Silk Wig Caps

reeko43 said:
I know that's right, lol! And congrats on your BC! I guess I will just go for it :yep:

Thank you! And Good luck! Let me know how it works for you.

If any ladies have any creative ways of securing their wigs under these swig caps I'd love to hear it!
Hi everyone. Does anyone know where I can purchase wig caps that aren't nylon, preferably silk?

In an old thread I saw someone mention the "swig cap" but their site it glitchy and wouldn't let me make the purchase.

I've also heard people say they sell silk wig caps at beauty supply stores, but I've been to many stores in NYC and no one I've been to sells them.

I started using a good quality doo-rag with the seal facing out (the seam down the middle causes breakage to my hair) and a nylon cap over that. I'd rather just have a silky seamless wig cap for my super sensitive hair and scalp. Do these exist?

If they don't, one of you ladies need to be the next NAPtrepreneur and create this thing because I will gladly purchase!

Check out our 100% silk wig cap @
It's lightweight and allows for breathability of the hair.
We made this with healthy hair in mind. Just wanted to let you who are interested know about it!
Check out our 100% silk wig cap @
It's lightweight and allows for breathability of the hair.
We made this with healthy hair in mind. Just wanted to let you who are interested know about it!

Thanks for this. I'll be ordering one to try out; if it works, I will order more.

I have had two swig caps. Like many have said it is kind of bulky; but I have a big head, so that was not really an issue. My issue with the swig cap was the threading along the centre of the cap that kept snagging the back of my hair. Also, the elastic around the perimeter loses its integrity in a short space of time. In addition, it seems like they have discontinued their cream coloured caps. since they have only had the black one in stock for almost a year now.
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