Official Bra-Strap By 2006 Thread!

count me in, im transitioning right now so i'll basically be cutting my relaxed ends as my hair grows, (im at 4 1/2 - 5 inches new growth, rest is relaxed to shoulder length) but we are just in January so i think i can do it or at least get very close by 2006.
WOW, I've missed all the new ladies!!! Where have I been?!! Anyway..great to have you ladies!! We're gonna make it!!!
Sure I'll aim for it. Why the hell not?! And I'll tell ya even if I get CLOSE I'll be ecstatic. :D

Count me in.
I want to join the Bra Strap (Clasp) by 2006 Challenge. It only gives me 11 months but I have faith. My regimen is still a work in progress and any suggestions will be greatly appreciated.

*30 day Bun Challenge (as of 1/30/05)
*wash & deep condition (w/ heat) every Saturday
*co-wash every Tuesday
*airdry in ponytail for bun
*surge at least once a day
*massage scalp every night
*Biotin and Multivitamin daily
*Exercise at least 3 times a week
*Increase water intake
*Relaxers every 12 weeks (last relaxer 1/15/05)
I will like to join. I plan on being there by May 2006. If I can get there by 01/01/06 that would be great!!!! I plan on attaining this by....

1) Getting hair braided & keeping braids in for 2 mos at a time.
2) While hair is braided us Surge 14/ Infusium 23/Sa Sof Fro & Evoo

When hair is out of braids.....
3) Style hair in a bun
4) Shampoo hair every 3 days/deep condition everytime I Shampoo
5) Use baggie method while hair is in bun for 1 month in between 2 month braid interval.
6) Moisturize! Moisturize! Moisturize!!!!
*** Eelaxed hair every 3 months with Affirm mild relaxer***

Good luck Everyone!!!
Brastrap by 2006!!!! :)
Hi ladies!! We've gotta keep this thread closer to the top for inspiration!!! I'm gonna make it even if it takes me till December 31, 2006 at 11:59!!!!!
naptrl said:
Hi ladies!! We've gotta keep this thread closer to the top for inspiration!!! I'm gonna make it even if it takes me till December 31, 2006 at 11:59!!!!!

u and me both :lol:
naptrl said:
Hi ladies!! We've gotta keep this thread closer to the top for inspiration!!! I'm gonna make it even if it takes me till December 31, 2006 at 11:59!!!!!

I'm in too. I just feel like my hair is at a standstill. It is just below shoulder length when straightened (my hair is natural)
I need some ideas on how to retain length (my ends) and speed up the growth process. Any ideas?

feel free to PM me also
Ok I'm in!!!!

To retain growth length I'm on the Dominican Challenge, because they will keep my roots straight which will allow me to reduce breakage at the line of demarcation. Dominican stylists are also not scissor happy, they like to see long healthy hair so they take off as little as possible and only when needed. I will be going to the salon 1x per week for a wash and set and blow dry the roots only. I will wear my hair down for the the first 4 days of the week and then bun it until I get it washed again.

I am also trying to stretch my relaxer longer than my normal six weeks without going into braids so I may bun it more often as my roots become longer and longer.

My hair is chin/middle of neck length right now. I figure I have 8-9 inches to grow to reach the top of my bra-strap (I have a short torso, this is the only reason I'm happy for it :D ). My hair grows about 1/2 an inch per month without vitamins...with vitamins my hair can grow about 3/4 of an inch per month. I'm back on my vitamins now, assuming I don't fall off I should be able to grow about 8 inches this year alone, but I know some that will need to be trimmed so at best I plan to retain 6 inches by the January 1, 2006. I should hit bra-strap by my birthday April 18th 2006 yeah!!!

There are a lot of people who have told me that that will never happen for me, I want to prove them wrong.

I hope we all acheive our goal for next year. :)

How often will we update??
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RabiaElaine said:
Ok I'm in!!!!

To retain growth length I'm on the Dominican Challenge, because they will keep my roots straight which will allow me to reduce breakage at the line of demarcation. Dominican stylists are also not scissor happy, they like to see long healthy hair so they take off as little as possible and only when needed. I will be going to the salon 1x per week for a wash and set and blow dry the roots only. I will wear my hair down for the the first 4 days of the week and then bun it until I get it washed again.

I am also trying to stretch my relaxer longer than my normal six weeks without going into braids so I may bun it more often as my roots become longer and longer.

My hair is chin/middle of neck length right now. I figure I have 8-9 inches to grow to reach the top of my bra-strap (I have a short torso, this is the only reason I'm happy for it :D ). My hair grows about 1/2 an inch per month without vitamins...with vitamins my hair can grow about 3/4 of an inch per month. I'm back on my vitamins now, assuming I don't fall off I should be able to grow about 8 inches this year alone, but I know some that will need to be trimmed so at best I plan to retain 6 inches by the January 1, 2006. I should hit bra-strap by my birthday April 18th 2006 yeah!!!

There are a lot of people who have told me that that will never happen for me, I want to prove them wrong.

I hope we all acheive our goal for next year. :)

How often will we update??

Good Luck to you! I know what you mean about people telling you, you cant grow your hair that long. I have had a few tell me I cant grow my hair 2 inches past bra strap! I am here to prove them wrong! :yay:
I'm in! The longest piece if hair is about 5 inches from brastrap right now (severe vee going...the sides are barely touching my shoulders and I have to keep dusting them because it seems like they have the most damage) but I think it's doable. (crosses fingers)
I would like to join!!! :)

I just got a relaxer yesterday. I am going to take pics this weekend and start tracking my progress going forward.
I'm beginning to believe that Bra-Strap is some mystical place that we all go and are truly and eternally happy. How to get there, how to get there... :scratchch , perhaps if we all fell down the rabbit hole, we'd find it. :lol:
I'm a little late but I would like to join this challenge, my hair is a little below shoulder length when stretched, so hopeful by 1/1/06 I'll be at bra strap (Stretched).
brownhaired_bonanza said:
I'm beginning to believe that Bra-Strap is some mystical place that we all go and are truly and eternally happy. How to get there, how to get there... :scratchch , perhaps if we all fell down the rabbit hole, we'd find it. :lol:
That is funny!! I think it seems like EVERYBODY'S goal!! Somebody started with it and it just caught on, I guess!!! Journeying to that happy place....:sigh: :)
My hair is curently shoulder-length in the back and chin-length on the sides. Hopefully, BS by 2006 isn't an unrealistic goal for me. Like someone else said earlier, I'll make it some time in 2006!!!
brownhaired_bonanza said:
I'm beginning to believe that Bra-Strap is some mystical place that we all go and are truly and eternally happy. How to get there, how to get there... :scratchch , perhaps if we all fell down the rabbit hole, we'd find it. :lol:



eta: I think I got a shot at definitely being in the BSL neighborhood in 2006. I wasn't sure at first....but I think I got a shot. If I get close to armpit by the end of 2005....I think I'm good.
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