Odd Hair Situations - I'm Ashamed

I haven't been in the forum that much over the last year and a half so I'm out of touch. Honey, I hear y'all talking about how happy you are that my husband was ok and how he appreciated what I'm interested in.

Umm, no. What I came to find out is that he only said that to charm her :swearing:

Dude wasn't right. Dude wasn't RIGHT. I had to get my 14 year old daughter out of there and away from his high school casing behind. I fled the plantation right before Thanksgiving 2010 and I ain't looked back. Can you spell 'sociopath', boys and girls?:nuts:

Anyway, after I left him, I felt fat, old, ugly, bald-headed and dumb. Somehow his snide remarks over the years had taken their toll.

I sank into a depression because I was living in someone's basement while my husband stayed in the home. I did take the 50 " big screen. He had to watch Thanksgiving football on a 20". :grin:

To cope, I think, and try to convince myself I still had 'it', I started this bad habit of looking at yt women's hair, maybe making a comment, and then immediately going to the BSS or online to find a wig just like it!

Weirdo me :lol:. I didn't know who I was anymore. I was the only black teacher at my old school and I had no black friends when I left cause he had convinced them that I was crazy. People started to get suspicious because all of my wigs looked exactly like all of the teachers and staff in the building. I got the side eye deservedly when I copied the math teacher who loves Twilight but c'mon, side part, blue black mbl. Had to get one. New Born Free. :look: I even have a wig exactly like the hispanic pharmacist assistant at Walgreens. Brazilian curls, girl, for real though.:lachen::lachen:

I really bumped to see how many more hilarious stories I could get out of y'all. First post in a while. I'm baaaaaaaack. :drunk:

OMG, Im so sorry about what happened with your ex, but I just wanted to say you are SO FREAKING FUNNY....I am sitting here cracking up right now.

What are you doing with your hair currently?
Umm forget the tv. U need to go back to family court and get the HOUSE!! Or at least half of what it's worth. In this country if your living in a basement, he should be living in one too.

Good luck. :)
LOVE this thread!

My situation was kind if like HoneyA's. (sorry, I still don't know how to mention people)

I got my tonsils taken out a couple summers ago and knowing that those hospital bonnets were made of harsh materials I kept my hair wrapped and under my scarf. (This was back when I stopped relaxing my hair but I would always keep it straight because I didn't know how to deal with my curls) Once we pulled up to the hospital my mother asked me about taking my scarf off. I told her I didn't want to mess my hair up, she yelled at me and told me to take it off my head because I know better than to be in public with my hair wrapped up. (My mother's hair is ****** perfect! She can put ANYTHING in her hair and it turns out great, I kid you not. She was accidently putting sunscreen in her hair one summer thinking it was a styling product, you would have never known; her curls were still flawless.... DARN HER!) Anyway, in the waiting room I started to cry my eyes out because I had never had surgery before and hospitals creep me out. There were kids no older than 12 in the waiting area more calm and composed than me. So I go into my room for them to prep me; I get undressed and get into my gown and lay down in the bed waiting for the nurse to come in. While waiting my mom asked me if I was going to put the bonnet on and I told her I'd do it RIGHT before I go in since she wouldn't let me wear my scarf. The nurse came in and gave me the anesthesia and I sat around watching TV waiting for it to kick in. My mother kept asking me about the bonnet and I kept telling her that I was about to put it on but I never did. At some point I started crying again, worried about something going wrong with the procedure. Finally the nurse came back to take me to surgery and my mother lifted my head up so they could get the bonnet on. In my doped up state I immediately stopped crying and said, "but wait, that's not satin, let me wrap my hair first!" When they said I didn't have time for that I begged for my mother to at least "tie the scarf around my hair and for God's sake tuck the ends in", but 0o anvil. As soon as I came too after the procedure I opened my eyes and started feeling my head to see if my mom put my scarf on and broke out into tears when I realized she didn't. My nurse thought I was CRAZY!!!!

In hindsight I'm like, "it was just for a few hours". I get drunk and sleep on my boyfriend's cotton pillowcase without properly prepping my hair for bed for longer than I was in surgery with that bonnet on my head.