I don't think she needed to win....'their' fake crown. It was her Destiny to make a statement.
Finally someone in the Hollywood spotlight had some guts to say what needed to be said.
According to Hollywood and the media with Vermont, Mass, Iowa, gay marriage is accepted by all.
Ummmmmmm, noooooooooooooo it's not. All because folks won't speak up about it. I've yet to see/hear/read anyone from Hollywood to say they do not support gay marriage. They're scared. And that's a shame.
If they only realized just how puny and powerless satan really is. And I'm speaking about those who profess to know God and will not speak up.
Even Rick Warren is wimping out...appearing as doing a back peddle. Regarding his interview with Larry King on CNN, he wimped out. Stop stuttering your stand and just stand for God, period!
The devil is nothing and no one to fear. God said in Isaiah 14:16, that we would look at the devil and say, "Wait a ;minute! Just one cotton pickin' minute. Is THIS the one who was causing all the confusion? All of the uproar and the rucous? This puny little imp? And all this time, he had folks afraid of him? This runt of a man?
"They that see thee shall narrowly look upon thee, and consider thee, saying, IS THIS the man that made the earth to tremble, that did shake kingdoms;" (Isaiah 14:16)
I love this scripture!
devil ain't nobody scared of you!
We are the King's Kids. Why on earth are we fearful of being open with the Truth? And I don't mean that we are to be hurtful or insulting. Gays are not inhuman and Jesus is surely not untouched by their feelings...He indeed cares for them.
But there is still a stand we must take and speak up. The gay agenda has no problem speaking up. Look how nasty Perez spoke about the beauty Pagent. gays can be very 'snarky', snippy, and just plain nasty attitudes.
Look how nasty and cruel they were after Proposition 8 didn't go in their favor. They blamed Blacks for it. Truth being, gays have never had it as hard as Blacks and never will.