oh Lawd, another LHCF tip gone wrong!!!

It's just like being in the 'Garden of Delights'...ya wanna try it all...:blush:

I had a ceremony, cut over an 1" off during the last new moon and dedicated my new growth to avoiding most LHCF's tips...:lachen:

Seriously though...I do love reading about the success others have had using innovative approaches. The only thing which has saved my hair around here is my
very strong desire to use natural/organic products as much as possible and most of the items dearly loved are chem based.

By the way, I tried the coconut and lime...worked great for me..did you pre-poo w/coconut oil? At any rate, I won't try it again because the stuff was dripping everywhere...BUT...I do like the idea of trying milk rinses i.e. using coconut milk/goats milk/almond milk...'I hear' it softens the hurr and just for kicks and giggles....:grin:

Take Care
whew lmao :lachen: @ your cermony! I think its the lime part that makes that go so wrong , especially if you use too much it totally strips the hair
Girl I REALLY agree with this, research everything totally before jumping on the bus or bandwagon, I NEVER tried the coconut lime thing , and I was around when it really blew up the first threads. you know why? Because I watched first and saw many come back and say that lime was drying, and I dont remember the amount they said way back then but I know half a lime is too much! Sometimes you just gotta go with WHAT YOU KNOW!

To use MT with Success you really gotta be up on the research, it seems to be a very fine balance of using it right with other things

I totally agree with this post Iris.
I'm scared of most of these recipes, really scared of the coochie cream...just don't sit right with me :lachen:

I have used only one recipe off this board, lol

I used the coconut milk recipe posted by golden sugar just once and it worked wonders for my hair. Very silky smooth, I didn't try the lime and coconut because I know better. Lime in your hair? No, I knew it would strip my natural oils in my hair. But the coconut milk is great.
After doing a co-wash with just the coconut milk mix I also keep my scalp oiled with my mixture of shea butter, jojoba oil, tee tree oil, evoo, and castor oil. My scalp drinks the oils and I love it. My hair is much healthier and shiny.