Oh my poor overly protective Man! I don't know whether to kiss him or slap him!

Everything Zen

Well-Known Member
So this morning I get in the car and prepare to set out on my unholy commute (sometimes over 2 hours a day- 1 way). I feel fine at first no worries- not feeling too tired or anything. Driving into the city can be stressful and as I was approaching my destination my mood plunged. I was angry, edgy, irritable and ready to pick a fight out of the blue. In the back of my mind I start trying to focus on controlling my mood being grateful and thankful for the numerous blessings that I have, being thankful that I don't live in Darfur, etc. Well by the time I got to the office I was at least one step closer to not losing it but still felt abysmally tragic.:confused: :(

Enter Mister Man who works in the same office (at least for the time being) He sees me and of course knows something is wrong. I just tell him I haven't started my period (We're not having sex so there's no worries in that department). He tried all kinds of ways to try to get me to laugh, asked me if he could buy me some snacks, take me to lunch. I'm just despondent and politely declined and becoming further annoyed. During our weekly meeting I just kept my head down and took the minutes and a few other coworkers noticed I was a little down and wanted to know if there was anything they could do. I again politely declined. The whole time I'm just being real quiet and trying to keep to myself and I have all of these freaks that keep getting on my nerves and wanting to help and asking if I'm alright!

Occasionally I suffer from PMDD and I know the symptoms etc... Having dealt with this for years I at least know why I feel this way and can anticipate it. This time is a little worse than usual but not as bad as it was in college (I used to get suicidal thoughts minutes before I'd actually start). Mister Man kept asking what was wrong begging to help me in any way possible. I'm thinking to myself DUDE I'm about to start my period!!!!!!!!!!! :censored: Leave me alone!!!!!!!!!!! Getting all irritated again. Then he offered to go home and make lunch and bring it back for me. I politely declined because Ladies tell me you understand that sometimes right before you start you are very particular about what you want to eat but you might not even know what you want. All you know is that whatever you eat has to taste GOOD !!!! (Not even BE good for you) So I was still trying to make up my mind when he left and I eventually got a sandwich and soup at Panera. I called him on my way back and while I was trying to explain to him that all I need to do is start my period and I'll be fine and told him I got lunch at Panera. He was hurt becasue I turned him down when he was trying to help and had the nerve to say that HE feels helpless and emotionally shut out!!!!!!!:eek:



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There should be a PMDD support group for men who have to deal with women like us. :drunk:

I understand what you mean and where you are coming from but he never will...

Send him some webmd articles or something...:grin:
My man does the same to me and I try not to scream at him. I just send him to the store to get me something real stupid so he will leave me the hell alone. He brought me flowers to my job and I was so pissed and miserable, then I started crying and he was all bewildered. After my cycle was done I tried to explain to him and he ask was I always like this during my time (3 month old relationship) and I said for the most part and he said "Uh, ok, I don't get it". Upon futher inspection he does not get it but he understands and won't take it personally but he said he just wants to make me smile and feel better.
My man does the same to me and I try not to scream at him. I just send him to the store to get me something real stupid so he will leave me the hell alone. He brought me flowers to my job and I was so pissed and miserable, then I started crying and he was all bewildered. After my cycle was done I tried to explain to him and he ask was I always like this during my time (3 month old relationship) and I said for the most part and he said "Uh, ok, I don't get it". Upon futher inspection he does not get it but he understands and won't take it personally but he said he just wants to make me smile and feel better.

:) Yeah I'm really lucky that he cares so much. I don't even get like this very often. We've only been together since July so we're both still trying to figure each other out. During the monthly in August he had the nerve to say that he understands how I feel because I'm bloated and crampy and tired. :censored: I went off on him yelling "OH YOU THINK YOU KNOW SO *&^&#@ MUCH DON'T YOU? YOU DON'T KNOW $#!@!!!!" :blush: :lachen:
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i understand (i guess) the whole "i'm emotional, i'm about to start my period" thing but damn dude was just trying to cheer you up...your co-workers too

it's a blessing to have people who are concerned about you & your well being ... & then actually go out of the way to express that concern to you? a blessing.

i can understand why he felt "helpless & emotionally shut out" & now i can also understand why more men don't express themselves or are afraid to show their nurtuing side

anyway...hope you feel better, soon.

*leaves post before all you extra emotional pmdd'ers snap on me too*

i understand (i guess) the whole "i'm emotional, i'm about to start my period" thing but damn dude was just trying to cheer you up...your co-workers too

it's a blessing to have people who are concerned about you & your well being ... & then actually go out of the way to express that concern to you? a blessing.

i can understand why he felt "helpless & emotionally shut out" & now i can also understand why more men don't express themselves or are afraid to show their nurtuing side

anyway...hope you feel better, soon.

*leaves post before all you extra emotional pmdd'ers snap on me too* :lachen:


I know that I am blessed to have such a caring emotionally involved man. I haven't snapped on him yet or anything I've just been really quiet. Going off is what the forum is for. I already told him what he can do for me. He can shut up and let me finish my conversations first before cutting me off with "I know, I know" before I kill him. He cut me off the last time I tried to explain how I felt when he said he knows how I feel because of the bloating, cramping, and headaches. I guess I should have added that in too huh? :ohwell:

Just thinking about it is making me mad- yeah I'm gonna have to kill him... :lachen:I'm thinking of when I get off of work going to buy HIM a pint of ice cream and an I Love You card and I'm the one with the raging hormones!Lord help me.
Hee hee! This reminds me of how it was in college and my best friend Jeff would bring me an Oreo shake from Steak and Shake. He'd come over with shake in hand and a big smile and say "Happy Period Day!" :lachen:

I know that I am blessed to have such a caring emotionally involved man. I haven't snapped on him yet or anything I've just been really quiet. Going off is what the forum is for. I already told him what he can do for me. He can shut up and let me finish my conversations first before cutting me off with "I know, I know" before I kill him. He cut me off the last time I tried to explain how I felt when he said he knows how I feel because of the bloating, cramping, and headaches. I guess I should have added that in too huh? :ohwell:

Just thinking about it is making me mad- yeah I'm gonna have to kill him... :lachen:I'm thinking of when I get off of work going to buy HIM a pint of ice cream and an I Love You card and I'm the one with the raging hormones!Lord help me.

the bolded parts are killing me :lachen:

the ice cream & card sounds like a good idea...the bonus is if he's eating ice cream he can't open his mouth to get on your nerves ;)
Maybe you should make it up to him tomorrow by taking him a card or a snack to to give him a peace offering I suffer from PMDD so girl I know where you are coming from the day my period starts I have the urge to run people over with my car. :lachen:

So this morning I get in the car and prepare to set out on my unholy commute (sometimes over 2 hours a day- 1 way). I feel fine at first no worries- not feeling too tired or anything. Driving into the city can be stressful and as I was approaching my destination my mood plunged. I was angry, edgy, irritable and ready to pick a fight out of the blue. In the back of my mind I start trying to focus on controlling my mood being grateful and thankful for the numerous blessings that I have, being thankful that I don't live in Darfur, etc. Well by the time I got to the office I was at least one step closer to not losing it but still felt abysmally tragic.:confused: :(

Enter Mister Man who works in the same office (at least for the time being) He sees me and of course knows something is wrong. I just tell him I haven't started my period (We're not having sex so there's no worries in that department). He tried all kinds of ways to try to get me to laugh, asked me if he could buy me some snacks, take me to lunch. I'm just despondent and politely declined and becoming further annoyed. During our weekly meeting I just kept my head down and took the minutes and a few other coworkers noticed I was a little down and wanted to know if there was anything they could do. I again politely declined. The whole time I'm just being real quiet and trying to keep to myself and I have all of these freaks that keep getting on my nerves and wanting to help and asking if I'm alright!

Occasionally I suffer from PMDD and I know the symptoms etc... Having dealt with this for years I at least know why I feel this way and can anticipate it. This time is a little worse than usual but not as bad as it was in college (I used to get suicidal thoughts minutes before I'd actually start). Mister Man kept asking what was wrong begging to help me in any way possible. I'm thinking to myself DUDE I'm about to start my period!!!!!!!!!!! :censored: Leave me alone!!!!!!!!!!! Getting all irritated again. Then he offered to go home and make lunch and bring it back for me. I politely declined because Ladies tell me you understand that sometimes right before you start you are very particular about what you want to eat but you might not even know what you want. All you know is that whatever you eat has to taste GOOD !!!! (Not even BE good for you) So I was still trying to make up my mind when he left and I eventually got a sandwich and soup at Panera. I called him on my way back and while I was trying to explain to him that all I need to do is start my period and I'll be fine and told him I got lunch at Panera. He was hurt becasue I turned him down when he was trying to help and had the nerve to say that HE feels helpless and emotionally shut out!!!!!!!:eek:



the bolded parts are killing me :lachen:

the ice cream & card sounds like a good idea...the bonus is if he's eating ice cream he can't open his mouth to get on your nerves ;)

After I talked to some of the other women that work with me (we were all keyed up and irritable today) we had a huge laugh and I felt a thousand times better! I bought him a pint of Ben & Jerry's "Chubby Hubby" and a card and we were both apologizing all over the place and fed each other ice cream and kissed and laughed and kissed and ate and laughed after work. You should've seen him when I got to his house. He was all huddled up under a blanket with the lights out because he actually thought he was a huge jerk and I didn't love him anymore!!He says now you know that you have the power to destroy me you're going to break my heart!

I'm seriously thinking I could finally get married to this guy...unless I kill him first :rolleyes:
Maybe you should make it up to him tomorrow by taking him a card or a snack to to give him a peace offering I suffer from PMDD so girl I know where you are coming from the day my period starts I have the urge to run people over with my car. :lachen:

You're lucky to have someone who worries that much about you, even if it annoys you at times. Being on the flip side is really crappy.
You're lucky to have someone who worries that much about you, even if it annoys you at times. Being on the flip side is really crappy.

Oh I know all about the flip side. I once dated a guy that made me sleep in someone else's house when I came to visit. He said I wasn't allowed in his bed. BTW I like your avatar! It's so perfect for this topic~ :grin:
Oh I know all about the flip side. I once dated a guy that made me sleep in someone else's house when I came to visit. He said I wasn't allowed in his bed. BTW I like your avatar! It's so perfect for this topic~ :grin:
Wow, what a jerk. He'll die alone.

Hey I never really noticed that, it's true! :D
After I talked to some of the other women that work with me (we were all keyed up and irritable today) we had a huge laugh and I felt a thousand times better! I bought him a pint of Ben & Jerry's "Chubby Hubby" and a card and we were both apologizing all over the place and fed each other ice cream and kissed and laughed and kissed and ate and laughed after work. You should've seen him when I got to his house. He was all huddled up under a blanket with the lights out because he actually thought he was a huge jerk and I didn't love him anymore!!He says now you know that you have the power to destroy me you're going to break my heart!

I'm seriously thinking I could finally get married to this guy...unless I kill him first :rolleyes:

awwwwwwwwwww @ him sitting in the dark destroyed cuz you were having a bad day, that's so sweet!

he sounds like a winner! y'all are so cute... feeding each other ice cream & confessing y'all's luuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuv :grin: that's great & i'm glad you started to feel better...being in the dumps/irritable is NO FUN.
Oh I know all about the flip side. I once dated a guy that made me sleep in someone else's house when I came to visit. He said I wasn't allowed in his bed. BTW I like your avatar! It's so perfect for this topic~ :grin:

hold up
stop playing

no he didn't

i would've murked him, swear to God

what did you DO when he said that sh!t?
hold up
stop playing

no he didn't

i would've murked him, swear to God

what did you DO when he said that sh!t?

Let's just say those were some dark years for me. I slept on a pile of blankets at his neighbor's house. :ohwell: He turned out to be bi-curious and was cheating on me with other men and women. Thank God we weren't having sex right?
awwwwwwwwwww @ him sitting in the dark destroyed cuz you were having a bad day, that's so sweet!

he sounds like a winner! y'all are so cute... feeding each other ice cream & confessing y'all's luuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuv :grin: that's great & i'm glad you started to feel better...being in the dumps/irritable is NO FUN.

Hooray- I started bleeding I feel so much better!!! :creatures

Yeah he's amazing. I guess older men are the way to go for me! I'm 25 and he's 36!!!
Lawd I thought I was the only one! I went off on my Pastor today. Yes I said my Pastor. I work in ministry and it (he) can be very demanding. He just so happened to push the wrong button at the wrong time of the month. But I'm over it now.
Lawd I thought I was the only one! I went off on my Pastor today. Yes I said my Pastor. I work in ministry and it (he) can be very demanding. He just so happened to push the wrong button at the wrong time of the month. But I'm over it now.

Oh that's alright especially if he's a pastor because he HAS to forgive you! ;)
My man does the same to me and I try not to scream at him. I just send him to the store to get me something real stupid so he will leave me the hell alone. He brought me flowers to my job and I was so pissed and miserable, then I started crying and he was all bewildered. After my cycle was done I tried to explain to him and he ask was I always like this during my time (3 month old relationship) and I said for the most part and he said "Uh, ok, I don't get it". Upon futher inspection he does not get it but he understands and won't take it personally but he said he just wants to make me smile and feel better.

:lachen::lachen::lachen: girl I know you are not tricking this man out the house! :lachen::lachen:
Lawd I thought I was the only one! I went off on my Pastor today. Yes I said my Pastor. I work in ministry and it (he) can be very demanding. He just so happened to push the wrong button at the wrong time of the month. But I'm over it now.

:lachen::lachen: Ya'll are crazy! You two made my night, I am so glad I read this thread.
It's odd how PMS can make you. Your man gets on your nerves at the same time when you really need him there to comfort you.

We get crazy around that time. My PMS has made me feel like I wanted to break up with my man. :spinning: Then all better. I have just learned not to take myself too seriously around that time.
After I talked to some of the other women that work with me (we were all keyed up and irritable today) we had a huge laugh and I felt a thousand times better! I bought him a pint of Ben & Jerry's "Chubby Hubby" and a card and we were both apologizing all over the place and fed each other ice cream and kissed and laughed and kissed and ate and laughed after work. You should've seen him when I got to his house. He was all huddled up under a blanket with the lights out because he actually thought he was a huge jerk and I didn't love him anymore!!He says now you know that you have the power to destroy me you're going to break my heart!

I'm seriously thinking I could finally get married to this guy...unless I kill him first :rolleyes:

That's so funny (I can picture this in my mind so well). He sounds sweet.
I totally feel you on this. Thankfully, most of the guys I've been serious with or even semi-serious with grew up around a lot of women so they know the deal. The guy I'm currently dating will tell me when I'm starting to PMS before I even realize it lol.
Your man sounds very sweet. I hope you are feeling better today. :)

He is such a sweetheart I don't know what to do with him sometimes. I think I should've posted in the "When a man loves a woman how does he show it thread." I had a bad day yesteday- I was working out some guitar parts for a new song I've been feeling out and he came over and he sat down with his guitar to jam and we tried for a few minutes and then my mood just plunged again but this time I wasn't angry just sad and depressed. He was amazed at how quickly my mood changed. We talked it out, had a few drinks and watched a movie and all was well :yep: