Observations on my hair... advice please


Well-Known Member
Hey ladies... I have been noticing, for a while now actually, that whenever I use my Suave Daily Clarifying shampoo, my hair turns out GREAT! The other shampoos i have used since my hair care journey are Pantene Relaxed and Natural, which i cut out a few months ago... then I used CON, the regular kind and now I have the extra-moisturizing one... i mean, i get great slip and all, but when my hair is drying, for some reason, it is NEVER as great as it is when I use the clarifying shampoo. I did a little experiment, thinking that maybe when I use the CON shampoo, i use more products afterward, but my last two washes (Sunday and Thursday)... i noticed the difference.

On Sunday: I washed my hair with Suave Clarifying, and then I used Suave Humectress, no before or after conditioning. Just that, and then I sprayed my hair with Infusium Leave-in mixed with Almond oil and Rose water and I let airdry... it was THE best my hair came out in a while!!!

On Thursday (yesterday): I washed my hair with CON extra moisturizing shampoo and then I used Suave Humectress... and then I did the same thing as on Sunday... and my hair is... A MESS...

i have noticed that plenty of times! So, i'm wondering is it ok to use the Suave Clarifying shampoo weekly? b/c i read about it in a magazine, and they said that the reason why it said "DAILY" clarifying shampoo was b/c it wasn't harmful enough to cause the dryness that other clarifying shampoos give... and BTW, my hair seems to be more able to hold moisture... surprisingly... when i use it? So... SHOULD I???

-Side note: i was reading this old Elle Girl magazine today and there was an article growing hair out and the tips to follow. They're all on LHCF, lol... i was like, i bet you they checked out this website before they wrote the article :lol: They mentioned trims, every 3 months, if ends start to act up, supplements like Soy-Lecithin *i'm gonna get that one soon :look: * HEADSTANDS! *they said that hair grows 6"-8" a year and this person did headstands EVERY DAY for 5 minutes, and go the same results in SIX MONTHS!* i wish i could do headstands... and they said to stay away from brushes and stuff... and then they mentioned ways of covering up a bad hair day... so that u stay away from heat and stuff.. it's nothing we haven't heard before... they should have LHCF ladies do a testimonial :grin:

-Anway... please tell me what i should do with the Suave Clarifying! :)
I think it would be fine. I use a clarifying poo once a week b/c I like a squeaky clean scalp myself

Also a lot of people had problems with CON because it contains balasm which causes a waxy build up over time. HTH
i agree with pink flower. My hair doesnt like CON. it makes my hair gross and tangled with just one use. Im not sure if its alright to use the suave clarifying daily. you migth try doing an ACV rinse weekly since its not as drying as a clarifying poo. i think its safe to use a clarifying shampoo once in 2 weeks. It also depends on if you have dry hair
Thanks pinkflower and dolapo! i would use it weekly, b/c the extra-moisturizing CON, although it give me good slip, once my hair dries, it's all tangled and ugly... my hair comes out best when there isn't much on it... so i think i'll start using a light SUAVE shampoo and use the clarifying shampoo every two weeks... thanx!