Meet U at the Bra-Strap 4 2006.......

How have you all been coming along? I didn't join this challenge, because I don't want to set a length goal by a certain time, but I will update my own progress as it happens. Keep us posted!
:wave: I'm at the brastrap :) :wave:

I am barely there though. Just the ends of my hair are there in the back. The front is an inch or two past armpit. I want the front to cover my boobs completely. I want them to reach the bottom of my brastrap. I am trying to grow my hair to midback/waistlength by december uneven or not!
when my hairs wet, my ends (the U) touches the top of my brastrap, but i dont trust that particular bra and i aint acceptin i'm a brastrap till i'm fully satisfied and had a trim!