Nylon Wig Cap - Need Advice!


New Member
hello ladies, i just bought a cute spiral curled wig and i plan to wear it for most of the summer, but i want to know are nylon wig caps safe for the hair??? if not, does anyone know if their are satin wig caps available??? TIA!
i use a nylon cap
Depending on the length of your hair just be sure to keep your hair braided or just plain secured underneath. Right now i'm a little past bra strap and how i secure my hair is to pull it back into a low ponytail then lift the ponytail and secure it to my head using 2 goody's hair clips before putting on my nylon cap. Try doing this or something similar, otherwise you may get snaps and hairs breaking off from getting caught in the nylon. I never wore the satin just nylon so maybe someone else can comment on that
--- jainygirl
i'm not sure about the safeness of the nylon wig caps. i personally do not wear wig caps for a few reasons 1)I like to let my hair get as much air as possible under the wig 2) wig caps give me headaches 3)I don't need the extra wear and tear around my edges. I have heard of people using queen size knee hi's
yep, thats what i do, i braid my hair and moisterize it and put the cap on, i've worn wigs in the past and just always wondered about the nylon caps and whether or not there damaging to your hair..i've even put a plastic bag on my head, then the nylon cap, THEN the wig!!! this kept my hair super duper moisterized all day long...
i have tried this maybe once or twice - no wig cap and didnt like it...i felt i had to do too much manipulation to keep my hair tucked under the wig...
I've used nylon wig caps with no hair problems, but I've had to cut the band around the cap to loosen it. They just make the bands too small, and I'm not trying to have my head squeezed all day.
hey thats a good idea! i can't stand the tightness either...ladies thanks for your input...now i feel much better about using the nylon cap!