Odd Hair Situations - I'm Ashamed


Well-Known Member
Yesterday, my husband called me from work to say that he felt strange and needed to go to the hospital. He was having funny sensations in his chest, his face felt numb and his vision was blurry all on the right side. My husband tends to minimize things because I'm straight thinking "Call an ambulance" but I went to drive him to our family practitioner.

After examining my husband, he tells us to go to emergency for a CT scan. I rush him over, they rush him in. They start hooking stuff up, IV's, EKG's, all of that. A scene out of ER, for sure. Now in the middle of this, the admissions girl comes in to talk with him and put on his arm band.

Her curls were so friggin pretty. :look: They were up in a pony but they were 3c, 4a ringlets that made my heart sing.

Oh yeah, back to my husband almost dying in the ER. I couldn't focus. I wanted to ask her what her regimen was. I swear I am so ashamed.

Luckily, my husband is my best friend and he knows me. He said "April, her hair looks like yours. That's how it'll be once you grow it out". I love my boo boo.

BTW, he's fine. He had what is called an ocular migraine which can mimic stroke symptoms. He's in the living room watching fishing shows.

Does anyone else have any completely out of order hair noticing situations that they want to share?

In labor, trying to keep your satin bonnet on? :lachen:Staring at women's hair to see if it's real and they give you the "I'm not gay" look.:lachen:(that just happened to me earlier this week at the mall)

There may be a thread out there like this already but I ain't seen it.
when they were about to take me in the OR for a c-section, i wouldn't go anywhere until i had my scarf on and i wouldn't walk around the halls unless i had my scarf. my hair was so messed up and i was mad that i took my braids right before i went into labor. i should have waited until that weekend.
Great story Apemay! Thanks for sharing and yes, I look and drool over other people's hair all the time. Glad DH is fine too!
Great story! I'm glad DH is okay. I don't have a specific story, but I'm always getting distracted by other women's hair (in the supermarket, walking down the street, in a store, etc.).
No story either. I do remember staring at this Goth girl who had tailbone length hair. She was actually a very pretty girl (if it weren't for her acne). I turned to my friend and joked that I was going to marry that girl one day just so I could be close to her hair. :look:

If she would have been a man, I don't think anyone could have stopped me from getting down on bended knee and whipping out a ring.
HAHA, the things we go thru just for long hair!:lachen: If I see someone with gorgeous hair, I can't help but stare!:eye: I try not to get caught though!:rolleyes::grin:
That's a funny story that only your LHCF family (& your hubby!) would understand! Glad he's doing ok & its great he understands your hair obsessions. BTW my friend had similar symptoms but never went to the doctor - I just text her with diagnosis your hubby got to see if she has the same problem. Thank you!!
Wow that's funny, especially your husband knowing what you were thinking. Glad to hear he's okay. I've had a situation like that but it was the other way around. I was at the dentist sitting in the chair getting my teeth cleaned and the lady working on me tells me she likes my hair and asks me a few questions about it.

Being a member of LHCF I wasn't bothered by it and didn't think it weird. But she did catch me off guard for like 2.2 seconds.
LOL!!!! That's too funny! :lol:

I'm glad your hubby's okay, those are some scary symptoms!!!
Glad to hear hubby's okay and now:lachen::lachen::lachen:I do that all the time and will start conversations with the woman and her beautiful hair.:lachen::lachen:
Too funny! Glad about dh; but aren't you mad you didn't ask her?

I don't have any stories i can remember right now, but I look at many black woman's hair and skin, and I ask reggies from those with healthy pretty hair, skin, and makeup. Some give, some don't :ohwell:
I'm glad your DH is doing well.

No need to be embarrassed though. I would have been thinking the same thing.

I used to get the "I'm not gay" look while admiring a woman's hair too. Now, I'm just slicker about looking or I just tell her right away how nice her hair looks. It depends on the situation. Sometimes it's not appropriate to say anything.

2 weeks ago, while driving to work, I caught my self obsessively staring at a split end via my rear view mirror. Luckily, there were no cars around and I was driving on a straight road. I did chastise myself for prioritizing a stupid split end over safety. I think I worried over that split end because I finally discovered the perfect products and regimen for my hair which resulted in me having a perfect hair moment. That split end kinda put a damper on my Hairvana (Hair Nirvana)
when they were about to take me in the OR for a c-section, i wouldn't go anywhere until i had my scarf on and i wouldn't walk around the halls unless i had my scarf. my hair was so messed up and i was mad that i took my braids right before i went into labor. i should have waited until that weekend.

I don't feel so bad.:lachen:
I'm glad your DH is doing well.

No need to be embarrassed though. I would have been thinking the same thing.

I used to get the "I'm not gay" look while admiring a woman's hair too. Now, I'm just slicker about looking or I just tell her right away how nice her hair looks. It depends on the situation. Sometimes it's not appropriate to say anything.

2 weeks ago, while driving to work, I caught my self obsessively staring at a split end via my rear view mirror. Luckily, there were no cars around and I was driving on a straight road. I did chastise myself for prioritizing a stupid split end over safety. I think I worried over that split end because I finally discovered the perfect products and regimen for my hair which resulted in me having a perfect hair moment. That split end kinda put a damper on my Hairvana (Hair Nirvana)

Now I know I'm okay. Whenever I have a bangin twist out, I grin at my hair in the visor at every stop light.
Good to hear your DH is doing fine, but

~Hangs head down in shame to admit this~

Yes I stare at lovely heads of hair myself sad to say and I am ashamed of it myself. I just did this on the plane coming home from Nebraska on Thursday. I saw a young black lady sitting in front of me with long luscious looking hair and truth be told, I couldn't tell if it was a weave or not. I wanted to ask her so bad if it was, but was too embarassed to do so:blush:. Everyone I see with gorgeous head of hair, I naturally assume they are Niko's cousin:grin:. This obssession is getting ridiculous and I will do something about it this year:yep:. Dear Jesus, please, please, please take the wheel!!!
I'm glad that your hubby is doing well :yep:

...it's funny that you post this topic.

Last evening I was on the BART train heading home and sat behind a young woman and I could not stop staring at her hair.

IT WAS FRIED!:burning:

I could see left over bleached highlights throughout and her ends looked like they had been chewed on - so frayed :nono:...

It got me thinking about making up some Business Cards with the LHCF website on them and start handing them to ladies who need an intervention.
"Oh yeah, back to my husband almost dying in the ER. I couldn't focus. I wanted to ask her what her regimen was. I swear I am so ashamed." :lachen::lachen::lachen:

I almost fell out of the bed laughing at this while DH is lying here snoring! Sounds exactly like something I'd hang my head in shame for as well...:grin:
I am glad your DH is ok.

I def look at nice hair. I think i almost got cursed out waiting for the A train Friday night; this woman in her late 20s was standing about 2.5 feet in front of me also wait for the train (now to be fair, she squeezed her way in front of me to stand on the edge of the platform so she could be closest to be door when the train arrived, so it's not like i walked up behind her and stood there) but her hair was gorgeous. It was relaxed and thick and healthy. And what was surprising to me, was that it was shoulder length, she was wearing it down, it was touching her coat, but yet she didn't have any split ends from where I could see. I wanted to ask her about her hair but she looked rather hostile, and snooty so I didn't bother. But I kept staring and she started giving me the evil eye; I guess she figured either 1) I was hating, 2) gay or 3) trying to steal her purse?
OP, glad your husband is okay but that was funny.

Here's mine: I'm about to be rolled into surgery. I'm already dressed in the blue gown they give you with the blue bonnet. But of course, the blue bonnet isn't satin so I put on my satin cap under the blue bonnet to protect my hair from being snagged by the material. The nurse comes in and asks if I've taken all my jewelry off and all my clothes. I said, well no, not my underwear. She asks if it's cotton. I said no. She, very calmly, said that because of one piece of machinery the surgeon was going to use any other material on my body other than cotton could start to burn, like this was the most natural thing in the world. What?!!! My eyes opened like saucers as I immediately thought, OMG! satin cap! hair! With that I dragged off the bonnet and the satin cap and my underwear of course. I'd much rather deal with a few broken pieces of hair, than singed or burnt off hair:nono:. I just kept thinking what would have happened had we not had that conversation about the cotton and the underwear before the surgery:spinning:. Of course my mother thought the whole thing was funny as heck.
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What a funny thread! So glad your hubby is doing fine!!! I cannot tell you how many times I have had weird hair situations.. I am not ashamed I ask though.. I smile and then just ask "who does your hair" or give a nice compliment and then say what products do you use??? I have found that the nice chics will actually tell you....the other chics that are snooty will say " Oh I cannot remember the name".....yea right!!!
I had to share my odd hair story...:grin:

Im in H-Town (Houston, TX) and I fly home from time~2~time to Cali. Anyway, I was on my way back to Houston, and knodding off to sleep on\off in my seat. When I go home to Cali I play hard! Mountain hiker, trail hiking at 4AM, jogging an extended amount of miles etc...with my MOM of all people...lol

Anyway, she wore me out! One would not think that woman was 68 y.o. *whew* the price we pay as children...lol:wallbash:

Nevetheless, on the way back to Houston, after taking a brief nap I looked up and continuously saw this Stewardess staring at me. I was like, "hummmm was I drooling...:lachen:".... So I grabbed my purse to get my pocket sized mirror and looked into it. I was fine! No drool, hair was in place, no lipstick on collar, etc...

Now you know, nowdays with all of this terrorist(s) things going on, I have to be careful. So I stayed awake. I saw this lady still staring at me.

Before I left home 1 of my sisters commented on my hair and how beautiful she thought it was. Healthy looking, shinning and all... :grin: I was like thanks sis...

Now my hair is not long..."yet", but it will be. At this time I was barely ear length. Now, I am sholder length.

(Anyway, back to my story)...so in looking up, I came to realize that this Stewardess was staring at my hair. And, so as I was looking thru airplane window, I saw her looking at me yet again and I looked at her directly in they eye. SHE TURNED HER HEAD! I should've ;) and said "HOW-U-DEW'N"...:lachen: that would've scarred her! (no I am not gay, but I would've enjoyed the fun...lol)

When she turned I look at her hair and she looked:antlers: - like this...lol

Soooo, I thought to myself..."No wonder she is staring" her hair looked fried! man....lol

To have to be walking infront of a plane full of people and to look like that...*whew*...she should've walked over to me and ask me my regimen...lol
I am glad your hubby is fine. But I am here ready to fall out of my chair.:lachen:Sadly, I can't say I would have done any better. Admitting you have a problem is half the battle.
OMG! LMAO :lachen:
glad to hear your husband is ok. Tell him to follow-up with his doctor and ask for a thorough physical.

That is a funny story! I will sometimes stop and stare if I see a woman of color with long hair. Then I pray they don't see me or think I'm a creep LOL
OMG! LMAO :lachen:
glad to hear your husband is ok. Tell him to follow-up with his doctor and ask for a thorough physical.

That is a funny story! I will sometimes stop and stare if I see a woman of color with long hair. Then I pray they don't see me or think I'm a creep LOL

That is me all the way! I generally don't have a problem telling a female she is pretty but when it comes to hair I just become speechless and stare and hurry up and look away before they catch me looking.

There's this woman at the place where I donate plasma and I instantly wondered if she was Niko's cousin because she has this silky, shiny black hair that she usually wears up. Sometimes she'll wear the ends curly but still in a PS. I don't know the real length but it still makes me fantasize about what my hair could be one day. If I could guesstimate, I would say she's between apl and bsl. Anywho, I can't muster up the courage to ask her if she's a LHCFer because she has a quiet or don't mess with me demeanor. I just found out she's preggo so that could have something to do with it. One day I'll be bold enough....:look:
I haven't been in the forum that much over the last year and a half so I'm out of touch. Honey, I hear y'all talking about how happy you are that my husband was ok and how he appreciated what I'm interested in.

Umm, no. What I came to find out is that he only said that to charm her :swearing:

Dude wasn't right. Dude wasn't RIGHT. I had to get my 14 year old daughter out of there and away from his high school casing behind. I fled the plantation right before Thanksgiving 2010 and I ain't looked back. Can you spell 'sociopath', boys and girls?:nuts:

Anyway, after I left him, I felt fat, old, ugly, bald-headed and dumb. Somehow his snide remarks over the years had taken their toll.

I sank into a depression because I was living in someone's basement while my husband stayed in the home. I did take the 50 " big screen. He had to watch Thanksgiving football on a 20". :grin:

To cope, I think, and try to convince myself I still had 'it', I started this bad habit of looking at yt women's hair, maybe making a comment, and then immediately going to the BSS or online to find a wig just like it!

Weirdo me :lol:. I didn't know who I was anymore. I was the only black teacher at my old school and I had no black friends when I left cause he had convinced them that I was crazy. People started to get suspicious because all of my wigs looked exactly like all of the teachers and staff in the building. I got the side eye deservedly when I copied the math teacher who loves Twilight but c'mon, side part, blue black mbl. Had to get one. New Born Free. :look: I even have a wig exactly like the hispanic pharmacist assistant at Walgreens. Brazilian curls, girl, for real though.:lachen::lachen:

I really bumped to see how many more hilarious stories I could get out of y'all. First post in a while. I'm baaaaaaaack. :drunk:
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