Ode to the Banana Clip!!

Bump! It's funny that I missed this thread the first time around. I actually just ordered a banana clip this week because of the pics I've seen here and on fotki. Now I can't wait to get it. I haven't worn one since I was in high school back in the <<cough, cough>> 80's <<cough, cough>>. Glad they're back in style!
I have a 5' banana clip because my hair is only to the bottom of my neck/ top of my shoulders since I mini chopped. I'm trying to find a cute style with for my shorter hair.


Beautiful! I've always loved your hair and you've come such a long way. :yep:
Here's mine from 2007. Kind of plain but here it is...


I haven't been able to find clips for thicker hair yet.
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When I was younger I had nooo idea how they worked lol. My hair is to my collarbone when straightened,should I try a smaller one? My hair is thin so I wanna use one so that I can curl the ends and avoid them rubbing on my shoulders n splitting
I'll add pics soon- I LOVE my beloved banana clip- its my go to style when my wng is old and a mess but I don't feel like rewetting my hair.
How do u fit thick natural hair into the clips? I love the look but mine either pop open or snatch w/in an inch of my life!!
How do u fit thick natural hair into the clips? I love the look but mine either pop open or snatch w/in an inch of my life!!

The sturdiness of the banana clip has less to do with your hair and more to do with the clip you use. I've had the same clip for 2 years of which I use quite often. THIS is the one I use. It has a ball closure on both ends so it never breaks.
I've been wearing my hair in a banana clip everyday this week and i was at the checkout the other evening getting some snacks for the cinema with my SO when a lady came over and said " I haven't seen those clips in ages where did you get it from?" I told her you can get it in any black hair shop and she looked pleased. In my head I was thinking - Go me! She must have liked my hairstyle!!

This is my style for the winter - in the summer I like to wear my hair down
I use this kind... I have thick hair so I use the banana clips w/ the hooks. (The other styles always pop open or won't bend to fit my hair)

i was about to order some banana clips the other day from a site yal listed on here. it's great to use when your in a stretch and don't know what to do. i do to flexi rods like pigtail style, take it out and since its already pushed back its easier to get into a ponytail and the curls make it full. it makes stretching so easy and just moisturize and seal at night again and put flexi rods back in to have fresh curls everyday