Well-Known Member
Hi ladies, I'm a newbie, but have been lurking for about 8 months. Like many of you, I had what was considered long hair as a child, then wanted to "get grown" when I was a teenager and try to do it myself. BIG mistake! It was destroyed for years. So, I went natural for 4 yrs and have been back perming for about 2 yrs. Now I am a little past bra-strap and healthy. But my question is this: Does anyone feel that they might be slightly obsessed with long hair like I am?
I mean I don't ever remember being like this until I started having hair that didn't look like it went through a meat grinder. I mean, I only go to one lady to get my hair done and if she isn't available I wait.(I have strayed before and it was a mistake)
I watch movies like LOTR, not only because I love them, but so I can stare at all of the rapunzel-like hair the women have! Touching my hair without permission will get you glared on, possibly even hurt, heck, I even have dreams about hair!
So, just wondering if anyone else is like this? Since getting closer to your goal or joining the board do you pay extra attention to women with long hair in real-life or in the movies? Are you extra crazy about your own hair? Someone please tell me I am not the only weirdo out here! My friends and family think I am straight-up insane. They might have me committed if they knew how deep into it I really am. The hair should be healthy as well, I think that goes without saying!
Any thoughts, ladies?