-smelling conditioner to co-wash out the smell.

I used to use Sweet Almond Oil as well. I heard it's good for moisture, but didn't really notice any less conditioning when I ran out, and it fell out of my rotation.

When I want to do a scalp massage, but add lavendar, rosemary, and jasmine essential oils to my mix of oils, warm it up, and massage my scalp for 15 minutes.


ETA: Mustard oil is used in many countries and it is known to strengthen, thicken, and stimulate hair growth. I stopped using it because it has sulfur in it. I think that's what causes faster growth.
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I use organic bhringaraj oil for scalp massages....and only for scalp massages because it could get expensive otherwise.
Sitting here right now massaging my hair. I used mustard and coconut oil heated up. Once I can found some essential oils I will add that also.

Thanks ladies