Oh my god!!! My hair is falling out.


New Member
Im new here so, :hiya:.
I need some advice on how to fix my hair, please. My hair is real damaged and it's falling out everywhere. Im not like losing chunks of my hair but if I go a week or two without vaccuming I can literally drag my fingers across a 6in square of carpet and pick up like 20 to 30 hairs! When I cook, even though I have my hair up, my H finds my hair in his food!! He's embarrased to have his friends come over to eat. My hair is frizzy and extremely thick. My hair is not curly but has a few lumps that make me like Frumpy McLumpy. My hair is so thick I cant straighten it unless I have over an hour to waste. Can't really curl it either. Please help.
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What did you do to your hair before it was damaged? Do u have a relaxer, color? I know that protein treatments and leave in conditioners will help. And maybe wearing a low maintenance style like leaving the front out and wearing a piece in the top that blends with your hair, you can always braid it underneath.
Oh my goodness. When did this start? Could it be the heavy shedding after giving birth that many people talk about? I see that you have a baby.
Im new here so, :hiya:.
I need some advice on how to fix my hair, please. My hair is real damaged and it's falling out everywhere. Im not like losing chunks of my hair but if I go a week or two without vaccuming I can literally drag my fingers across a 6in square of carpet and pick up like 20 to 30 hairs! When I cook, even though I have my hair up, my H finds my hair in his food!! He's embarrased to have his friends come over to eat. My hair is frizzy and extremely thick. My hair is not curly but has a few lumps that make me like Frumpy McLumpy. My hair is so thick I cant straighten it unless I have over an hour to waste. Can't really curl it either. Please help.

If you can, I would suggest going to a doctor as well. If you hair is coming out like that, there could be something else wrong. That's what happened to me. I was having like mini strands of hair EVERYWHERE, more than just the loose hairs that naturally fall. When I got what I needed corrected on the INSIDE, then it stopped.
Oh my goodness. When did this start? Could it be the heavy shedding after giving birth that many people talk about? I see that you have a baby.
It could be, I just noticed she mentioned a 14m baby.

OP, might help if you give more information about your hair history so others can help you figure out what is going on.
I suggest you make a doctor's appointment.

I also suggest you make a consult appointment with a hair stylist - you want a wash, treatment and a trim or cut.

Lastly depending on their suggestions, come back and report and that will give us a better understanding as to what techniques and products would be good for you.
Hi girls, I do have a gorgeous 14 m old boy who I breastfeed but this was happening before I got pregnant although it is worse now. The only thing Ive done to my hair is color it about once or twice a year. Although when I was younger I did have a perm. I should also say I pretty healthy. Drink lots of water and vitamins but I have been a little lax on the calcium supplements. Thank you for any help you can give me.
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Do you deep condition reguarly? When I had shedding problems I used Aphogee protein treatment. That seemed to stop the shedding after regular use but make sure you also do a moisturizing deep conditioner because I found I had to have a balance.
Oh wow OP, sorry this is happening to you.

I think though, that we need to establish weather the problem you're experiencing is shedding or breakage. Do you know how to tell the difference?
Oh wow OP, sorry this is happening to you.

I think though, that we need to establish weather the problem you're experiencing is shedding or breakage. Do you know how to tell the difference?

I'm sorry to say, I don't really know how to tell the difference. I just started deep conditioning today. I used the Aussie 3 minute miracle but I had it on for about an hour before I washed it out. I also have the dead sea aragan morrocan oil hair mask coming in the mail.
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^^ Ok. Could you do the following, then maybe I or someone here can tell you. Take a look at some of the hair you're finding on the floor etc and take a close look at it.

1) Does it have a white bulb at one of the ends? It can be quite small and almost transparent looking, so look very closely at both ends of the hairs.
2) How long is your hair (that's still on your head)?
3) Are the hairs that are falling the same length as the length you stated in question 2 or are they shorter?
^^ Ok. Could you do the following, then maybe I or someone here can tell you. Take a look at some of the hair you're finding on the floor etc and take a close look at it.

1) Does it have a white bulb at one of the ends? It can be quite small and almost transparent looking, so look very closely at both ends of the hairs.
2) How long is your hair (that's still on your head)?
3) Are the hairs that are falling the same length as the length you stated in question 2 or are they shorter?

The white bulb is there. My hair is MCL. And the hair on the floor is the same length as my hair. Now what?
Seems like we may need more detail. It could be a variety of things. If you say that you have had this problem before you had your baby and that you are generally healthy, then let's look at your regimen. Are you relaxed or natural? How often do you shampoo and condition and how do you detangle your hair?
Breastfeeding can do that to you. I have a 5 month old son and i'm shedding a lot. I noticed a big change after always wearing my hair in protective styles and using protein.
I have been having the same problem for last two months, I started using Shea Moisture Conditioning Masque in December, I really noticed the excessive shedding this month so I stopped using it 2 weeks ago.

I started doing black tea rinses and ordered Alter Ego Garlic conditioner. Shedding has gone down to normal ranges for now. I say if you tried some new product take it out and see if that is the problem.
Your hormones may be working overtime. If you're always seeing a white bulb at the tip of your strand, that shed hair. You can shed 100 hairs a day on a given day. Since having a baby/breast feeding currently, you can expect to shed more than usual. I'd ask my doctor to check my thyroids.
Shedding doesn't have to overtake you in the kitchen either....tie your hair up, bun it, scarf it, wrap it...pull it up and out of the way when cooking. Any hair can fall in food and that's why cooks and kitchen staff are told to wear hair nets...the high probability of hair falling in food is minimized. So that is an easy fix.
Your only challenge is to find exactly what is causing excessive hair loss. My ?, is it in a concentrated area or is it evenly all over. When you look in the mirror, do you notice your hair thinned? If you're maintaing the same amount of thickness, I'd just leave it as part of my breast feeding side effect....just me. But if it's noticeably thin, then yes I'd be running to the doc's office. http://www.breastfeeding.com/forums/showthread.php?t=28183
The white bulb is there. My hair is MCL. And the hair on the floor is the same length as my hair. Now what?

Thanks for getting back to me. It seems then, that what you're dealing with is shedding and NOT breakage.

Since it is not breakage, then protein treatments,washes, trims etc will probably not do too much. Treating your hair in this way only affects the dead fibre/hair strand. The problem here though is happening at the root, i.e. in the scalp and cannot be treated by products which are designed to adhere to the hair shaft (i.e. protein treatments).

Shedding could be caused by a variety of internal factors ... nutrient deficiencies, hormones, postpartum shedding etc as some have already suggested. Of course, the smartest thing to do in this case is see a doctor asap. The shedding could just be a sign of a bigger problem eh.