Obsessed with Long Hair?


Well-Known Member
Hi ladies, I'm a newbie, but have been lurking for about 8 months. Like many of you, I had what was considered long hair as a child, then wanted to "get grown" when I was a teenager and try to do it myself. BIG mistake! It was destroyed for years. So, I went natural for 4 yrs and have been back perming for about 2 yrs. Now I am a little past bra-strap and healthy. But my question is this: Does anyone feel that they might be slightly obsessed with long hair like I am?
I mean I don't ever remember being like this until I started having hair that didn't look like it went through a meat grinder. I mean, I only go to one lady to get my hair done and if she isn't available I wait.(I have strayed before and it was a mistake)
I watch movies like LOTR, not only because I love them, but so I can stare at all of the rapunzel-like hair the women have! Touching my hair without permission will get you glared on, possibly even hurt, heck, I even have dreams about hair!
So, just wondering if anyone else is like this? Since getting closer to your goal or joining the board do you pay extra attention to women with long hair in real-life or in the movies? Are you extra crazy about your own hair? Someone please tell me I am not the only weirdo out here! My friends and family think I am straight-up insane. They might have me committed if they knew how deep into it I really am. The hair should be healthy as well, I think that goes without saying!
Any thoughts, ladies?
To quote Michael Jackson (in his pre-arrest days...), you are not alone. I was just asking a similar question. I have a hair jones--I may need rehab
. I find myself watching movies I've ALREADY SEEN and noticing the characters' hair as if I've never seen it before. Sad.
I am a lot less obsessed now that I am closer to my goal (bra-strap length all the way around). When i was younger, I had long hair, too. Then the salon visits became less and I became chief stylist to my hair and even though I was always mindful of how I took care of it, I did lose some length. I remember crying one night in bed and PRAYING a fervent prayer for God to let my hair grow really, really long. I can't believe that I have achieved this goal (thank you, Jesus)!!!

I love looking at beautiful hair, though. But now instead of looking at them like, "Man, I wish that were my hair", I'm now glad to part of the "club".
I am obsessed with HAIR period! It doesn't have to be long, it just has to be cute! When my husband and I are out in public, I am constantly watching HAIR. He will turn and look at me and say, "You're looking at her hair, aren't you?" Busted! When I'm shopping alone and I see someone with cute hair (ESPECIALLY if she's rocking a natural style), I am literally staring at her... and have the nerve to be uncomfortable when I get caught. Busted yet again! You are definitely NOT alone.
I notice EVERY SINGLE LADY ON THE STREETS hair. Long hair, short hair, jacked-up hair, nice hair. It doesn't matter. I NOTICE IT.

I wasn't always this way
I sure am obsessed and proud of it!! I've bought so many products...and plan on buying more!!! I loooove me some HAIR!!!
I'm with poobear! I'll be obsessed until I have it. My husband told me the other day he didn't see the point in doing all that work! I told him, I want, it never had it! and you don't have to do my hair so don't worry about it!
yeh I am not so obsessed with "LONG" hair, but just healthy hair, I hate seeing people with long hair that looks like it was in a shredding machine. I even notice naturals, I can easily spot a weave or wig, I just like healthy hair no matter the length.

As far as my hair is concerned, I want to see how long it can get!
Yes I am obsessed. There are two black ladies at my work with long hair down to their waists. I stare all the time, hoping that i can acheive their length with the stuff I've learned on this wonderful forum.
I'm more obsessed with the health of my hair then the length. Length is great but it don't mean much if its damaged.
i am obsessed with my hair as well....i am trying to achieve waist length hair as well, right now i am close to bra strap...wich no one else thought i could get...i never had long hair and this is the first time in my life i am growing it out...so everyone is really amazed, my sister said the other dar, "omg...i cant believe your hair is that long..well you finally got your dream".....wich was a little sarcastic, but that was a little haterade in her.......but i love the fact every thought i could not grow hair, and it is growing like a weed.....much success to everyone!!
At first I thought I was. But seeing as though I cut my hair down to an inch in November, I guess not
MizAvalon said:
Hi Shawn! You're not too far from me!

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MizAvalon-- You're right! Only a stone's throw. I actually went to Centennial HS in Ellicott City (many many many years ago). You should come to the July meeting; they're planning it at the B-more Harbor.
DigitalRain said:
I'm more obsessed with the health of my hair then the length. Length is great but it don't mean much if its damaged.

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And because you're obsessed with the health of your hair DigitalRain, that's why your hair is so long, thick and beautiful! I too am obsessed with my hair's health first and foremost. Length would be a plus!
DigitalRain said:
I'm more obsessed with the health of my hair then the length. Length is great but it don't mean much if its damaged.

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ITA, but actually I'm more obsessed with hair products (& make-up, skin care products, etc). I'm a true PJ and enjoy seeing the effects of various products. I can't wait to visit friends and family so I can look under their sinks and cabinets to see what they use.

Let's see
, who can I visit this weekend?
I am also very obsessed with hair. Every person in the street with beautiful long hair I go into this "shock" and just stare. The funny thing is that I also dragged my mother into it. At first she was like "You are too obsessed with this hair thing, products, frequent washing....etc." But when I showed her how my hair was growing then she was caught in the hair hysteria too. Ladies one thing I can say is that this obsession will die down some when we reach our goals. When we reach our goals the heavy staring in public at other women's hair won't be as bad because we would have hair of our own to show off and be proud of.
I'm not obsessed with length, but I'm definitely obsessed with making my hair as healthy and beautiful as it can be.
If I take good care of my hair, the length part should come eventually.

yes very obsessed! Especially since we move to Maryland. But i live in Owings Mills and I noticed the girls around here have princess long hair. I'm always staring a tother peoples hair and asking them about it. I know i must be a pest lol But i figure like this my skin and hair is the one thing on my body I will have forever and I should take very very great care of it
ChildlikeEmpress said:
I'm not obsessed with length, but I'm definitely obsessed with making my hair as healthy and beautiful as it can be.
If I take good care of my hair, the length part should come eventually.


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I agree

I also find myself staring at girls with long hair.