Awww Mystic I feel your pain in that last post. Long hard sigh.....
Okay Missy your hair looked like it was growing really fast from your BC in 07 and then the next pic in 08
Maybe your sides are just your trouble spot. I think a lot of heads have a "trouble" spot, I know I do.
You are smart to switch your goals to retention rather than growth focused goals, which I realize is hard to do because, duh, we are on Longhaircarefroum
. I have to say retention is the one area I give myself a pat on the back because I have learned to stay away from heat, not many trims, and bunning have helped me tremendously. I also cannot forget moisture. I used to be a once a week washer now I wash 2-3 times a week.
I think your new regimen sounds great
. I am wishing you success
IA let's try to support one another.