Oil pulling,Oil washing, Oil rinsing...Im in LOVE!

You sound like me! I'm so happy it's working for you. :yep: I tried oil washing and found I can only use coconut oil on my face. Everything else seems to break me out. I haven't tried castor yet. I'll try it tonight. I just started skin brushing about 2 weeks ago and I love it! I do it twice a day, but I just found a brush soft enough to do my face (with this week). I can also see a difference. My skin texture has become much more firm and my pores look smaller.

If you like the detox effect of oil pulling try master cleanse.

Now I was just a waitin' for you to jump in here with something new for me to try...... and Y.... now I gotta go get a face brush:cycle: I have heard of brushing your skin to improve circulation and new cell turnover so I guess that would do wonders for facial skin:scratchch I swear my SO watches me doing something new in the bathroom and he says, "OK what does Sareca have you up to now"! and I crack up cause its usually something I got from you, Comedy! Truly loving your suggestions, (they ALL work!) keep em comin'!
Oh yea, I stick to castor with my face and it's wonderful, no breakouts.
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Now I was just a waitin' for you to jump in here with something new for me to try...... and Y.... now I gotta go get a face brush:cycle: I have heard of brushing your skin to improve circulation and new cell turnover so I guess that would do wonders for facial skin:scratchch I swear my SO watches me doing something new in the bathroom and he says, "OK what does Sareca have you up to now"! and I crack up cause its usually something I got from you, Comedy! Truly loving your suggestions, (they ALL work!) keep em comin'!
Oh yea, I stick to castor with my face and it's wonderful, no breakouts.

:giggle: My DH doesn't even ask anymore. I think he's scared...:look:

Ya'll using castor oil straight or are you mixing it with something?

Here's a link to a skin brushing video. It's made my skin so soft and smooth that I skip using lotion (or butters) most of the time. I just don't need them. I usually have alligator skin in the winter. Not this winter. :nono: ma'am. :eek:

ETA: I'm definitely trying the shaving with oil thing too. :yep: Thanks Pokahontas.
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:giggle: My DH doesn't even ask anymore. I think he's scared...:look:

Ya'll using castor oil straight or are you mixing it with something?

Here's a link to a skin brushing video. It's made my skin so soft and smooth that I skip using lotion (or butters) most of the time. I just don't need them. I usually have alligator skin in the winter. Not this winter. :nono: ma'am. :eek:

ETA: I'm definitely trying the shaving with oil thing too. :yep: Thanks Pokahontas.


I did use olive mixed with castor oil at first but I like just using one oil to cleanse and castor oil seemed most popular as a cleanser. I like olive oil plain or added to my moisturizers for moisture. I would like to know what others are doing as well, cleansing w/castor only or mixing it w/other oils.
I've been using plain castor to clean with...moisturize with almond oil :yep:, my face is glowing this winter!! I just bought some red palm oil...what to do with, what to do :confused:

**off to find a face brush**
I have been experiencing break out after break out with oil washing. Maybe I'm not doing it right. I rub castor oil on first followed by evoo.
Immediately, I take a "tap water as hot as I can stand it" rag and wash my face. I get the kind of pimples that ache when you touch them, take 2 weeks to come to a head, and leave an awful dark spot. I really want to continue and get the results you ladies have but I cant take the breakouts any longer. Any suggestions?
:giggle: My DH doesn't even ask anymore. I think he's scared...:look:

Ya'll using castor oil straight or are you mixing it with something?

Here's a link to a skin brushing video. It's made my skin so soft and smooth that I skip using lotion (or butters) most of the time. I just don't need them. I usually have alligator skin in the winter. Not this winter. :nono: ma'am. :eek:

ETA: I'm definitely trying the shaving with oil thing too. :yep: Thanks Pokahontas.

You're welcome. I think you'll really love it......I was amazed because I was expecting a knick or something but not one!

I use half castor half evoo to wash my face. I love it. The castor oil makes your face very smooth. Sometimes I use it as a moisturizer before bed and when I wake up my skin is smooth and firm.

As for brushing the skin try a kiddie electric toothbrush. They are extra soft texture that's why I got the kiddie kind for my face. I use it with my olive oil sugar scrub for extra exfoliation and the results are amazing. I did a thread on the toothbrush awhile back......I'll see if I can find it.

ETA.....here's the link http://www.longhaircareforum.com/showthread.php?t=175021&highlight=electric+toothbrush
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Oh, I have another oil tip guys but you all probably already know this one. Castor oil will grow your naked eyebrows back, lol. A few years ago my eyebrows were scary thin from over plucking. I got a tip about castor oil from Damone Roberts on 10 Years Younger so I tried it and it worked! You have to be consistant and it does take time, you won't see results in weeks but over time mine filled in very nicely.
Oh, I have another oil tip guys but you all probably already know this one. Castor oil will grow your naked eyebrows back, lol. A few years ago my eyebrows were scary thin from over plucking. I got a tip about castor oil from Damone Roberts on 10 Years Younger so I tried it and it worked! You have to be consistant and it does take time, you won't see results in weeks but over time mine filled in very nicely.

I was just going to suggest the very same thing! I'd already been adding SAA, collagen and vit e to my mascara tube and miss_cherokee convinced me into trying castor as well. The castor oil really took my lashes to another level. I have people admiring them now. :huh: Anyway I added some castor and emu oil to my clear mascara (that I actually use on my brows). Haven't noticed anything yet, but if it works half as well as it did on my lashes I'll be thrilled.
I have been experiencing break out after break out with oil washing. Maybe I'm not doing it right. I rub castor oil on first followed by evoo.
Immediately, I take a "tap water as hot as I can stand it" rag and wash my face. I get the kind of pimples that ache when you touch them, take 2 weeks to come to a head, and leave an awful dark spot. I really want to continue and get the results you ladies have but I cant take the breakouts any longer. Any suggestions?

Okay, I'm a nervous newbie now. I break out in these bumps from eating iodine. My cousin said that I get the 'gerpes' on my face. I'm going to try it anyway. I'm tired of Proactiv because I found out that it has sodium hydroxide in the cleanser (WTF). Lye on my face? Give me a break.
woo hoo Sareca.. i got this face kit thing for xmas.. that has a brush, massager, sponge and suction cups...
i've been using the brush for skin brushing and also for washing...the difference is amazing..

Dlove - if i may make a suggestion, from what i saw from reading about oil washing from the ladies.
put the castor oil on your face just rub it gently. then get a wash rag and rinse it in warm water, not too hot to burn. then just put the rag to cover your face like you are steaming it. have a seat and relax.. then just wipe the face with the rag when it cools off. probably 3-5 mins. your face should glow and feel refreshed....
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I'd love to try this as well, but my skin keep breaking out. i am currently using the Clean and Clear kit, i think its by neutrogena. i have been using it since Thanksgiving and its not really workin... tried the proactive too.. that sucked! lol so... i need some serious help! My skin looks terrible!
I'd love to try this as well, but my skin keep breaking out. i am currently using the Clean and Clear kit, i think its by neutrogena. i have been using it since Thanksgiving and its not really workin... tried the proactive too.. that sucked! lol so... i need some serious help! My skin looks terrible!

An amla-neem mask is also EXCELLENT for clearing skin right up. Even if you don't have neem (antibacterial), amla is great alone! :yep:
I've went oil crazy too. I've been doing the oil pulling and face washing and recently added the oil rinsing and Shikakai/amla pooing and conditioning and the results are really great.
I only tried oil pulling for about two weeks and everybody at work thought that I had my teeth whitened. I get stopped in the street sometimes and the only thing I contribute my white teeth to is the coconut oil pulling.
I loved the benefits of oil rinsing and washing, but i must say that my skin did not like it at all!!

Even baggying with oil makes my face break out and having it STILL somehow accidently spill out onto my pillow, face and neck, even though I put two ziplock baggies two shower caps and a satin scarf and bonnet!! I just stop when my face breaks out because thats important too.

But Oil rinsing is still the truth! lol :yep:
woo hoo Sareca.. i got this face kit thing for xmas.. that has a brush, massager, sponge and suction cups...
i've been using the brush for skin brushing and also for washing...the difference is amazing..

Dlove - if i may make a suggestion, from what i saw from reading about oil washing from the ladies.
put the castor oil on your face just rub it gently. then get a wash rag and rinse it in warm water, not too hot to burn. then just put the rag to cover your face like you are steaming it. have a seat and relax.. then just wipe the face with the rag when it cools off. probably 3-5 mins. your face should glow and feel refreshed....

Thanks I will try this:yawn:
woo hoo Sareca.. i got this face kit thing for xmas.. that has a brush, massager, sponge and suction cups...
i've been using the brush for skin brushing and also for washing...the difference is amazing..

Dlove - if i may make a suggestion, from what i saw from reading about oil washing from the ladies.
put the castor oil on your face just rub it gently. then get a wash rag and rinse it in warm water, not too hot to burn. then just put the rag to cover your face like you are steaming it. have a seat and relax.. then just wipe the face with the rag when it cools off. probably 3-5 mins. your face should glow and feel refreshed....

I love skin brushing. It's the first thing I think of in the morning. Aside from all the detoxing and skin smoothing benefits it just feels good.
I loved the benefits of oil rinsing and washing, but i must say that my skin did not like it at all!!

Even baggying with oil makes my face break out and having it STILL somehow accidently spill out onto my pillow, face and neck, even though I put two ziplock baggies two shower caps and a satin scarf and bonnet!! I just stop when my face breaks out because thats important too.

But Oil rinsing is still the truth! lol :yep:

I would like to know what type of oil you're using, or does it not matter? It may just be a matter of finding the right oil to use that won't give you a reaction. Jojoba is very light, and castor is supposed to to be the best oil if you have issues with breaking out.
You sound like me! I'm so happy it's working for you. :yep: I tried oil washing and found I can only use coconut oil on my face. Everything else seems to break me out. I haven't tried castor yet. I'll try it tonight. I just started skin brushing about 2 weeks ago and I love it! I do it twice a day, but I just found a brush soft enough to do my face (with this week). I can also see a difference. My skin texture has become much more firm and my pores look smaller.

If you like the detox effect of oil pulling try master cleanse.

1. apply dc to dry hair (optional)
2. sit under dryer for 30 minutes (optional)
3. rinse
4. apply shikakai mix to hair and scalp
5. massage it in
6. rinse with warm/hot water
7. apply conditioner
8. rinse with cool/cold water

Hey Sareca,

Based on the above procedure, are steps #1 and #7 the same? Are you deep conditioning twice? If so, what is the purpose of doubling?

What's another oil besides castor oil that is good for washing with?..I tried caster oil and jojoba oil on my face and the next day I ended up with a rash...I know it was the castor oil because I've used jojoba oil as a moisturizer before.
Great Thread thanks for sharing, I am going to start the oil pulling as soon as possible. and the oil washing. I have ance scars but no really new breakouts, I want to get rid of my scars and I am having a hard time with that.
Great Thread thanks for sharing, I am going to start the oil pulling as soon as possible. and the oil washing. I have ance scars but no really new breakouts, I want to get rid of my scars and I am having a hard time with that.

me too! After seeing Sareca oil pulling journal I was sold.
Yup I'm going to start on the oil rinses my self. And read up on this oil pulling, but slept on it. So I'm on it now.

-Any oil in particular that gives the best results for pulling?
- and how long Sareca do you leave the oil mixture on your hair after massaging it in?
-Kinda scared about the oil face washes, but I am striving ot be an all natural girl (minus the relaxers.lol) I have skin that breaks out if you just look at me and the dark ugly marks to prove it.lol. So I'll try the castor oil first an move on to what works the best for me.

I have Dabur Alma and some coconut oil I was planning on using for this.