O.k, so I tried..


New Member
not combing my hair for one week to try and minimize breakage and it was a DISASTER! I wash my hair once a week or so, blow dry & flat iron ends, and wrap in silk scarf. I usually comb my hair down from the wrap in the morning, but for a week I wanted to try something new. So I decided to try and go one week without combing, just apply moisture at night and wrap carefully with hands and a VERY soft brush. Well I did this for one week and when I finally decided to detangle my hair with my fingers and a pick, it was SEVERELY tangled! It took me well over an hour to do this and let my tell you I was NOT very happy at the amount of hair I loss. And I even used lots of creamy moisturizer! So my question is for you ladies, how on earth do you not comb through your hair everyday? What about the tangles? I know some of you don't like to comb everday to minimize breakage, but it seems to me that for my hair it was MORE breakage NOT combing everyday?! I don't know. I'm just really frustrated right now. Can someone please offer me some advice? Thanks for letting me vent.
Babychoc~Im sorry to hear that your hair got all tangled up. Thank goodness you got it untangled. I actually blow dried and flat ironed my hair this Wednesday and I dont wrap my hair around my head, I tried that and it didnt work too good but I think I know why, anyways what I do is tie my hair down with a silk scarf and let the ends hang out and then I put a satin bonnet over it. When I wake up, I just take the bonnet and scarf off, finger comb and Im set to go. Try that and see if it works. Good luck
Hi, Babychoc. I know where you are coming from. I find that my hair prefers to be combed out everyday as well. When I "wash and wear it" or wear it with twist-outish kind of styles, I dont comb for a few days; and after those few days, my hair is super tangled. I imagine the amount of hairloss (shedding) is about the same, but when there are more tangles, my patience is tested. So I might not take as much care and that is when there's a problem.

Here's a personal tip: When you finally go to take down your hair and detangle, dont detangle it dry. Wash and condition your hair with a very moisturizing shampoo and deep conditioner. For this, I use Keracare's hydrating and detangling Shampoo and Keracare's Humecto creme conditioner. If you wash in the shower, the water will get some of the tangles loose and when you have the shampoo in, you can use your fingers to locate many of the tangles and get them out.
I understand where you are coming from. I have to detangle my hair everyday. When I first started really taking care of my hair, I read so many things about how combing it everyday was too much manipulation and etc. I tried going without combing it several times and it was always a disaster. I truly believe it caused more problems than it helped. My hair tangles very easily and very badly. For a while now I have been detangling every day in the shower when I am cowashing. I use my fingers or a wide tooth shower comb. I don't use a comb or brush at any other time, not even for styling. But I will continue to detangle my hair each day. I can't stand knots in my hair.
Here's a personal tip: When you finally go to take down your hair and detangle, dont detangle it dry. Wash and condition your hair with a very moisturizing shampoo and deep conditioner. For this, I use Keracare's hydrating and detangling Shampoo and Keracare's Humecto creme conditioner. If you wash in the shower, the water will get some of the tangles loose and when you have the shampoo in, you can use your fingers to locate many of the tangles and get them out.[/QUOTE]

Great tip! I'd also like to add that a Jilbere shower comb really helps tremendously with tangles. Also I always separate my hair in 4 sections and detangle from my ends on up, this helps alot.
i comb my hair once a week religiousely, but i would NEVER EVER ATTEMPT to comb it out without drowning my hair with AMLA OIL. any other oil is too think, or not moisturizing enough...for me it HAS to be amla. oil moisturizers or creamy ones will not do the trick, the trick is in a light oil.
My hair is always parted in the middle (not all the way down, about a quarter of the way) I then use a very wide comb and comb bottom up. then i comb my hair all the way back. i lose a smallish chunk of hair, but i expect it really after 7 days! hardly any breakage and my head feels so much better afterwards. i then add more amla and go to sleep. in the morning i run the comb through again and shampoo, leave in conditioner and ponytail. when dry i shift ma hair into a small parting and do 2 strand twists throughout (4 either side of my head) and twist them around each other (atnight) in the morning i have shiney waves. that night i do the twist again etc. because of this i have hardly any tangles, and thats with airdrying so that method is pretty good - try it see it if works
Not combing doesn't work for me either especially if the hair is loose in any fashion...if its bunned even during sleep time then I'm ok, but I'd have to never take out my hair to not comb for a week.
Same here. If I have to go a week without combing my hair or months without wearing my hair out then what's the point of having long hair is my personal motto.

I can see how it can work if you were you hair in a protective style, but otherwise I just can't pull it off.
Wow! Thank you all for responding. I was under the impression that I was the ONLY one that had to comb my hair daily, well I didn't REALLY think I was the only one, but it sure the heck felt that way! lol. At first I was going to wash my hair with TONS of creamy shampoo and conditioner and try to detangle it in the shower under running water, but I thought that might make the tangles worst? I guess I am just one of those folx that MUST detangle my hair daily. I'm tooooo scared to try not combing for a week again! I must say though, it makes since to me now that in order for some of us to not detangle daily, the hair is usually in a protective stlye, like a bun or something. DUH. lol. I see it's not a very good idea for me to try this "not combing daily" thing when trying to wear my hair loose, or down. I'll just have to detangle everyday though because I CANNOT go through what I went through last night! I thought that I might have to cut my hair! Thank God I was patient enough to detangle without losing too much hair. Anyway thanks ladies, I knew you would help me. That's why I love this board SOOOOO much!!!!!