Nursing Hairline Back to Health


New Member
I have noticed that my sides have become thinner and have been breaking as a result of overmanipulation (brushing). This concerns me because I know it can only get worse. I used to smooth my edges by putting some mango butter on them, brushing and tying them up. Now, I have eliminated brushing. At my last touch up, I purposely left my edges underprocessed, and now at night I put on S-Curl, seal with oil and smooth only with my fingers. In the morning, the sides are smooth, soft and decent looking. I want to continue to protect them and stop the breakage, so what else can I do? I have heard of the ORS Temple and Nape Balm. Has anyone used it? Does it work?
Are you using BT? If not, get some Lenzi's Request. Actually, LR might be better because the sulfur can make the skin around the sensitive area dry.
bravenewgirl87 said:
Are you using BT? If not, get some Lenzi's Request. Actually, LR might be better because the sulfur can make the skin around the sensitive area dry.

No, I haven't gone that route yet. Maybe I'll try the LR. Where can I get it? What's the consistency? I don't want anything that will cause breakouts.
trimbride said:
I started a challenge back in 2006 to get my hairline back into shape. It really worked. Below is the link, it has tons of great tips from all the participants. My album also has good before during and after photos. My hairline looks really healthy now, I am still treating it gently

OT- I just checked your pictures... great progress and inspiring. I'm going to review the thread.. I need help.:perplexed
thank you for this post i am a bout to draw my hair line in:lol: :lol: its comeing a long but it kind of slow but it not bald like it was this have never happend on both sides before i am really up set:eek: :shocked: :cry2:
trimbride said:
I started a challenge back in 2006 to get my hairline back into shape. It really worked. Below is the link, it has tons of great tips from all the participants. My album also has good before during and after photos. My hairline looks really healthy now, I am still treating it gently

:) Thank you CocoEspresso for starting this thread.... I have bald temples:(
Trimbride I'm going to put your album and the link in my favorites:D :)
Thanks ladies, that feels good. I know you will get there. I used to joke that my hairline was so bald that you could see my brain:lachen:

It feels good to have my hairback and the peach fuzz and baby hair I get from treating it gently is another plus:D
Thanks so much Trimbride.:) Although my hairline isn't so fargone, I know that left unattended, it will get bad. I don't want a full head of hair, with patches in the front.:perplexed You said your challenge was for 2006? Maybe it will be a good idea to start one for 2007, unless there already is one.
There is not one that I know of for 2007, I have reached my goal and I am focusing on maintenance. If you want you can start one:)
CoCoEspresso said:
Thanks so much Trimbride.:) Although my hairline isn't so fargone, I know that left unattended, it will get bad. I don't want a full head of hair, with patches in the front.:perplexed You said your challenge was for 2006? Maybe it will be a good idea to start one for 2007, unless there already is one.

CoCoEspresso, I'm in if you start a new 2007 challenge:up:
soun said:
CoCoEspresso, I'm in if you start a new 2007 challenge:up: I think the idea of challenges are great. I personally don't do challenges officially, but I find that I have been doing most of the challenges on LHCF without actually joining them. Chalk it up to laziness. I wouldn't mind starting one, but I'm busy and unreliable. I could help you start one perhaps.;)
CoCoEspresso said: I think the idea of challenges are great. I personally don't do challenges officially, but I find that I have been doing most of the challenges on LHCF without actually joining them. Chalk it up to laziness. I wouldn't mind starting one, but I'm busy and unreliable. I could help you start one perhaps.;)

:lol: Never mind I understand it;) .....May be someone will be start this for us:look: :p
I started a thicken up your ________ challenge but I haven't provided updates because not much has gone on since I started it:ohwell:

I will bump if anyone wants to join:confused:
Update: I have a bald spot!! :eek: I discovered it last night and I was shocked. It's like an half inch back from hairline and it has some hair covering it.

I'm concerned, but I'll get through it. I have not brushed my hair at all in a week. I now, doesn't sound like much but I thought I had to do it every day to tame my edges. WRONG!!! Actually this happened inadvertantly when my mom borrowed my brush last week and never returned. I have been using my fingers to smooth. I still use the S-Curl. I just recently started using shea butter on top of it and I seal with oil. My edges feel great. I guess the best plan of action is low manipulation and moisture.