Oh Heck No!


New Member
Im not your friend anymore! You've crossed the line! I know she did not just put her hands in my head!

Anyone ever had to end a friendship or relationship over someone disrespecting the hair etiquette rules? What happened?

Ill wait to post my experiences :)
No I haven't and probably wouldn't. It wouldn't bother me at all if my friends of 10rs, or even a few months put their hands in my hair. But I think some pple confuse freindship w/business, or you may just know of someone but not consider them your friend, the key word is Friend and everyone is not your friend.
I know for me (this isn't about hair but it reminds me of the same thing). Since I work from home (a seamstress) I find that folks will allow their children to get on my computer, go all upstairs in my kids rooms to play, and I'm like :eek: , we may do business together and/or know of each other but I don't want your kids up in my house like where cool like that and of course I have to be the one to let them and their children know they can't just do things like that. Now I don't stop sewwing for them but I do address the situation in a nice manner, because if I don't who will. I think the same thing applies for the hair complete strangers or co-worker will just be all up in your hair if you don't say anything, and no you don't have to be nasty about it all the time but if you don't say anything who will.
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No. I am addicted to growing me some long hair and all...But it just isn't that serious. END a friendship because someone "dissrespected" my hair by touching it??? :perplexed

I hope I am never into my hair so much that this could happen.

I think I just have a problem with folks touching my head in general. It may be just a personal idiosyncrasy of mine, but I think it's waaaaay personal to touch somebody's head.

In her defense, though, Beyondcute, you have such great hair she probably couldn't resist!
ibelieve said:
No. I am addicted to growing me some long hair and all...But it just isn't that serious. END a friendship because someone "dissrespected" my hair by touching it??? :perplexed

I hope I am never into my hair so much that this could happen.


My sentiments exactly....:look: End a friendship over someone touching my hair? :nono: It would take something more substantial than that to end a relationship over.
ibelieve said:
No. I am addicted to growing me some long hair and all...But it just isn't that serious. END a friendship because someone "dissrespected" my hair by touching it??? :perplexed

I hope I am never into my hair so much that this could happen.


Ditto all the way.

Never would I end a friendship over that.

And if I did (which I wouldn't) the friendship wasn't true in the first place.
I don't mind my friends touching my hair, because I touch theirs. That would be a very lame reason to end a friendship.

Now if a stranger or people I barely know touched my hair, that's another story.
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I don't think it's about ending a friendship because somebody touched your hair. I think it's more about a friend not recognizing or respecting your boundaries, whatever they may be. That would be a problem for me.
ibelieve said:
No. I am addicted to growing me some long hair and all...But it just isn't that serious. END a friendship because someone "dissrespected" my hair by touching it??? :perplexed

I hope I am never into my hair so much that this could happen.


I agree. I mean I don't care for people to put their hands in my head in general (my close friends know this) but for me, it's not grounds for ending a friendship.
So what if the friend was just flattered by your hair:confused:

ETA: If you break up a friendship over that you may be actually doing HER a favor. No one needs a friend who's that petty. And that's my opinion and I'm sticking to it.
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ibelieve said:
No. I am addicted to growing me some long hair and all...But it just isn't that serious. END a friendship because someone "dissrespected" my hair by touching it??? :perplexed

I hope I am never into my hair so much that this could happen.


Same here. I went to get a Dominican blowout last Thursday and me and 3 of my girlfriends had girls night out on Friday (Dinner & Dancing). We do that because now all 3 are married with kids and I'm the only single one (we try to get together at least once a month, eventhough I talk to one or more on the phone at least once a day). We met our freshman year at U of FL 11 years ago and all managed to rellocate to Atlanta the past 4 years (the last person in our group moved to ATL a little over 4 years ago). They thought my hair looked soft and silky, and they touched it (and complimented me on the silky feel). I was not offended, my friends always wish me the best. I guess you might be using the word friend loosely because I would not even think for a second of ending my frienship with any of the 3 over something like hair.
I don't mind if a friend wants to touch my hair...granted I think it's a little strange. I get really annoyed though when strangers on the street want to touch my hair.
MizaniMami said:
Ditto all the way.

Never would I end a friendship over that.

And if I did (which I wouldn't) the friendship wasn't true in the first place.

What she said! And, to add, people touching, pulling and otherwise running their hands and fingers through your hair without your permission is rude behavior.
I don't mind people touching my hair, but I don't want them doing it roughly. A light stroke with the hand is fine. I'm not that petty; it doesn't really make sense to me to end a friendship over something like that.

Now on the other hand, my aunt will slide her hand all up in my hair and scrunch...like she's scratching my scalp. I hate that with a passion, because when she removes her hand from my hair, my hair is all messed up and I have to comb it back in place. Not to mention, if I'm wearing curls, my curls would become all frizzy and "twirled" out of place. I haven't told her that I hate it, but I try to stay calm while she's doing it though.
I wouldn't end a friendship over it. I'd just nicely tell my friend that I don't really like anyone putting their hands in my hair. If she persisted after that, I'd think there were some deeper issues going on there.

In general, I am much more accepting of friends and family doing this than I would be of a stranger. My real issue is when people don't ask first, though. Strangers feeling all in someone else's hair without asking is just plain rude.
WoW!! its definately not that serious.
I don't mind people touchin my hair...shoot I reach out and touch some of my friends hair sometimes, can't help it if it looks beautiful and silky I want to touch it.
definately not that serious
I wouldn't end a friendship over something so TRIVIAL. People are welcomed to touch my hair because most that don't know me think its fake anyway. Besides, its not a big deal.
I just KNOW there has to be more to the story. :lol: Maybe we should give BeyondCute a chance to tell us exactly what happened first..... perhaps hearing the actual details of the event will help us understand how things really went down. Because with the limited amount of information given, it's sounding kinda crazy girl. :p
beyondcute said:
Im not your friend anymore! You've crossed the line! I know she did not just put her hands in my head!

Anyone ever had to end a friendship or relationship over someone disrespecting the hair etiquette rules? What happened?

Ill wait to post my experiences :)

Now, don't you think this is a little vein? :yep: That's unfortunate that you'd be that petty with a so-called friend of yours. :naughty: No offense, but you seem a little full of yourself. Hair is not everything, but if you're a down to earth person, friendships are. Don't get me wrong, you have the right to not want people to touch you, but if it's only on the basis of vanity,(hair) then it becomes real trivial. Unless it was out of anger or resentment, I really don't think your friend meant any harm, and only was admiring the beauty she saw on your body; poor girl! Keep in mind that beauty is not the outward adornment of the hair skin and nails, it's the inner spirit that is INSIDE of your body that your friend is probably most attracted to. God created our bodies to house the spirit, not make the spirit.
KiniKakes said:
I just KNOW there has to be more to the story. :lol: Maybe we should give BeyondCute a chance to tell us exactly what happened first..... perhaps hearing the actual details of the event will help us understand how things really went down. Because with the limited amount of information given, it's sounding kinda crazy girl. :p

I agree with kinkikakes! We should hear out beyondcute before we pass judgment. So lets hear the story! I am really curious.
virgo_chinwe said:
I agree with kinkikakes! We should hear out beyondcute before we pass judgment. So lets hear the story! I am really curious.

Now, she gon' make it much worse than it was just cuz of our responses:lachen:

J/K, it was a joke. I had to lighten the mood.
MizaniMami said:
Now, she gon' make it much worse than it was just cuz of our responses:lachen:

J/K, it was a joke. I had to lighten the mood.

:lol: I know I probably would at this point! The poor girl done posted a rather light-hearted question..... and will log back on to see all these posts blasting her. So yeah, i'd probably fabricate a huge, terrible, involved story at this point to save face. It's not like she's left with much of a choice at this point... folks have already passed their judgment and labeled her a vain, superficial, bad friend. *smh* :p
LOL, you know what, I have a good feeling we've all been duped and things aren't as they "appear". This is a test...for real, I think the joke is on us!

BC, where you at girly with your explanaition!
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HAHAHA! Yalla trip. No I was actualy reading another post on here about someone who reacted to someone touching thier hair. Sometimes I think people are a little too on edge about thier hair and are overly anxious to call someone a hater because they touched thier hair. Not me. Yall know I aint like that. I was just doing a lil monolouge to get some dialouge started. Now play nice!
As long as the hair is on your head, it should be all good. :grin:

Now *looks around* if you were referring to some other 18+ ahem-ahem kind of hair then I could see the friendship being over and done with, ya know? Now THAT'S crossing the line. :lol:

eta: oh your tail was lyin to us :mad: :lachen:
Mocha Princess said:
Now, don't you think this is a little vein? :yep: That's unfortunate that you'd be that petty with a so-called friend of yours. :naughty: No offense, but you seem a little full of yourself. Hair is not everything, but if you're a down to earth person, friendships are. Don't get me wrong, you have the right to not want people to touch you, but if it's only on the basis of vanity,(hair) then it becomes real trivial. Unless it was out of anger or resentment, I really don't think your friend meant any harm, and only was admiring the beauty she saw on your body; poor girl! Keep in mind that beauty is not the outward adornment of the hair skin and nails, it's the inner spirit that is INSIDE of your body that your friend is probably most attracted to. God created our bodies to house the spirit, not make the spirit.
OUCH OUCH OUCH BACK UP!! :lol: Just a convo starter. My friends are all in tact. I dont care who touches my hair. The last thing I am is vain :lol: Me vain? LOL LOL LOL Oh crap! But for real I feel the same way. When I see gorgeous hair it takes the life outta me not to touch it but in my family, we are touchers. I was reading another post where a lady snapped on another new lady at her job that she was training "under her wing" b'coz she touched her hair, and I felt bad for the lady. So I decided to see if people really cut off relationships over hair. No harm done.... I dont think... :)