October 14,15,16....What are YOUR Weekend Hair Plans


PJ Rehabilitation Center
Hey Divas! It's almost the Weekend (And I for one, am estatic) It's been a stressful work week.:sad:

Anyway: What are you doing this weekend to Nuture & Nourish Your Hair?

If it's not too much 'trouble' please list products (if possible).

Here's what I'm doing hopefully tomorrow:grin::

Cowash with Hairveda OR Enso Naturals Sea Buckthorn & Horsetail Daily
Do a Quick Reconstructor 3-5 minutes with L'anza Healing Reconstructor
Komaza Protein Rx (under dryer for about 20 minutes)
Jasmine Bath & Beauty Avocado & Silk DC'er in Cherry Pineapple (Steaming)
Detangle with Marie Dean Mango Tango Detangler & a Little BBD Stretch
Dry under Dryer
Moisturize & Seal
rinse & condition on sunday.
seal wet hair

put my ends away for another week and not do anything except spray moisturize (conditioner, water, castor oil)
DC w/ ORS + cap overnight, apply lv-in and seal with Hemp oil. Going out Saturday. Will prob wear a braid out on Saturday then PS for the week on Sunday night.
wash, DC, and back in cornrows and wig. just learned i've been doing the 'deep moisture method'. might trim the ends a bit...will have to see if i can hold out til the end of the month.
Cowash and detangle with Tresemme Naturals
DC with AOHSR/EVOO overnight
Oil scalp with EVOO/pepperpint/tea tree oil
Moisturize with Giovanni Direct leave-in/EVOO
Airdry in a bun
Hanging curls via Shea Moisture Smoothie
wash and go with curl junkie honey butter tomorrow and saturday. sunday i will shampoo with cd black vanilla, henna for two hours with heat, steam for a few minutes with jasmines a&s and then braid for a braid out with oyin dew and bsp on my ends.
Co-washed Thursday so Sunday I will prepoo with coconut oil, shampoo with Jane Carter Solution Sulfate Free Shampoo, DC with NTM and some leftover Phyto reconstructor I have lying around. Use kimmaytube's leave-in and braid my hair back up to hide under my wig for work.
Nothing special
Wash with my vo5 (trying to use it up)
Deep condition with the giovanni deep conditioner (first time use)

Giovanni leave in and gel with a little oil as usual and twist or braid.

oh.. and definitely not buying any more cosmetics.. so no going to the shops at all!
wash with castile soap and riinse with apple cider vinegar
start detoxing with terresentials left coast lemon.
may seal each day with kimmay tube leave in, depends on how my hair feels
-Continue to moisturize ends with diluted vo5 passion fruit smoothie con.
-Seal with castor oil mix (castor/olive,jojoba oils)
-"Cross" wrap at night (and look for other wrapping techniques)

I'm wearing it in a ponytail on Saturday (baby shower!)

Dc regimen has been moved to Tuesday.
I'll be redoing my mini bantu knot outs I use a spritz of mostly water and a some Organix Acai berry conditioner (smells Delicious! (do this instead of co washing)). Use my HE Long term relationship leave in and seal with %40 Avocado oil %60 grapeseed oil and do a bunch of bantu knots for a bantu to knot out for the rest of the week. I'll do this on sunday.
Wash with SM Curl & Shine shampoo
Condition rinse with Jasmine's Shea rinse
DC with SM Anti-Breakage Mask
Apply SSI coco cream leave in and seal with enso serum
Style with either DM's curling cream or Oyin's S&D
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Using my Darcy's pumpkin seed cond. for the 1st time. I plan to co-wash then ponytail rollerset and airdry.
-wash and rollerset with: hair one argan oil (don't like this stuff lol), kerapro restorative treatment, and lacio lacio leave in
-blow out roots
Saturday night I will shampoo with Dabur Total Protect Health Shampoo, steam with Silk Elements Megasilk Intense conditiioning and honey mix, rinse and add CON Lemongrass and Rosemary Leave In, JBCO on scalp and edges, Natures Blessing to seal. Air dry and French Roll for the week. :spinning:
This is holiday weekend here in JA so we also get Monday off :grin: my plans are....I will be going to a beach party on the north coast on Sunday, so I will separate my twists for a twistout (hoping it looks fierce).
Then on Monday I will be:
Cowashing with either Silk Dreams Whip My Hair cleansing cream OR curl junkie Daily fix
Then DCing with either DB Pumpkin DC or curl junkie curl rehab. Then doing an oil rinse with castor. With air dry in big fat twists and then break them down for my weekly twisted 'do.
Nothing today or tomorrow. On Sunday I will DC with Enso Cacao, oil rinse with hemp oil, leave in with Coco Creme, twist with Macadamia gel and seal with Amazon pomade.

Sent from my fun My Touch 4g!
I have an outing Saturday afternoon so I plan to blow dry and flat iron my hair. I really can'[t stand blow drying my hair but I want it super straight and my roller wraps and been really awful lately.
I plan on DCing the mess out of my hair. Life kept forcing me to put it off of for about two weeks, but I say no more! It WILL happen tonight.
I want to rollerset , but my hair dryer broke, lol. Dont know how it will turn out being air dried.

will wash and condition and do a braid out
After school: oil rinsing with EVOO.
DC with whatever I have on hand...I may or may not drive to H-Town today. If I do, I'm dc-ing on the drive there.
Moisturize with KCKT.
Twist with EN twisting pudding or whatever it's called.
Finally a twistout for a b-day party.
I'm DC overnight and co-washing the morning. I got a bottle of strawberry suave conditioner, it smells so go. I'm going to blow dry and flat iron at a higher setting. I've been doing it at 250, but my hair doesn't get straight, so I'm going to try 300.
Wash, deep condition with One N Only Argan oil products. I am feeling like a roller set but we will see.